Add a content type to your page
Direct edit mode is the quickest way to add content on your page.
To enter direct edit mode, click the blue actions box across from the page you want to edit, and choose "Direct edit."
Once in direct edit mode, you will see an editable preview of your page. Locate an empty block where you'd like to add new content and click the ""+Insert content" button.
You will be asked which content type you want to add.
Scroll through the list of content type options, or use the "filter" search box to locate a content type quickly. Once you locate the content type you want to insert, click the green insert button across from it.
Fill out the fields to create your content.
Save and approve your content.
If you are a moderator, you can click the arrow by the save changes button to reveal the save and approve shortcut. Changes will not appear on your site until the content has been approved. Allow a few minutes for the changes to appear live on your site. If you are a contributor, click save an wait for a moderator to approve the changes.