Accessible education

Welcome to Accessibility Services (The Blundon Centre) at Memorial University's St. John's Campus

Fall 2020

While the The Blundon Centre's physical location remains closed, Accessibility Services staff remain available to meet with students.

Returning students to Memorial can activate their accommodations in Clockwork.  If you aren't sure how to do this, contact your Accessibility Advisor or email for assistance.

New students to Memorial who want to register their accommodations with the Accessibility Services (The Blundon Centre) should email us as soon as possible to give sufficient time to get their accommodations in place.  Given the current demand, incoming students can expect to currently wait 5-7 business days to meet with an Accessibility Advisor.  

Call (709) 864-2156, text (709) 693-0918, or send an email to and you will be connected with an advisor.

Serving Students

The Blundon Centre (Student Life) supports all students who experience barriers to accessing post-secondary education.  This includes students with disabilities or other accessibility-related challenges.  

Some students come to Memorial having received academic accommodations or supports in high school.

Others look for ways to reduce barriers related to mobility, ways of learning, vision and hearing, mental health and wellness, and temporary or chronic illnesses or injuries once they arrive.

Either way, our student learning accessibility advisors are to help you develop a plan that ensures you have a positive learning experience at Memorial.

  • Each semester, new and returning students should contact the Blundon Centre to discuss test, exam and classroom accommodations.

  • Students can also contact us to request accessible parking, specific housing arrangements,  and alternate format textbooks.

  • You can use Clockwork, our online accommodations system, to request accommodations for your courses each semester, schedule a test or midterm,  or book your final exam. This guide offers step-by-step instructions on how to access Clockwork through

Serving faculty and staff

The Blundon Centre can help faculty and staff explore ways to make classrooms and learning spaces accessible

We can also support faculty and instructors in providing accommodations to students, including test and exam accommodations.

Contact us

Office: UC 4007 (Room 4007, University Centre) - PHYSICAL LOCATION REMAINS CLOSED
Telephone: (709) 864-2156 (VRS calls welcomed)
Text: (709) 693-0918
Fax: (709) 864-2437