Dr. Johnathan Pope, B.A. (Grenfell), M.A. (UNB), M.A., Ph.D. (McMaster)

Associate professor - English

Phone: (709) 639-4677                                                                                                    

Email: n79jhp@mun.ca

Office: AS332L


Research interests/expertise 

Shakespeare; fan studies; adaptation and film; body and soul in Renaissance literature.



Shakespeare; drama; film.


Selected Publications 

1) Monographs/Critical Editions

Shakespeare’s Fans: Adapting the Bard in the Age of Media Fandom. Palgrave Macmillan. January 2020. Refereed.

Editor, “Introduction,” and critical apparatus. Phineas Fletcher The Purple Island or, The Isle of Man. The Renaissance Society of America Texts and Studies Series, vol. 8. Leiden; Boston: Brill, May 2017. Refereed.


2) Peer Reviewed Articles

“Trolling Shakespeare: Bad Objects and the Anti-Fan Discourses of Roland Emmerich’s Anonymous.” Transformative Works and Cultures. This article is part of a special section of TW&C on Shakespeare and anti-fandom that I am co-editing with Kavita Mudan Finn, for which we are also contributing the section introduction entitled “To fan or Anti-Fan, that is the Question.” Forthcoming Sept. 2024.

“Brevity is the Soul of Fic: Microfiction, Microfic, and Shakespearean Abridgement in Online Fan Fiction.” Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation 15.2 (Spring 2024): 50-65.

“An Collins and the Seventeenth-Century Mortalism Controversy.” Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 56.1 (Winter 2016): 135-52. 

“Pleasing the Million: Authenticity, Authority, and Contamination in Strange Brew.Literature/Film Quarterly. 42.2 (April 2014): 461-74.


3) Peer Reviewed Co-authored Articles

 “Spinsters, War Widows, and Wounded Soldiers: The Great War Novels of Berta Ruck.” Women’s History Review 27.7 (2018): 1085-1102. Co-authored with Bonnie J. White.


4) Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

“‘Let’s kill Claudius in the church!’: Fan Fiction and Wish Fulfillment in Ryan North’s To Be or Not to Be and Romeo and/or Juliet” in Peter Holland and Andrew Hartley, eds. Shakespeare and Geek Culture. Arden Shakespeare, 2020. 97-111.


Awards and recognitions

Recipient of the GCSU Teaching and Learning Award.