Award and Honour Recipients


President's Award for Outstanding Research

2023 - Jonathan Fawcett, Psychology
             James LeBlanc, Physics and Physical Oceanography
2022 - Joshua Rash, Psychology
2021 - Eric Vander Wal, Biology
2020 - Shawn Leroux, Biology
2019 - Scott MacLachlan, Mathematics and Statistics
2018 - Ronald Haynes, Mathematics and Statistics 
2016 - Christopher Rowley, Chemistry
2015 - Steve Piercey, Earth Sciences
2010 - Marco Merkli, Mathematics and Statistics

Terra Nova Young Innovator

2023 - Lindsay Cahill, Chemistry
             Heloise Therien-Aubin, Chemistry
2021 - Karl Jobst, Chemistry
2016 - Michael Katz, Chemistry
2015 - Penny Morrill, Earth Sciences
2011 - Chris Kozak, Chemistry

University Research Professor


Sukhinder Cheema
Fereidoon Shahidi
John (Sean) Brosnan
Sailen Mookerjea


Richard Haedrich
Gordon Bennett


Graham Bodwell
Raymond Poirier
Peter Pickup
Laurence Thompson

Computer Science

Wolfgang Banzhaf

Earth Sciences

Colin Farquharson
Duncan McIlroy
Stephen Piercey
John Hanchar
Ali Aksu
Jeremy Hall
Michael Rochester
David Strong
Harold Williams

Mathematics and Statistics 

Marco Merkli
David Pike
Jie Xiao
Xiaoqiang Zhao
Brajendra Sutradhar
Yuri Bahturin
Danny Summers
Eric Jespers
Hermann Brunner

Ocean Sciences

Kurt Gamperl
Paul Snelgrove
Chris Parrish
Richard Rivkin

Physics and Physical Oceanography

Tran Gien
Maynard Clouter
Harry Kiefte


Brent Snook
Mary Courage
Carole Peterson
William Montevecchi
Robert Adamec

John Lewis Paton Distinguished University Professorship

Bill Montevecchi, Psychology
John (Sean) Brosnan, Biochemistry

Dean of Science Distinguished Emerging Scholar

Ashlyn Swift-Gallant, Psychology
Michael Babechuk, Earth Sciences
Talia Jane Stockmann, Chemistry 
Jonathan Fawcett, Psychology
Joshua Rash, Psychology
Javier Santander, Ocean Sciences
J. Kim Welford, Earth Sciences
Michael Katz, Chemistry

Dean of Science Distinguished Scholar Medal

Andrew Lang, Biology
Ian Fleming, Ocean Sciences 
Christina Bottaro, Chemistry
Matthew Rise, Ocean Sciences
Fereidoon Shahidi, Biochemistry
Annie Mercier, Ocean Sciences
Peter Pickup, Chemistry
Aimée Surprenant, Psychology
Fran Kerton, Chemistry
John Hanchar, Earth Sciences
Jeremy Hall, Earth Sciences
Graham Bodwell, Chemistry 

Member of the Royal Society of Canada's College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

Joshua Rash, Psychology
Sheila Garland, Psychology

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Uta Passow, Ocean Sciences
Carole Peterson, Psychology
Danny Summers, Mathematics and Statistics
John (Sean) Brosnan, Biochemistry
Michael Rochester, Earth Sciences
David Strong, Earth Sciences
Harold Williams, Earth Sciences

Bartlett Professor of Oceanography

Brad de Young, Physics and Physical Oceanography

Canadian Mathematical Society
Class of Fellows

David Pike, Mathematics and Statistics, 2021
Bruce Shawyer, Mathematics and Statistics, 2019
Edgar Goodaire, Mathematics and Statistics, 2018

Canadian Green Chemistry and Engineering Award (Individual Winner)
Chemical Institute of Canada

Fran Kerton, Chemistry

Emerging Scholar Award
Canadian Cancer Society

Sheila Garland, Psychology