ITS President's Awards

 ITS President's Awards

Memorial University community members were honoured during special ceremonies on Jan. 27, when their family and friends joined in the celebration of 11 individuals and three groups.

The President’s Awards shine a spotlight on people who are among the most commendable members of the Memorial University community — teachers, researchers, service providers and publicly engaged groups and individuals nominated by their peers.

The recipients have distinguished themselves by helping nurture big ideas and by inspiring co-workers, students and others. They are true leaders on campus and in the community.

Here is the introduction to the Team Memorial Award presented at Grenfell:

“The information technology staff at Grenfell and individuals in the Office of the Chief Information Officer and the Department of Technical Services, worked collaboratively and tirelessly in response to the attack that paralyzed communications, teaching and research tools, and access to information.

The Grenfell Campus cybersecurity attack was unprecedented at Memorial.

It was impossible to communicate about what to do when all communications were down. The urgent situation meant immediate action was necessary.  Even requiring the basics of placing posters on walls to plan meetings.

The main goals were to support students, the academic mission and ensure faculty could continue their work in teaching and research.

The situation involved a nearly around-the-clock response in the initial days and weeks. More than 100 people from three cross campus units worked on singular issue.

Remarkably, there was only a two-day delay to the semester. To go from a campus without the use of technology to a campus that could open, even in a limited way, defied the odds.  It was not easy, but we did it.

As the semester continued, the team transitioned to maintenance and the longer-term rebuilding plans. The next big thing was a two-week shutdown at Grenfell for MUNnet installation.  The remarkable teamwork and camaraderie within these three groups as they worked together to plan and also here on-site for those two weeks last June, in my opinion was a high point of this entire crisis.  What started as a disaster became a remarkable story of success and resilience by July 1, 2024.

You are the definition and spirit of the Team Memorial Award.  From all of us – thank you.”