Champion change


We recognize that a changing business landscape is the norm, and we aspire to lead it.

We teach our students to think entrepreneurially, to seek innovative solutions and to aim for global success.

Our research seeks solutions to local challenges while also striving for impact and relevance on a global scale.

Our hands-on, real-world approach is interwoven with foundational business theory, affording a diverse educational experience. We guide by answering the learning needs of our students and alumni at all stages of their careers through our research, our teaching and our engagement with the broader community.

Our goal

Improve our curricula to ensure our programs are aligned with industry needs.

Our progress

New programs

In 2023, we accepted our first students into the new Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) programs. As part of the new programs, four new core courses were also created.

Read about our new programs here.

Immersive experiences

Also in 2023, we ran the second year of our revised semester abroad program at Harlow campus in Harlow, U.K. This second offering incorporated feedback from students and instructors who participated in the first offering.

The revised Harlow program immerses business students in the U.K. Innovation Corridor, the U.K.’s fastest growing innovation space.

Read the Gazette story.

Program review

In 2023, we completed a review of our graduate programs. Updates are currently being developed.

Our goal

Equip our building with spaces and technology to foster a rich, inclusive and effective learning environment. 

Our progress

In 2023, we renovated and officially opened the Social Changemaker Space, the new home of the Centre for Social Enterprise (CSE). This dynamic space is designed to be a hub of innovation and collaboration for students, faculty and staff of Memorial University as well as community partners.

Read the Gazette story.


Near the Social Changemaker Space, we created five new gender inclusive bathrooms, of which two are wheelchair accessible and a third has supports for individuals with limited mobility. All signage is also written in Braille.

Also in 2023, we renovated a former student lounge to be the new home of Embark, our success and career portal. This new space provides offices for Embark staff as well as a lounge for networking, employer information sessions and other events.

Read the Gazette story.

Our goals

Foster a working environment that amplifies the capacity of employees to perform effectively and efficiently as they pursue individual and organizational goals, and support employees in continually developing skills and knowledge specific to their roles.

Our progress

In 2023, we conducted an employee satisfaction survey with a response rate of 68.6 per cent.

The survey results have been shared with all faculty and staff members, and engagement sessions held with each group to discuss what we are doing well and areas for improvement.

We’re currently developing several action plans resulting from the survey.