
Spring 2024

Survey of Personality is a survey of the theories of personality and relevant selected areas of research in the area of personality. Issues related to the application of this information to understanding abnormal behaviour will also be discussed. Theoretical systems covered will include: psychodynamic theory, behaviourism and cognitive-behavioural theory, humanism, traits and dispositions, social learning theory, psychological constructivism, information processing and biological theories of personality.

CR: Psychology 2610, the former Psychology 2620, and the former Psychology 2200.

Drugs and Behaviour is an examination of the neurophysiology of drug action, the measureable effect of drugs on experimentally controlled behaviour, and a survey of information available on common self-administered drugs and their immediate and long-term effects.

PR: PSYC 1000 and 1001
UL: Cannot be used towards the Psychology major

Fall 2024

Introduction to Psychology is an introduction to Psychology as a biological and social science. Topics shall include research methodology, physiological processes, perception, learning, memory and cognition, human development, animal behaviour, emotion, motivation, consciousness, personality and individuality, psychological disorders and treatment, and social psychology.

PR: Psychology 1000 is a prerequisite for Psychology 1001

Introduction to Psychology is an introduction to Psychology as a biological and social science. Topics shall include research methodology, physiological processes, perception, learning, memory and cognition, human development, animal behaviour, emotion, motivation, consciousness, personality and individuality, psychological disorders and treatment, and social psychology.

PR: Psychology 1000 is a prerequisite for Psychology 1001

Survey of Developmental Psychology is a survey of the cognitive, social, and personality development of people. Development will be tracked from the prenatal stage to old age. Topics to be studied shall include: research methodology, genetics, prenatal development, environmental effects during prenatal development, attachment, emotional development, language development, intelligence, cognitive development, socialization, sex-roles and gender identity, adolescence, adulthood and aging.

CR: Psychology 2010, Psychology 2020, the former Psychology 2011

Survey of Social Psychology is a survey of how the behaviour of individuals is influenced by others. Topics to be studied shall include: methodology and ethics, social cognition, social perception, attitude formation and change, interpersonal attraction, social influence, group processes and leadership. Additional topics may include: aggression, prosocial behaviour, sex and gender, environmental effects, organizational behaviour, health, stress and psychology and the law.

CR: Psychology 2100 and Psychology 2120

Survey of Cognitive Psychology is a survey of how humans process and retain information. Topics to be studied shall include: perception and pattern recognition, attentional processes and memory. The influence of stored information on selected behaviours will be considered. Selected behaviours may include language processing, concept formation, problem solving, decision making and practised and skilled performance.

R: Psychology 2440 and Psychology 3450

2825 Survey of Biological Psychology is a survey of the biological bases of behaviour. Topics shall include: the structure and function of the nervous system, sensory structures and sensory coding, psychopharmacology, consciousness and language, behavioural evolution and behaviour genetics.

CR: Psychology 2810 and the former Psychology 2850

Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology II will cover basic experimental methods and supporting statistical concepts and techniques. Basic designs will include one factor designs (independent and repeated measures). Supporting statistical concepts will include statistical sampling distributions (t and F), internal and external validity, hypothesis testing, and simple interactions. Supporting statistical techniques will include independent and repeated measures t-tests, one-factor independent and repeated measures ANOVA, and selected multiple comparisons techniques. Students will also learn how to write a description of an experiment in APA style, how to critically analyse a report of an experiment, how to use and interpret a statistical package to analyse experimental data, and how to conduct literature searches.

CR: the former Psychology 2901, Statistics 2501, and Statistics 2560
LH: a weekly laboratory
PR: Psychology 2925 or equivalent

Contemporary Issues in Developmental Psychology examines in depth one or more areas of research within developmental psychology. Some topics that may be examined include cognitive development, social development, developmental psychopathology, and child eyewitness testimony.

PR: Psychology 2025 and Psychology 2925

Contemporary Issues in Social Psychology examines in depth one or more areas of research within social psychology. Some topics that may be examined include the psychology of prejudice, criminal behaviour, social influence, and aggression.

PR: Psychology 2125 and Psychology 2925

Sexual Behaviour covers the most important aspects of human sexuality with a psychology theory and research framework. The course will examine the biological, behavioural and socio-cultural bases of the human sexual response. Topics include sexual interaction and communication, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, reproduction, sexual orientation, transgender and intersex, variations in sexual behaviour, sex and gender, sexual dysfunction and therapy, and sexual coercion.

PSYC 1000 and 1001
cannot be used towards the Psychology major

History of Psychology is a study of paradigms and explanations in contemporary psychology in the context of their historical antecedents.

R: at the St. John's campus, 30 credit hours in Psychology courses required in the majors program and admission to a Major in Psychology or Behavioural Neuroscience or, at the Grenfell campus, 30 credit hours in Psychology courses including Psychology 2950

Senior Seminar in Psychology is weekly seminars for faculty and senior students in Psychology. Current issues in academic and professional psychology shall be discussed.

PR: 30 credit hours in Psychology including Psychology 2950 or permission of the Chair of Psychology

Winter 2025

Introduction to Psychology is an introduction to Psychology as a biological and social science. Topics shall include research methodology, physiological processes, perception, learning, memory and cognition, human development, animal behaviour, emotion, motivation, consciousness, personality and individuality, psychological disorders and treatment, and social psychology.

PR: Psychology 1000 is a prerequisite for Psychology 1001

Introduction to Psychology is an introduction to Psychology as a biological and social science. Topics shall include research methodology, physiological processes, perception, learning, memory and cognition, human development, animal behaviour, emotion, motivation, consciousness, personality and individuality, psychological disorders and treatment, and social psychology.

PR: Psychology 1000 is a prerequisite for Psychology 1001

Survey of Social Psychology is a survey of how the behaviour of individuals is influenced by others. Topics to be studied shall include: methodology and ethics, social cognition, social perception, attitude formation and change, interpersonal attraction, social influence, group processes and leadership. Additional topics may include: aggression, prosocial behaviour, sex and gender, environmental effects, organizational behaviour, health, stress and psychology and the law.

CR: Psychology 2100 and Psychology 2120

Survey of Learning is a survey of learning phenomena and learning theories. Topics to be studied shall include: the evolutionary context of learning, habituation and sensitization, imprinting, Pavlovian conditioning, instrumental learning, generalization and discrimination in learning and neural mechanisms of learning.

CR: Psychology 2240 and the former Psychology 2250

Survey of Personality is a survey of the theories of personality and relevant selected areas of research in the area of personality. Issues related to the application of this information to understanding abnormal behaviour will also be discussed. Theoretical systems covered will include: psychodynamic theory, behaviourism and cognitive-behavioural theory, humanism, traits and dispositions, social learning theory, psychological constructivism, information processing and biological theories of personality.

CR: Psychology 2610, the former Psychology 2620, and the former Psychology 2200.

Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology I will cover basic research methods and supporting statistical concepts and techniques. Basic methods will include observational techniques, correlational studies, and surveys. Supporting statistical concepts will include populations and samples, measures of central tendency and variability, basic probability, correlation, simple linear regression and validity and reliability. Supporting statistical techniques will include producing tables and graphs, and the calculation and interpretation of measures of central tendency, variability, probabilities, correlation, and simple linear regression. Students will also learn how to write a description of a simple study in basic APA style, and how to use a statistical package to analyse surveys and calculate correlation. Basic ethical principles in conducting research will be introduced. This course includes a weekly laboratory.

CR: Psychology 2910, Statistics 2500, Statistics 2550, the former Psychology 2900, and the former Statistics 2510
LH: 3

Contemporary Issues in the Psychology of Death and Dying uses psychological research, theory, and clinical experience to study death, dying and bereavement throughout the life cycle. Some selected topics include understanding death, the process of dying, care of the dying, medical ethics, suicide, and the psychological impact of life-threatening conditions. In addition, trauma, grief, and bereavement in children, adolescents, and adults are explored.

R: Six credit hours in 2000 level psychology courses

PSYC 3626 Psychopathology explores mental illness, clinical assessment, classification, and diagnosis. The core theoretical perspectives on psychological disorders are examined. For each disorder the diagnostic criteria, etiology, treatment, and prognosis will be presented. This course enhances the ability to think critically about issues pertaining to mental health and illness.

CR: Psychology 3640, Psychology 3650, and the former Psychology 3600

PR: Psychology 2625 and Psychology 2925

Contemporary Issues in Psychotherapy introduces students to the major theories, concepts and practices of contemporary approaches to psychotherapy. It includes the exploration of ethical and professional issues in professional practice.

PR: Psychology 2625 and Psychology 2925

Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology III will cover advanced research methods, including survey methods, and supporting statistical concepts and techniques. Designs will include single factor designs and multi-factor designs with both random and fixed factors. Supporting statistical concepts will include analysis of variance (ANOVA) from a linear model perspective, statistical power, and multiple regression, including model building. There may be a general introduction to multivariate statistical techniques. Ethical issues in research will be discussed in detail. Students will be required to design and carry out at least one research project from the design to the writeup stage, including an ethics review.

  • Psychology 3900, Statistics 3520, the former Psychology 3520
  • a weekly laboratory
  • Psychology 2950 or equivalent

Independent Project in Psychology is under the supervision of a Faculty member where students will independently carry out approved projects and prepare reports of their findings.

CR: Psychology 4951
PR: 30 credit hours in Psychology including Psychology 2950 or permission of the Chair of Psychology