Faculty and instructor profiles


Jianyun (J.Y.) Tang


Phone: 709.864.3144
Email: jytang@mun.ca
Office: BN-3021
Areas of Expertise


Personal Profile

J.Y. Tang is a professor of strategic management at the Faculty of Business Administration, Memorial University. He received his PhD in general management from the Ivey Business School at the University of Western Ontario. He teaches such courses as strategic management, organizational theory, and strategic leadership and governance, at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

His research focuses on strategic leadership and governance in both the North American and the Chinese contexts. His work has been published in such journals as the Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning, European Management Journal, Journal of World Business, and Organizational Dynamics.

Research Highlights
  • Tang, J. 2024. The strengths of CEO social ties: A cost-benefit framework. Journal of Strategy and Management, forthcoming. https://doi.org/10.1108/JSMA-06-2024-0133.
  • Tang, J. 2021. CEO self-discipline in power use: A key moderator for the effect of CEO power. European Management Journal, 39: 633-644.
  • Tang, J. 2020. Hamstrung CEOs: The perils and boundary conditions. Long Range Planning, 53: 101924.
  • Tang, J., Crossan, M., & Rowe, W.G. 2019. Dominant leaders: Heroes or villains? Organizational Dynamics, 48: 1-7.
  • Tang, J. & Crossan, M. 2017. Are dominant CEOs the saviors of troubled firms? Long Range Planning, 50: 782-793.
  • Tang, J. 2017. CEO duality and firm performance: The moderating roles of other executives and blockholding outside directors. European Management Journal, 35: 362–372.
  • Tang, J. & Rowe, W.G. 2012. The liability of closeness: Business relatedness and foreign subsidiary performance. Journal of World Business, 47: 288-296.
  • Tang, J., Crossan, M., & Rowe, W.G. 2011. Dominant CEO, deviant strategy, and extreme performance: The moderating role of a powerful board. Journal of Management Studies, 48: 1479-1503.