Frequently Asked MMGT Questions

Before contacting an academic advisor or gcmmgt@mun.ca with questions related to Grenfell’s online Master of Management program, you are encouraged to review the FAQs posted here; you are quite likely to find the answer you're looking for, without delay!

Application & Acceptance

Program Format & Costs



Other Questions

Contact Us


Application & Acceptance

Do I need a Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) score to apply to the program?

No, a GMAT score is not required for this program.


What is the deadline to apply for the program?

Early acceptance to the MMGT program is awarded as early as December of each year. Applications continue to be accepted until the end of June or until all spaces in a cohort have been filled.


Do I select full-time or part-time on my application?

The Grenfell Master of Management program is a part-time program in which students enroll in up to 2-courses each fall and winter semester


What type of references do I need to provide in my application?

The references you choose to include should be professional or academic references from people who are able to attest to your suitability for the program, specifically speaking to your managerial aptitude and experience, and your academic potential to succeed at the master’s level.


I am an international applicant; do I need a study permit to enroll in this program?

Since this program is fully online, international applicants do not require a study permit, nor will this program satisfy requirements for a study permit in Canada.


I've been accepted to the program, but would like to defer my start date—is this possible?

Except under exceptional circumstances and determined by the Graduate Officer in consultation with MMGT Program faculty, Grenfell’s MMGT Program has a single starting point each year, i.e., the fall semester.

Students who have been accepted to the MMGT program may elect to defer their start by one year by requesting a formal deferral at gcmmgt@mun.ca.


What if I need to cancel my acceptance or withdraw from the program?

Students intending to withdraw from the program for any reason must inform the Dean of Graduate Studies in writing, and should also notify the MMGT Graduate Officer at gcmmgt@mun.ca.

It is important to note that ceasing to participate in a course, dropping a course, or informing an instructor of the intent to drop a course does not constitute formal withdrawal from a graduate program.


Program Format & Costs

How is this program delivered?

Grenfell’s MMGT Program is a fully online, course-based program, not an in-person, thesis-based research program. 

International applicants should note that acceptance to this program will not satisfy requirements for a study permit in Canada.


Is it possible to complete this program in person (in full or in part)?

The MMGT program is delivered entirely online with no option to complete courses in person.


How long will it take to complete the program?

Students who follow the typical program plan (i.e., 2-courses per term) will complete the MMGT program in 28 months or five semesters: fall and winter terms, Year 1; fall and winter terms, Year 2; fall term, Year 3.

The time to program completion will differ a student who has been approved for an alternate program course load.

There are no courses available during the Spring term.


What is cost of tuition for the program?

Graduate student tuition and related costs (including a special fee for the MMGT program) may be found here.

Additional related questions may be directed to our Graduate Officer at gcmmgt@mun.ca.


What is the purpose of the program special fee?

In addition to program tuition, there is a special fee associated with Grenfell’s MMGT program. This fee reflects the specialized nature of the program’s cohort structure and courses that are both intensive and highly personalized to each student’s managerial context, and efforts to deliver the program with full cost recovery.


Are scholarships available for this program?

Most scholarships at Memorial University are available for full-time students; students in Grenfell’s MMGT program are considered part-time students by the University (i.e., enrolled in up to two courses each term), and so are generally not eligible for scholarships.

Feel free to visit the University Awards and sholarships webpage to take a closer look and to monitor your @mun.ca email for announcements related to new available funding.



How do I know what courses to register for?

Program courses are generally completed in a pre-determined and sequential order, with the exception of the first semester.  You will begin with 6001 and end with 6010, but in your first term, you enroll in MGMT 6001 and MGMT 6003, and winter you enroll in MGMT 6002 and MGMT 6004. 

Students will receive an email from gcmmgt@mun.ca before registration begins with a reminder of appropriate course selection.

Course descriptions for program courses may be reviewed here.


When do I register for my MMGT courses?

Once you have been accepted to the University and the MMGT program, you will be able to access MUN Self Service, which will provide an individual registration date and time in the weeks leading up to the registration period each semester.

All program students will receive an email in their @mun.ca email accounts from gcmmgt@mun.ca to remind students of the start of the registration period, and of specific courses students should be enrolling in. If you are unsure of the courses that you should be registering for, please be sure to consult with gcmmgt@mun.ca.

You should make every effort to register for your courses at the precise date/time noted in your MUN Self Service, or as soon as possible after you are eligible to do so.



What is the MGMT 9000 course?

In addition to specific program courses, all graduate students at Memorial must also register for a 9000-level “course” that identifies them as a student in a particular program, and provides access to specific resources and supports.

To be clear, this is not an actual course, but an identifier of students in the program.

All Master of Management students must register for MGMT 9000 every semester, in addition to your specific MGMT courses.


When and how do I purchase textbooks?

Students will be provided the details of any required texts for their courses on the first day of lectures each semester. You may also search the Memorial Bookstore in the weeks leading up to the start of each term, as course materials may be posted there.

Most courses use e-texts, which may be purchased and accessed directly through publisher’s websites. 

If preferred, students may find a hard copy of a textbook through the publisher or other book sites, but should consider the amount of time required to receive the physical copy of the text and how this may impact your progress in your courses. 


How much time do I need to study for my courses each week?

The answer to this question will vary for each course and based on your individual strengths, but typically, students should expect to set aside approximately 3 hours per week per course to cover basic course material (e.g., specific modules, assigned readings, activities). Of course, in weeks where course deliverables are due, you will likely need to set aside additional time.


When will I receive my final course grade?

Marks are typically released 5 days after the last day of exams each semester.

Final exams/assignments are not returned to students. 


What is considered a passing grade in each course?

Students must obtain a grade of “B” or better (65% or above) in all program courses in order to maintain clear standing and to advance in the program.


What happens if I fail a course?

A student who fails to perform at the “B” level in any program course will need to meet with the program Graduate Office to discuss whether they will be permitted to remain in the program, and if so, what will be their new program plan.

It is likely that the failure of a course will add time to your program since courses are only offered once each academic year.

You may review the related program regulation here.


What happens if I drop a course?

It is important to note that ceasing to participate in a course or dropping a course without first seeking academic advice, can dramatically impact your progression in the MMGT program (e.g., since courses are only offered once each academic year, you will add significant time to your program).

Before dropping any course, you are strongly encouraged to seek academic advice from the program Graduate Officer (gcmmgt@mun.ca) so you may understand the implications of making changes to your course load.


Other Questions

How can I connect with my peers/cohort online?

While this program is delivered entirely online, students are able and encouraged to connect with program peers and instructors in various ways. 

Once you have access to the Master of Management Resource Brightspace page, you will find discussion boards, class email lists, and various platforms to connect virtually (e.g., Webex, online rooms). You will also have the chance to meet your classmates and instructors during the online orientation held before the start of your program, and other online connections are hosted within individual courses at various points throughout each term.


As an online student, do I need a Campus Card?

Yes. All Memorial students require a Campus Card.

As an online student, you may request your card through Memorial's Ancillary Operations here. These are the same instructions as you may have also noted under point #6 of the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning's Semester Startup Guide here.

Be sure to have your current address updated in the my.mun.ca system before you make your request as this is where your card will be posted.


It's been a while since I was in school; how can I refresh my general quantitative or qualitative skills (e.g., basic math skills, economics, grammar and writing skills, presentation tips)?

If you feel you could use a refresher on specific skills, we recommend exploring some of the many MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) that are available through sites (e.g., Coursera, EdX). 

These courses may range from a few hours in length to several months; many are free and some require payment for access.

Of course, there are also numerous supports available through the University; you may explore some of those here.


Contact Us

Help! I have more questions—who do I contact?

If you cannot find the answer to your questions here or on the program website, the easiest and best contact is through an email to gcmmgt@mun.ca.

This email is regularly monitored, and will be able to address your program-related questions and direct you to appropriate contacts for non-program questions.