Upcoming undergraduate courses
Please note that the authoritative source for course offering information is the Registrar's course list. Course information provided below is for planning purposes only and should be double-checked against the Registrar's listing before the start of the semester. These lists are TENTATIVE and will be adjusted/updated regularly during the coming semesters. Need help registering? Click here for 2023-2024 undergraduate registration information. |
NEW Course Number | Course Name |
1000 | Introduction to Business in Society |
2011 | Business Writing |
2012 | Business Professionalism |
2111 | Introductory Financial Accounting |
2112 | Introductory Management Accounting |
2205 | Introduction to Marketing |
2220 | Branding with Social Media |
2400 | Decision Modeling |
2600 | Entrepreneurial Thinking and Behaviour |
2710 | Business Processes |
2720 | Business Computer Applications |
3005 | Business Law I |
3160 | Cost Accounting |
3210 | Consumer Behaviour |
3310 | Organizational Behaviour |
3325 | Human Resource Management |
3335 | Labour Relations |
3401 | Operations Management |
3550 | Financial Management I |
3610 | Regulatory and Taxation Issues for Small Business |
3630 | New Venture Creation |
3700 | Information Systems |
4015 | Business and Society |
4023 | Sustainable Finance |
4101 | Intermediate Accounting I |
4102 | Intermediate Accounting II |
4121 | Taxation I |
4131 | Auditing |
4218 | Salesforce Management |
4235 | Services Marketing |
4306 | International Business |
4315 | Organizational Theory |
4336 | International Labour Relations |
4410 | Project Management |
4540 | Investments |
4720 | Business Analytics |
5001 | Strategic Management |
6048 | Inclusion and Diversity at Work |
6053 | Applied Equity Valuation |
NEW Course Number | Course Name |
1000 | Introduction to Business in Society |
2011 | Business Writing |
2012 | Business Professionalism |
2111 | Introductory Financial Accounting |
2112 | Introductory Management Accounting |
2205 | Introduction to Marketing |
2400 | Decision Modeling |
2600 | Entrepreneurial Thinking and Behaviour |
2710 | Business Processes |
2720 | Business Computer Applications |
3005 | Business Law I |
3160 | Cost Accounting |
3310 | Organizational Behaviour |
3325 | Human Resource Management |
3335 | Labour Relations |
3401 | Operations Management |
3550 | Financial Management I |
3630 | New Venture Creation |
3700 | Information Systems |
4005 | Business Law II |
4006 | International Business Law |
4022 | Behavioural Finance |
4101 | Intermediate Accounting I |
4102 | Intermediate Accounting II |
4121 | Taxation I |
4131 | Auditing |
4217 | Professional Selling |
4221 | Marketing Research |
4241 | Digital Marketing |
4306 | International Business |
4315 | Organizational Theory |
4326 | International Human Resources Management |
4415 | Supply Chain Management |
4420 | Logistics Management |
4545 | Options and Futures |
4550 | Financial Management II |
4605 | Small Business Consulting |
4700 | Information Systems Analysis and Design |
4720 | Business Analytics |
5001 | Strategic Management |
5120 | Advanced Financial Accounting |
5125 | Accounting Capstone |
5165 | Advanced Topics in Managerial Accounting |
5230 | Strategic Marketing Management |
5325 | Seminar in Human Resource Management |
5332 | Labour Law |
6026 | Social Enterprise in NL |
6054 | Leading & Managing Team |
NEW Course Number | Course Name |
1000 | Introduction to Business in Society |
2011 | Business Writing |
2012 | Business Professionalism |
2111 | Introductory Financial Accounting |
2112 | Introductory Management Accounting |
2205 | Introduction to Marketing |
2600 | Entrepreneurial Thinking and Behaviour |
2720 | Business Computer Applications |
3005 | Business Law I |
3310 | Organizational Behaviour |
3325 | Human Resource Management |
3335 | Labour Relations |
3401 | Operations Management |
3550 | Financial Management I |
3630 | New Venture Creation |
3700 | Information Systems |
4023 | Special Topic - Finance |
4315 | Organizational Theory |
5001 | Strategic Management |
6041 | Supply Chain Fundamentals |
*Note: BUSI 2205 is credit restricted with BUSI 2210 and has replaced BUSI 2210 and BUSI 1210. For information on which course you should complete for your program, email busihelp@mun.ca. |