Distinguished Emerging Scholar Award
The Dean of Science Distinguished Emerging Scholar Award was established in 2021. It recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to both teaching and research in the Faculty of Science up to the point at which they receive tenure.
The award may be given to any current regular faculty member within the Faculty of Science in the academic year in which they are applying for tenure. Nominees will be adjudicated based on the quality, excellence and impact of their research program, and the quality and excellence of their teaching (including classroom teaching as well as graduate and undergraduate student supervision) as documented in their tenure package.
While the award is not necessarily awarded every year, if there is more than one exceptional candidate, more than one award may be made.
Distinguished Emerging Scholar Recipients
2024 - Dr. Ashlyn Swift-Gallant, Psychology
2023 - Dr. Michael Babechuk, Earth Sciences
Dr. Talia Jane Stockmann, Chemistry (no photo available)
2022 - Dr. Jonathan Fawcett, Psychology
Dr. Joshua Rash, Psychology
Dr. Javier Santander, Ocean Sciences
2021 - Dr. J. Kim Welford, Earth Sciences
Dr. Michael Katz, Chemistry