How to give
If you’re interested in supporting the Faculty of Business Administration, there are many ways to give.

To make a secure donation online, click here.

Call 1-877-700-4081 to make a donation over the phone using your credit card. Please specify that you would like your gift to benefit the Faculty of Business Administration and note if you wish to direct your gift to a specific priority.

In person
To present your gift in person, visit us on campus at the Faculty of Business Administration, Morrissey Drive (Room BN- 4009).

Please make your cheque payable to Memorial University of Newfoundland and send it to:
Faculty of Business Administration
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Attn: Daniel Hayward
St. John’s, NL A1B 3X5
To direct your donation to a specific priority, please include a note to that effect in your envelope.

Remembering Memorial University in your will
Estate gifts provide opportunities to affect generations well into the future. A gift to Memorial University has an exponential effect, one that creates opportunities for learning and innovation that are paid forward in the communities we share. Please contact Catherine Barrett at 709-864-2157 or email for more details.

Give a gift of securities
There are considerable tax advantages to making a gift of appreciated securities. These types of gifts can be conveniently transferred electronically from your financial institution. Contact Daniel Hayward at for more information.

Matching gifts from your employer
Many companies have programs to partially or fully match gifts to the Faculty of Business Administration. To find out if your employer has a matching gift program, check with your human resources department.