Undergraduate Student Societies
Join the vibrant community of undergraduate student societies and enrich your memorial experience! From mixers and sports events to movie nights, game nights, and pub crawls, our student societies offer a diverse range of activities designed to bring students together. Get involved in fun events like fundraisers, lunches, and dinners, or participate in educational activities that complement your academic journey. Embrace the chance to connect with peers, engage in memorable experiences, and make the most of your time at university. Find and join the student society in your department today.
Below is the 2024-2025 tenure departmental societies listed below
Department | President | Facebook Page | Society Room, Email |
Biochemistry | Katie Templeman | MUN Biochemistry Society | CSF-2214, biochemistry.mun@gmail.com |
Biology | Sarah Hawkins | MUN Biology Society (BIOS) | CSF-2215, phone 864-4338, bios@mun.ca |
Chemisty | Jenna Lee Ralph | MUNCS | CSF-2217 chronics@mun.ca |
Computer Science | Jack Harrhy | MUN Computer Science Society | EN-2036, muncssociety@gmail.com |
Earth Sciences | Ryan Pryor | Alexander Murray Club | ER-4068, alexandermurrayclub@gmail.com |
Math & Stats | Owen Drake | MUN Math and Stats Society | HH-3025, mathstatssociety@gmail.com |
Ocean Sciences | Marcella Whelan | OCEANUS | C-2059, oceanus@mun.ca |
Physics | Francis Dominie | MUN Physics & Physical Oceanography - PAPOS | C-3011 munpapos@gmail.com |
Psychology | Holly Butt | MUN Psychology Society | S-2048, munpsychsociety@gmail.com |
Science Society Representatives
The Faculty of Science has an undergraduate Science Society. Each month, student representatives from each of the departmental student societies meet with the Dean of Science and the Associate Dean of Science to discuss current issues and concerns in the Faculty of Science. This is a way for students to have their voices heard. You can participate by joining the facebook group: MUN Science Society.
Below is the of departmental student representatives in science society 2024-2025 membership.
- Biochemistry: Abby Pace
- Biology: Kara Dobbin
- Chemistry: Nicholas Qui
- Computer Science: Emily Dormody
- Earth Sciences: Hailey Hunt
- Math & Stats: Owen Drake
- Ocean Sciences: Marcella Whelan
- Physics: Sarker Saad Ahmed
- Psychology: Natalie Penton
- Geography: Madison Emshey