Alternate Format Texts

Students that are registered with Accessibility Services (Blundon Centre) and have a print-based disability can request to have a formal accommodation to allow them access to alternate format versionsof course texts (e.g., Braille, EPUB, PDF).  

Before requesting alternate format texts

Before requesting Alternate Format Materials, please read the following carefully:

  • Many publishers are making accessible (i.e., electronic) versions of their textbooks and other course materials available for purchase by all students.  Many will have both hard copy and e-text versions available.  Some may even have their text available as an audiobook.
  • If you are require electronic versions of your texts, instead of searching only in the University Bookstore for your course mateirials, try searching for them on a reputable online bookstore like VitalSource ( or in some cases even popular bookstores like Chapters Indigo or Amazon.  These retailers may have a wider variety of eletronic texts than the bookstore.
  • If you prefer audiobooks, very few texts from higher education publishers are made into this format.  If you prefer audiobooks, you should search resources like Audible or OverDrive

Still need to request an alternate format text?

  • If you still require an alternate format text, fill out the request form here.
  • Publishers require students to provide a receipt to show that they have purchased the book before providing an alternate format file.  Requests for alternate format texts will not be processed until proof of purchase is submitted.
  • Publishers require students to sign and acknowledge a copyright agreement stating that they understand they are not permitted to share the text with anyone else.
  • Depending on the publisher and the text, it can take a number of weeks to obtain a text file, if available at all. Students are encouraged to submit a request in the first few weeks of the semester to ensure timely delivery of texts.  
  • When our office obtains the requested file, we will send you a link to access the text.