Transfer Students

Transfer Students

Students may transfer course credits into the Grenfell Business Program in one of two ways:

  1. through individual course transfers from other post-secondary institutions, or
  2. by way of existing articulation agreements with specific post-secondary institutions.

In both cases, the first step is to apply for general admission to Memorial University, which you may do here.

Once accepted to the University, you will need to request that individual course credits from your former institution be evaluated for potential transfer to Memorial University, or that you be considered for a block transfer under an existing articulation agreement (current agreements are noted below).

After your transfer credits have been assessed through Memorial’s Transfer Credit Process, your individual program requirements will be determined.


Active Articulation Agreements

Grenfell-CNA Articulation (Block Transfer) Agreements

Since 2016, the Grenfell Business program and the College of the North Atlantic (CNA) have had formal articulation agreements that provide pathways for CNA business graduates to complete their Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree at Grenfell Campus, Memorial University.

Graduates of CNA’s 2-year business administration and 3-year business management diploma programs may apply for Advanced Standing in Grenfell’s BBA program; specific program requirements for each of these program pathways may be reviewed in Section 7.3.6 of the Memorial University Calendar.

To apply for a Block Transfer:

  1. Apply for general admission to Memorial University (which you can do as early as March 1 each year).
  2. Upon official completion of your CNA program, YOU must request that CNA forward your official transcript to the Registrar’s Office at Memorial, where you will then be assessed for a block transfer.

If you meet the requirements of a block transfer (details below), you will be awarded an official block of credits on your Memorial transcript and may begin working toward the completion of your specific program path to the BBA.

If you do not meet the requirements of a block transfer, you will be assessed for individual course credits that may then be applied toward the completion of the BBA program.

CNA Two-Year Business Administration

To be eligible to receive a 60-credit (20 course) block transfer in the Grenfell BBA program, CNA students must have:

  1. graduated from a 2-year Business Administration diploma program
  2. a minimum average of 65% 
  3. a minimum 2.60 GPA in their diploma

Once awarded this block, students must complete an additional 60 credit hours (20 courses) as outlined below, to meet the requirements of the BBA program.

Students should note that this program may be completed in as little as 2 years (fall and winter terms) of full-time study (5 courses/semester), or they may also choose to study over a longer period of time and with lower course loads, depending on individual needs.

Students are responsible to plan and track their progress to ensure their degree requirements are being met, and are encouraged to download and maintain their specific Program Guide to aid them in this regard:

2025 - BBA Business 2 year Transfer Program Guide

Students are also encouraged to reach out to us regularly at with any questions they may have about their individual program path.


CNA Program Areas:


​Required Business Courses

​Required Non-Business Courses

​Elective Courses

BUSN 2021 Research & Writing in Business
BUSN 3315 Organizational Behaviour
BUSN 3410 Operations Management
BUSN 3500 Financial Management I
BUSN 3600 Enterprise Development
BUSN 4010 Strategy I: Analysis & Planning
BUSN 4070 Strategy II: Implementation & Change Management

ECON 1020 Introduction to Macroeconomics
3 credit hours (1 course) in 1st-year English (ENGL 1110 recommended)
MATH 1052 Mathematics for Business (or MATH 1000)

​15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from the Business Electivestable

15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from electives other than those listed in the Business Electivestable

Important Note: If CNA graduates with an accounting major did not complete FN2111 as a part of their program they must complete BUSN 3500 Financial Management I as an additional Required Business Course, and 9 rather than 12 credit hours chosen from the Business Electives table. Please contact for specific program advising before beginning your Bachelor of Business Administration program. 


Human Resource Management

​Required Business Courses

​Required Non-Business Courses

​Elective Courses

BUSN 2021 Research & Writing in Business​
BUSN 2110 Managerial Accounting
BUSN 3410 Operations Management
BUSN 3500 Financial Management I
BUSN 3600 Enterprise Development
BUSN 4010 Strategy I: Analysis & Planning
BUSN 4070 Strategy II: Implementation & Change Management

ECON 1020 Introduction to Macroeconomics
3 credit hours (1 course) in 1st-year English (ENGL 1110 recommended)
MATH 1052 Mathematics for Business (or MATH 1000)

15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from the Business Electives table

15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from electives other than those listed in the Business Electives table



​Required Business Courses

Required Non-Business Courses

Elective Courses

BUSN 2021 Research & Writing in Business
BUSN 2110 Managerial Accounting
BUSN 3315 Organizational Behaviour
BUSN 3410 Operations Management
BUSN 3500 Financial Management I
BUSN 3600 Enterprise Development
BUSN 4010 Strategy I: Analysis & Planning
BUSN 4070 Strategy II: Implementation & Change Management

3 credit hours (1 course) in 1st-year English (ENGL 1110 recommended)
MATH 1052 Mathematics for Business (or MATH 1000)

15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from the Business Electivestable

15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from electives other than those listed in the Business Electivestable table



Graduates of the 2-year business administration (general) diploma program will be required to complete a minimum of 60 additional credit hours for the Grenfell Campus BBA. Specific course requirements will be determined on an individual basis at the time of admission.

CNA Three-Year Business Management

To be eligible to receive a 75-credit (45 course) block transfer in the Grenfell BBA program, CNA students must have:

  1. graduated from a 3-year Business Administration diploma program
  2. a minimum average of 65% 
  3. a minimum 2.60 GPA in their diploma

Once awarded this block, students must complete an additional 45 credit hours (15 courses) as outlined below, to meet the requirements of the BBA program.

Students should note that this program may be completed in as little as 3 fall-winter-fall semesters of full-time study (5 courses/semester), or they may also choose to study over a longer period of time and with lower course loads, depending on individual needs.

Students are responsible to plan and track their progress to ensure their degree requirements are being met, and are encouraged to download and maintain their specific Program Guide to aid them in this regard:

2025 - BBA Business 3 year Transfer Program Guide

Students are also encouraged to reach out to us regularly at with any questions they may have about their individual program path.

CNA Program Areas:

Accounting & Financial Management

Required Business Courses

​Required Non-Business Courses

​Elective Courses

BUSN 2021 Research & Writing in Business
BUSN 4010 Strategy I: Analysis & Planning
BUSN 4070 Strategy II: Implementation & Management

3 credit hours (1 course) in 1st-year English (ENGL 1110 recommended)
MATH 1052 Mathematics for Business (or MATH 1000)

15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from the Business Electivestable

15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from electives other than those listed in the Business Electivestable

Important note: If CNA graduates with an accounting major did not complete FN2111 as a part of their program they must complete BUSN 3500 Financial Management I as an additional Required Business Course, and 9 rather than 12 credit hours chosen from the Business Electives table. Please contact for specific program advising before beginning your Bachelor of Business Administration program. 


Strategic Human Resource Management

Required Business Courses

Required Non-Business Courses

Elective Courses

BUSN 2021 Research & Writing in Business​
BUSN 2110 Managerial Accounting
BUSN 3410 Operations Management
BUSN 3500 Financial Management I
BUSN 4010 Strategy I: Analysis & Planning
BUSN 4070 Strategy II: Implementation & Change Management

ECON 1020 Introduction to Macroeconomics
3 credit hours (1 course) in 1st-year English (ENGL 1110 recommended)
MATH 1052 Mathematics for Business (or MATH 1000)

3 credit hours (1 course) chosen from the Business Electivestable

15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from electives other than those listed in the Business Electivestable


Marketing Management & Analytics

Required Business Courses

Required Non-Business Courses

Elective Courses

BUSN 2021 Research & Writing in Business
BUSN 2110 Managerial Accounting
BUSN 3410 Operations Management
BUSN 3500 Financial Management I
BUSN 4010 Strategy I: Analysis & Planning
BUSN 4070 Strategy II: Implementation & Management

3 credit hours (1 course) in 1st-year English (ENGL 1110 recommended)
MATH 1052 Mathematics for Business (or MATH 1000)

6 credit hours (2 courses) chosen from the Business Electivestable

15 credit hours (5 courses) chosen from electives other than those listed in the Business Electivestable

Required Business Courses

Required Non-Business Courses

Elective Courses

BUSN 2021 Research and Writing in Business
BUSN 2110 Managerial Accounting
BUSN 3410 Operations Management
BUSN 3500 Financial Management I
BUSN 4010 Strategy I: Analysis & Planning
BUSN 4070 Strategy II: Implementation & Management

3 credit hours in first-year English (ENGL 1110 recommended)
MATH 1052 Mathematics for Business (or MATH 1000)

6 credit hours chosen from the Business Electives table

15 credit hourschosen from electives other than those listed in the Business Electives table

Have Questions?

Check out our FAQs page to explore the answers to common questions about Grenfell Business.

If you still have questions about studying with Grenfell Business, remember that you can reach out to us at any time at