Preparing for winter weather

Preparing for winter weather

Newfoundland and Labrador is known for its intense, and sometimes dangerous, weather. Snow, ice and wind can create challenging conditions from November until spring. 

During these times, Grenfell Campus’s priority is to continue key operations and services, especially for students who live on campus; however, extreme weather sometimes means delayed openings or full-day closures to reduce the risks for individuals who travel to campus.


Closure communication

The university doesn’t close except under unusual circumstances, and Memorial has a plan to keep you informed when these cancellations and closures happen.

MUN Safe is the primary communication tool to inform campus communities of weather-related closures and other emergency information. All members of the university community are encouraged to download the app, ensure you have your campus selected and your phone set to receive notifications from MUN Safe. Visit the MUN Safe website for more information, including how to download the app. By signing up for MUN Safe email notifications, you will also be sent an email to the address of your choosing. 

We do not issue announcements regarding opening as usual, only regarding delayed openings or early closures.

With respect to a closure of the university’s facilities in the Corner Brook region, cancellation notices should be understood to include all units and on-campus activities in that region, including the Western Regional School of Nursing, and the Centre for Research and Innovation.

Early closures during the day are announced at least one hour in advance. Advisories for late openings and all-day closures are issued by 7 a.m.

If inclement weather happens on weekends, holidays or after hours, the responsibility to share event cancellations rests with organizers.


Deciding to close

The decision to cancel on campus classes and labs or to close campus is made by vice-president who gets advice from the director of Facilities Management. Conversations take place with Environment Canada and the provincial government’s Department of Transportation and Works providing essential information to the decision making process.


For Employees

The university will ensure campuses remain safe and accessible for those who must access campus. Employees who normally work from campus and have not been advised to report to work and employees approved to work remotely are not required to work during a university closure.


Online teaching and learning

In the event of campus closure, on-campus classes and activities are cancelled. Students and instructors will be able to access online courses via Brightspace, and unless individual instructors advise their students otherwise, activities and deliverables in online courses will continue as scheduled. Instructors are asked to discuss with their students in advance how they will communicate any adjustments to their schedule.  If adverse weather leads to widespread power outages in the region, the university will announce both restrictions to campus access as well as suspension of online classes.


Be prepared

Off campus students, faculty and staff are encouraged to prepare a 72-hour emergency kit that includes fresh water, non-perishable food and flashlights.

As a reminder, all academic and administrative units are required to have up-to-date business continuity plans. Leadership teams should review plans and consider whether updates are required.