Faculty and instructor profiles

Emmanuel Haven
BA, MA, PhD Dr. Alex Faseruk Chair in Financial ManagementFaculty-Profile-CV-Emmanuel-Haven
Areas of Expertise
Personal Profile
Dr. Emmanuel Haven earned a bachelor of arts and master of arts in economics from McGill University and a PhD in finance from Concordia University. He’s the former head of the finance division at the School of Business, University of Leicester (United Kingdom).
Emmanuel is also:
- co-editor in chief: Quantum Economics and Finance (Sage)
- academic editor: PLoS One
- co-editor: Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment Journal
- member of the editorial board:Quantum Reports
- co-founder and co-director of the Centre for Quantum Social and Cognitive Science at Memorial University:
His research applies concepts from physics to social science. He has published in social science journals such as Journal of Mathematical Economics, Economic Theory, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, International Review of Financial Analysis, Theory and Decision and Frontiers in Psychology. He also has published in science journals such as Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Foundations of Physics, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Physica Scripta, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, Annalen der Physik and other journals.
Dr. Haven has been awarded several times a ‘super star award’ from the Students' Union (University of Leicester) for his teaching.
Emmanuel is also the Director of the Interdisciplinary PhD programme at Memorial University.
Completed and current PhD Students under my supervision
Completed under my supervision:
- Liya Shen: works as academic at Essex Business School - University of Essex - UK
- Neil Lancastle: works as academic at Leicester Castle Business School - De Montfort University - UK
- Emin Dogus: works as academic at the Social Sciences University of Ankara - Turkey
- Oi Yan (Jenny) Kam
- Polina Khrennikova: works as academic at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, Universiteit Twente, The Netherlands.
- Chen Shen: works at Galaxy Futures Co in Beijing, China
- Will Hicks: (recent ID PhD graduate – MUN) – works at investment firm in London – UK.
Current doctoral students (2024 -)
- Chau Bao Phung: with Dr. Octavia Dobre, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University; Dr. Trung Duong, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University
- Jesse Schnobb: with Dr. David LeFrancois, Department of Education, University of Quebec at Outaouais; Dr. Hannah Snyder, Department of Marketing, BI Norwegian Business School
- Patience Ahiaku: with Dr. Octavia Dobre, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University; Dr. Trung Duong, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University; Dr. Nathan Grieve, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Acadia University
- Hadi Moradi: with Dr. Ivan Saika-Voivod – Physics, Memorial University and Dr. Reza Jafari – Complex systems, Central European University - Hungary
Grants received from:
- Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) (Belgium) with D. Aerts (Free University of Brussels, Belgium) and B. D'Hooghe: $Can 350,000
- ESRC Research Grant Seminar Funding (UK) with J.Wilson (St. Andrews University, UK); P. Molyneux (Bangor University, UK); S. Fedotov (University of Manchester, UK), M. Duygun (University of Nottingham, UK): $Can 31,000
- Smaller grants from Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation and the British Academy
Invited speaker at:
- Linnaeus University (Sweden)
- University of Oxford (UK) - The Oxford Advanced Seminar on Informatic Structures - - Dept. of Computer Science
- University of Oxford (UK) - The Saïd Business School - Invited Panel Member (Panel 7 -use of technology to extract data from financial market prices) at the ‘The Future of Finance’ conference
- Purdue University (USA) -Winer Memorial Lecture – Dept. Of Psychology
- Fudan University (China) - School of Management
- Imperial College London (UK) – Dept. of Mathematics
- City University (London) – Dept. of Psychology
- Universita di Palermo (Italy) – Dept. of Mathematics
- University of California – Irvine (USA); Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
- And other universities
Research Highlights
Co-editor in chief: Quantum Economics and Finance (Sage)
Selected refereed journal articles
- Hosseini, R., Tajik, S., Lai, Z., Jamali, T., Haven, E. & Jafari, R. (2023). Quantum Bohmian-inspired Potential to Model Non-Gaussian Time Series and its Applications in Financial Markets. Entropy, 25(7), 1061-.
- Athalye, V. & Haven, E. (2023). Causal Viewpoint and Ensemble Interpretation: From Physics to Social Sciences. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 381(2252), 20220279.
Khaksar, H., Haven, E., Nasiri, S. & Jafari, G. (2021). Using the Quantum Potential in Elementary Portfolio Management: Some Initial Ideas. Entropy.(23(2):180).
- Namaki, A.; Raezi, R.; Ardalankia, J.; Hedayatifar, L.; Hosseiny, A.; Haven, E.; Jafari, G. (2021). Analysis of the global banking network by Random Matrix Theory. Frontiers in Physics. See also: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2020.586561/full and https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200714447N/abstract
- Ardalankia, J. ; Askari, J.; Sheykhali, S.; Haven, E.; Jafari, G. (2021). Mapping coupled time series onto a complex network. EPL – Institute of Physics, 132, 58002. See also: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1209/0295-5075/132/58002 and also : https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020EL....13258002A/abstract
- Ardalankia, J.; Osoolian, M.; Haven, E.; Jafari, R. (2020). Scaling Features of Price-Volume Cross Correlation. Physica A, 549, 124111- . See also:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378437119322708 and also: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020PhyA..54924111A/abstract - Haven, E. (2019). Quantum mechanical pragmatic rules and social science. In: Festschrift in Honour of Dr. Henry Stapp (Eds: A. de Barros; C. de Montemayor (San Francisco State U.); S. Klein; C. Cochran (UC Berkeley); P. Bob (Charles U.)). Activitas Nervosa Superior 61 (1-2); pp. 83-85. Springer Nature.
- Haven, E. (2019). Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness: Some Views from a Novice. In: Quanta and Mind (Eds: A. de Barros; C. de Montemayor (San Francisco State U.). Synthese Library: Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science; pp. 141-150. Springer Nature.
- Haven, E., Khrennikov, A., Ma, C. & Sozzo, S. (2018). Quantum Probability Theory and its Economic Applications. Special Issue. Journal of Mathematical Economics, (78, 127-197).
- Aerts, D., Haven, E. & Sozzo, S. (2018). A proposal to extend expected utility in a quantum probabilistic framework. Economic Theory, (65, 1079-1109).
- Moreira, C., Haven, E., Sozzo, S., Wichert, A. (2018). Process mining with real world financial loan applications: Improving inference on incomplete event logs. PLOS ONE: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0207806.
- Haven, E. & Khrennikov, A. (2017). The use of action functionals within the quantum-like paradigm. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, (78, 13-23).
- Haven, E,. Sozzo, S. (2017). Special Issue ‘Quantum Structures - Leicester 2016’. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 56(12), 3717-4142.
- Robinson, T., Haven, E. & Fry, A. (2017). Quantum counting: operator methods for discrete population dynamics with applications to cell division. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, (130, 106-119).
- Haven, E. & Khrennikov, A. (2016). Statistical and subjective interpretations of probability in quantum-like models of cognition and decision making. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, (74, 82-91).
- Robinson, T. & Haven, E. (2015). Quantization and quantum-like phenomena: A number amplitude approach. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, (54 (12), 4576-4590).
- Haven, E. & Khrennikov, A. (2015). Editors of the special issue: “Selected papers from the Fields Institute Conference (University of Toronto), ‘Quantum Probability and the Mathematical Modelling of Decision Making’.” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A. Volume 374. Issue 2058. With an editorial from David Garner, FRS, editor-in-chief of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
- Bagarello, F. & Haven, E. (2015). Towards a formalization of a two traders market with information exchange. Physica Scripta. (90(1) 015203).
- Haven, E. & Sozzo, S. (2015). A generalized probability framework to model economic agents’ decisions under uncertainty. International Review of Financial Analysis (47, 297-303).
- Haven, E., Liu, H. & Shen, L. (2012). De-noising option prices with the wavelet method. European Journal of Operational Research (222, 104-112).
- Stradi, B. & Haven, E. (2010). The use of interval arithmetic in solving a nonlinear rational expectation based multiperiod output-inflation process model: the case of the IN/GB method’. European Journal of Operational Research (203 (1), 222-229).
- Haven, E., Liu, H., Ma, C. & Shen, L. (2009). Revealing the implied risk-neutral MGF with the wavelet method. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (33 (3), 692-709).
- Ishio, H. & Haven, E. (2009). Information in asset pricing: a wave function approach. Annalen der Physik (18 (1), 33-44).
- Haven, E. (2005). Analytical solutions to the backward Kolmogorov PDE via an adiabatic approximation to the Schrödinger PDE. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, (311, 439-444).
- Haven, E. (2002). Fuzzy Interval and Semi-Orders. European Journal of Operational Research (139, 302-316).
Popular science press
- Haven, E. & Khrennikov, A. (2013). Physics goes social: How behaviour obeys quantum logic. New Scientist. (July 3 Issue, 26-27).
- Plotnitsky, A. & Haven, E. (eds.) (2023). The Quantum-Like Revolution: FestSchrift in Honour of Professor Andrei Khrennikov. Springer Nature.
- Chakraborti, A., Haven, E., Patra, S. & Singh, N. (eds.) (2023). Quantum Decision Theory and Complexity Modelling in Economics and Public Policy. Part of the series New Economics Windows (Kirman, A., Lux, T. et al.(eds.). Springer Nature.
- Haven, E. & Khrennikov, A. (2013). Quantum Social Science. Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, UK)
- Haven, E., Molyneux, P. Wilson, J., Fedotov, S. & Duygun, M. (2016). The Handbook of Post Crisis Financial Modelling. Palgrave MacMillan Handbook Series
- Haven, E. & Khrennikov, A. (2017). The Palgrave Handbook of Quantum Models in Social Science. Palgrave MacMillan Handbook Series
- Haven, E., Khrennikov, A. & Robinson, T. (2017). Quantum Methods in Social Science: A First Course. World Scientific Press (Singapore)
- d'Ariano, M., Shao-Ming, F., Haven, E., Hiesmayr, B., Khrennikov, A., Larsson, J-A (Eds.) (2013). Proceedings of Foundations of Probability and Physics -6. American Institute of Physics. New York
- Atmanspacher, H., Haven, E., Kitty, K., Raine, D. (Eds.) (2014). Quantum Interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. LNCS 8369. Springer Heidelberg – New York
- Rangacharyulu, C. & Haven, E. (Eds.) (2009). Proceedings of the First Interdisciplinary CHESS Interactions Conference. With contributions from Dr. Eugene Stanley and Dr. Constantino Tsallis and also Dr. Marcel Ausloos. World Scientific Press (Singapore)
- Rangacharyulu, C., Haven, E. & Juurlink, B.H.J. (Eds.) (2012). The World in Prismatic Views. Proceedings of the Second Interdisciplinary CHESS Interactions Conference. World Scientific Press (Singapore)
Forthcoming books
- Athalaye,V. & Haven, E. (2024). Quantum Models for Economics and Finance. Cambridge University Press.