Teaching and Learning Resources

In support of continued science literacy opportunities for young people and resources of such for educators and mentors, the FOSTER Science Program has available to educators within the NLESD and the mentors of our community partners, enriching scientific literacy resources meant to inspire an enjoyment for science and support curriculum outcomes, at all levels, across Newfoundland and Labrador. A collection of hands-on experiments, some on them quite familiar and making use of easily accessible and affordable household materials, are compiled into one resource in an open source Learning Management System (MOODLE) and are available for use in the classroom. These resources include:

  1. Hands-on Classroom Experiments - Modifiable documents for educators to customize to their needs. These include a brief introduction and background section, experimental procedure and, in many cases, observations/results and discussion worksheets.  In many cases, extended learning suggestions are included and a video showing the experiment along with ideas for extended use with students.
  2. Career Development Videos – Committed to increasing science awareness, the FOSTER Science Program wishes to promote the prolific scientific knowledge and talent in our province through video profiles featuring scientists within Newfoundland and Labrador. These videos showcase the science, academic and career paths of the scientists highlighted.

Users of these resources are welcome to supplement their learning outcomes using these resources. This is a living resource and users should expect periodic growth with additional documents and videos added over time.

Teaching and Learning Resources – Information and Registration

Within the FOSTER Science Moodle course, teachers will find hands-on experimental resources aligned with NLESD curriculum topics in Biology, Biochemistry and Chemistry appropriate for a variety of grade levels. The resources are designed in such a way to allow teachers to personalize these resources to complement the grade level and focus, implicit purpose and difficulty they wish to incorporate into a particular lesson topic. As a result, some of these resources include the development of transferrable skills such as topic research using computer searches, data analysis and computer graphing skills.

The Registration button and instructions below will allow for registration for an open source learning  management system – MOODLE – a platform supported by Memorial University, and for access to the FOSTER Science Program Teaching and Learning Resources.

How to signup:
  1. Within the courses listed, select “FOSTER Science Program – Teaching and Learning Resources”
  2. At the bottom of page, within the block entitled “Is this your first time here?” – Create an account

  3. Enter the required information to create an account (All required fields are marked with a red icon) and select "Create my new account."

  4. Check your email for a message from "OOC Accounts" and complete your registration for the site by clicking on the link in the body of the message.  You will receive a message saying "Your registration has been confirmed.  Select "Continue."

  5. To enrol in the FOSTER Science Program, in the space provided, enter the enrolment key available on the invitation to registration from the FOSTER Science Program. By continuing your enrollment, is is understood the enrollment code is available for use by NLESD educators only and should not be shared with others.

  6. Select "Enrol me."

You should now have access to the "FOSTER Science Program – Teaching and Learning Resources" and receive an email letting you know you've successfully registered for the site. If you experience any issues with the registration process, please feel free to contact us

Note: All information requested by the Foster Science Program will be used solely for registration with Moodle – a Memorial University CITL supported open source learning environment. Personal information is collected under the authority of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 (SNL2015 Chapter A-1.2) and is used for registration purposes only. All personal information collected is stored on the Memorial University database and is not disclosed to any third party. Requests to be removed from this resource, or any other questions or concerns, may be directed to the FOSTER Science Program at sciencefieldtrips@mun.ca.