Home Alone

The Home Alone Program is designed to provide children 9 years of age and older with the necessary skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone for short periods of time. It will help them understand how to prevent problems, handle real-life situations, and keep them safe and constructively occupied.

The program focuses on small group discussions, problem solving, role-playing, and instructor-led demonstrations. The course is approximately 3 hours in length and the material covers such topics as establishing a routine, house key responsibility, strangers, emergencies, basic first aid, and internet safety.

Virtual delivery*:
May 28 & 30, 2024, 6:30PM-8PM
Location: Online delivery
Registration fee: $65 +HST

Register online here (Visa or Mastercard only).

To pay cash, debit or cheque, please contact us.

*Requirements for online program: A smartphone, tablet or PC with internet access and an internet browser (or the Webex app) and audio/video capabilities.