Create content on a page

To create content on an existing page of your website, click the "Create Content" link shown here:

You will be taken to a screen showing your site structure.

Use the +/- icons beside section folders to locate the page you want to create new content in, and click directly on this page:

You will be asked what type of content you want to add to your page.

You can use the filter field (circled in the image below) to quickly locate the content type you want to add, such as a content block, a button or banner.

For a refresher on what "content types" are, and which content types you can add to a page in T4, see the Content Types page of the T4 User Guide.

Once you locate the content type you want to add to the page, click the circle shown below to select this content type, and then click next. 

Create your new content, then click the save changes button.

Reminder: If you are a moderator, you can click the dropdown beside the save changes button and select "save and approve.")

You have successfully created new content on this page.