Get Involved

There are many ways for students to get involved in clubs and societies at Grenfell, with the Grenfell Business program and our broader Grenfell Campus community. Business students may be particularly interested in the following:


Grenfell Business Society

The Grenfell Business Society (GBS) is a student-run social group that aims to build connections between business students through different social and fund-raising events throughout the year.

Contact to find out who are this year’s GBS executive members and faculty advisor.


Enactus Grenfell

Enactus Grenfell is a part of Enatcus, an international non-profit organization with a vision to challenge youth to apply business skills to innovate solutions for a more sustainable and thriving world. Each academic year, students design projects that aim to achieve this mission in their local communities, and connect with other Enactus members and teams from across the country to share and celebrate their valuable social impacts.

Contact to find out who are this year’s Grenfell Enactus Executive members and faculty advisor.

Check out what our Enactus Grenfell Team has been up to on Instagram.



Navigate Entrepreneurship Centre is a tremendous local resource for post-secondary students, staff and faculty in our region. While certainly not limited to supporting students in business programs, our business students often connect with this dynamic resource centre, which aims to “transform and grow our communities through entrepreneurship.”

Some of Navigate’s activities that are most interesting for students are their student engagement events and competitions, networking opportunities and targeted programming for local entrepreneurs, and support for start-ups in their business incubator. 

If you’re interested in how you can connect with Navigate, drop by their on-campus office at Grenfell in room AS 2001 or find them online at


Follow us on Socials

As always, we welcome you to connect with Grenfell Business on social media, where we share updates on all of our business groups and events: