Academic Accommodations
Academic Accommodations may be implemented in order to reduce or remove barriers faced by students as a result of a disability and may be applied to your learning and evaluation in an academic program or particular course, and/or, to university activities and services.
An academic accommodation is a change or extension of university resources, or of teaching or evaluation procedures, designed to meet the particular need of a student with a disability while maintaining academic integrity of the course, program, or assignment and ability to demonstrate acquisition of the body of knowledge or the skill required for passing a course and/or completing an academic program as determined by the academic unit subject to all university regulations.
All requests for accommodation (e.g., additional time to write a test) are based on documented need. It is the responsibility of the individual requesting an academic accommodation to provide the necessary documentation to the Blundon Centre.
Accommodations are assessed on an individual basis, and include:
- Test/exam accommodations
- Classroom accommodations
- Adaptation to a course, program, or assignment
- Alternate format material (AFM) request (e-texts, etc.)
Our guidelines for accommodations provide more information to assist students, instructors, and staff in understanding, developing and implementing accommodation requests. Please contact the Blundon Centre for specific questions.
How to request accommodations on the St. John's Campus
Step 1: Complete online intake form
Students seeking support from Accessibility Services are required to submit an online intake form through our online portal. Once submitted, we will use the availability you provided to schedule an intake meeting with an Accessibility Advisor.
Step 2: Provide Supporting Documentation
Students must provide to the that specifies the nature of their disability, including a confirmation of disability, functional limitation and, where appropriate some specific recommendations for accommodations. Your Advisor will review your documentation and discuss options with you at the intake meeting. You can submit this documentation on the intake form, or provide it in person to your Advisor at the first meeting.
Step 3: Send Letters of Accommodations to course instructors
Once you are registered with our office, and have accommodations recorded in your file, you will be required to send those Letters of Accommodation to your instructors. You do this using the Clockwork web portal. See the tutorials below on how to use that portal to request your letters be sent to you instructors.
Step 4: Book Accommodated Test
If you require accommodations for testing, you can book any tests or exams through the same Clockwork portal. See the short video tutorial below to learn more about how to book tests and exams. It is important to note that all tests have to be booked two weeks in advance of the test date. Final exams are required to be booked four weeks before the start of the final exam period. Please pay close attention to the booking deadlines to ensure we can accommodate your booking request.
Using Clockwork to support your accommodation needs
Clockwork is Memorial University's student accommodation database program. Clockwork allows students to:
- Send accommodation letters to their instructors
- Book accommodated tests and exams, and
- Book appointments with their Accessibility Advisor
For students that are registered with Accessibility Services (Blundon Centre) and want to use their accommodations, it is important that they use Clockwork every semester to send their accommodation letters to their instructors and to book tests and exams.
Below are a series of helpful videos to assist you with navigating the Clockwork portal.
ClockWork Video Tutorials
Video Tutorial #1: Requesting Accommodation Letters
Step-by-Step Guide - Requesting Accommodations (Word)
Step-by-Step Guide - Requesting Accommodations (PDF)
Video Tutorial #2: Booking Tests and Exams through Clockwork
Step-by-Step Guide: Booking Accommodated Tests and Exams (Word)
Step-by-Step Guide: Booking an Accommodated Test or Exam (PDF)
Video Tutorial #3: Booking an Appointment with your Accessibility Advisor
Step-by-Step Guide: Booking an Appointment with your Advisor (Word)
Step-by-Step Guide: Booking an Appointment with your Advisor (PDF)
Video Tutorial #4: Booking a Final Exam
Step-by-Step Guide: Booking a Final Exam (PDF)
Step-by-Step Guide: Booking a Final Exam (Word)
Below are commonly asked questions about the Clockwork web portal. Use these questions to troubleshoot issues you are encountering while trying to use the portal. If, after trying these solutions, you continue to have trouble with the portal, please email
Clockwork is supported by all major internet browsers (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).
To troubleshoot this issue check:
- Did you send your Accommodation Letters? Letters of accommodation need to be sent to instructors before students can book tests or exams. This is to ensure that the instructor has received communication about your accommodations before you book a test.
- Is the course an online course? Remember that Clockwork is only used to book on-campus courses. Tests and exams for online courses are administered by CITL. Check with with CITL for dates and times of tests or exams for online courses.
The most common cause of web portal errors is an out-of-date web browser. If you get an error when trying to log into or use the web portal, check your browser version. This should solve 95% of any portal errors. After updating your browser, try to log into the portal again.