

All requests for accommodations must be based on documented need, in accordance with the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities policy. It is the responsibility of the individual requesting accommodations to provide the necessary and appropriate documentation to Accessibility Services (Blundon Centre).

Documentation acceptable to the university

Supporting documentation acceptable to the university must be obtained from the appropriate healthcare providers, or other professionals who have specific training, expertise, and experience in the diagnosis and treatments of conditions for which academic accommodation is being requested. In addition, all persons submitting documentation to support student requests for accommodation must be appropriately certified and/or licensed to practice their professions.

Supporting documentation will vary depending on the disability or condition a student if living with, but what follows is a guide to assist students and their providers in determining what documentation is or may be required.   

Please note: supporting documentation, including the Certificate of Disability, may include recommendations for specific accommodations, but students and providers should be aware that Accessibility Services staff will make the ultimate decision about which accommodations are appropriate, necessary and reasonable and whether or not the documentation is sufficient to support the accommodation request.

Below is a guide for students and providers regarding what supporting documentation is required to assist with the provision of formal accommodations:

Acquired Brain Injury (or related neurological conditions)Report or assessment completed by appropriate healthcare professional that specifies diagnosis, functional limitations or impairments related to the pursuit of postsecondary studies.  
ADHDA report or assessment by a medical expert with specific training in assessing ADHD that: (a) identifies the permanent disability and list of specific impairments, and (b) indicates how the impairments would negatively impact functioning of the student in a postsecondary academic setting. Also will consider a complete 2023 Certificate of Disability, completed by professional listed in the column to the right.  The provision of prescription medication by a General Practitioner does not confirm a diagnosis of ADHD.The assessing and diagnosing of ADHD in Canada is guided by the CADDRA Guidelines and is most commonly performed by one of the following: (a) developmental pediatrician (b) a psychiatrist, or (c) a registered psychologist.  A family physician (or general practitioner) with specific training in the aasessment and diagnosing of ADHD may be an acceptable source of documentation1
Autism Spectrum DisorderA report or assessment by a qualified healthcare provider - generally a registered psychologist or psychiatrist - that: (a) confirms an Autism diagnosis as well as lists the functional limitations and how those limitations will negatively impact the student's pursuit of postsecondary education. Additional documentation may include any or all of the following from high school: Record of Accommodations (RoA) and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP); a completed Transition Plan from high school.
Visual Impairment, including blindnessA report or assessment from qualified healthcare professional that can diagnose and treat visual impairments or conditions.  Specific functional limitations will be necessary to determine appropriate accommodations.Additional documentation may include any or all of the following from high school: Record of Accommodations (RoA) and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP); a completed Transition Plan from high school
D/deafA report or assessment by an audiologist or similar allied health professional that can diagnose hearing impairments and outline functional limitations or impairments related to the pursuit of postsecondary studies.Additional documentation may include any or all of the following from high school: Record of Accommodations (RoA) and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP); a completed Transition Plan
Learning DisabilitiesRecent psychoeducational assessment, preferably completed within the last five (5) years (consistent with federal guidelines regarding learning disabilities).There are additional documents that combined with (not to replace) a recent psychoeducational assessment that may assist in the determination of reasonable supports for students with SLDs, such as a file review, Record of Accommodations (RoA); an Individualized, Education Plan (IEP) from high school; Transition Plan.
Medical (Acute)Thorough documentation from healthcare provider outlining diagnosed medical condition, amount of time acute medical injury is expected to last along with functional limitations as a result of the acute injury.  Certificate of Disability could be used for this disability category, but not necessary as long as documentation from provider contains sufficient detail.  
Medical (Chronic)Thorough documentation from healthcare provider outlining diagnosed chronic medical condition along with functional limitations as a result of the chronic condition. Certificate of Disability could be used for this disability category. Additional documentation from specialists related to the care and treatment of chronic condition.
Mental Illness/PsychiatricPsychological assessment, medical assessment or report by a qualified provider that contains (a) the applicable DSM-5-TR or ICD category or code, (b) the functional limitations impacting the pursuit of postsecondary education and (c) how long the condition can reasonably expect to last. Will also accept the  completed by a qualified healthcare practitioner. While qualified providers can outline recommended accommodations to address the functional limitations, Accessibility Services staff will ultimately be responsible for determining what accommodations are necessary, appropriate and reasonable.
Physical/mobilityAssessment or report from a qualified healthcare or allied healthcare professional outlining diagnosed condition as well as functional limitations of physical disability in the pursuit of postsecondary studies. 
Test AnxietyAccommodations not provided 
DisabilityDocumentationOther Information

1 Aligns with the CADDAC documentation recommendations for students with ADHD in postsecondary education.

More disability categories and documentation requirements will be added in the coming weeks. If a specific disability category is not listed above, please refer to the section above for guidance.

Diagnostic Services

While the university does not assume the cost for any medical or psychological diagnostic services, including screenings or assessments, Accessibility Services (Blundon Centre) staff can provide information to students on methods or pathways for obtaining these services.  This can include services offered through the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre (SWCC) or in the community.  

Accessibility Advisors can also work with students to identify potential funding sources that might cover some or all of the costs associated with diagnostic testing (e.g., private health insurance programs and/or the Canada Study Grant/Canada Student Loans Program).