PhD organizational behavior and human resources management courses
*We anticipate that we will admit a new cohort of students for the fall 2023 semester. The application deadline is December 1, 2022.
In addition to the courses required for all PhD students, those specializing in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management:
- BUSI 9920 – Foundations in Organizational Behaviour
- BUSI 9921 – Foundations in Human Resources Management
- BUSI 9924 – Current Issues in Organizational Behaviour
- BUSI 9925 – Current Issues in Human Resources Management
- Two of:
- BUSI 9923 – Foundations in Organizational Theory
- BUSI 9927 – Current Issues in Organizational Theory
- BUSI 9928-9939 – Special Topics in Organizational Behaviour/Human Resources Management*
- Plus ONE graduate course subject to the approval of the PhD program director and the student’s supervisor.
* Special topics courses are offered subject to scheduling.
Course Descriptions
Business 9920 − Foundations in Organizational Behaviour
This course provides an exposure to seminal readings and theoretical issues in organizational behaviour. A critical review and in-depth analysis of core articles and issues in the field will enable students to evaluate literature critically with an eye to appropriateness of design, methodology, analysis, interpretation and overall contributions to the field.
Business 9921 – Foundations in Human Resources Management
This course provides an exposure to the seminal readings and theoretical issues in human resources as it relates to the broader HR management field (e.g., performance appraisal, training, staffing, compensation). A critical review and in-depth analysis of core and seminal articles and issues in HRM will enable students to evaluate literature critically with an eye to appropriateness of design, methodology, analysis, interpretation and overall contributions to the field.
Business 9923 – Foundations in Organization Theory
This course provides an overview of the historical roots of organizational theory and critically presents theoretical perspectives and research methodology in the design of complex organizations. Major focus is placed on the formulation of research questions and the development of strategies for investigating them.
Business 9924 – Current Issues in Organizational Behaviour
This course builds on the foundations course in organizational behaviour with a broadening and diversifying of student's exposure to seminal readings and current and emerging issues in OB. The primary research literature is critically examined, focusing on appropriateness of design, analysis, interpretation, contribution and future research directions. Potential topics will vary according to the most current literature.
Business 9925 – Current Issues in Human Resources Management
This course builds on the foundations course in human resources management with a broadening and diversifying of students’ exposure to seminal readings and current and emerging issues in HR. The primary research literature is critically examined, focusing on appropriateness of design, analysis, interpretation, contribution and future research directions. Potential topics will vary according to the most current literature. t.
Business 9927 – Current Issues in Organization Theory
This course builds on the foundations course in organization theory and examines current and emerging theory and methods in the field of organization theory. In addition to the traditional approaches of functionalism and interpretivism, also included are contemporary perspectives of feminism, critical management, post-structuralism, postmodernism and post-colonialism.