


Solving 'Sea-Blindness'

Memorial University's Ewart A. Pratt Post-Doctoral Fellow has spent her career assisting the public to overcome a condition academics call “sea-blindness.” With any luck, Dr. Julia Stryker will soon have her most visible partner yet. Read more in the Gazette.


History Honours student Sydney Mills has won the Pro-Vice Chancellor's Prize

History Honours student Sydney Mills has won the Pro-Vice Chancellor’s prize for her essay, “Weyerhaeuser’s Advertising Throughout the 1950s and 1960s: The Articulation of Environmental Ideas and Fears.” 


History Honours Information Session

An information session will take place on Friday 17 March, 1-2 p.m., at the UC Landing, on the Department of History’s B.A. Honours program.

Details will be provided on the contents of the program and the application procedure. Students who have written honours essays will also talk about their experience in the program and there will be opportunities to ask questions.


Ewart A. Pratt Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Newfoundland and Labrador Military, Naval and Maritime History.

Memorial's University's Department of History invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship.


Prof. Julia Laite, visiting researcher in the Department of History, will give a lecture entitled "Finding Lydia Harvey: Narrative, Polyvocality, and Historical 'Rescue Work'' on 26 January at 12:00.

"Finding Lydia Harvey: Narrative, Polyvocality, and Historical 'rescue work'" Special lecture by Julia Laite.

Thursday 26 January, 12:00-2:00 pm., Nexus Centre



Dominique Brégent-Heald's new book

Dominique Brégent-Heald's new book Northern Getaway: Film, Tourism, and the Canadian Vacation was recently published by McGill-Queen's University Press. Read more

Congrats to All Students Named to the 2021-2022 Dean's List!

Congratulations to all students named to the 2021-2022 Dean's List, as well as the Program Book Prize winners, and receipients of the Dean's Award for Academic Excellence, and the HSS International Student Excellence Award. 


The History Department Research Seminar returns!

Dr. Meaghan Walker, Ewan A. Pratt Postdoctoral Fellow, will give a talk on Thursday 3 November, 1 p.m., in the seminar room, entitled "Clouds and Sparrowbills: Clothing Consumption in Bonavista, 1863 & 1873." All those interested welcome! Read more.


Finding an elective has never been easier

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) has hundreds of courses that have zero or one prerequisite. To make it easy for our students to find electives of interest, we have launched a searchable listing of electives that you can browse by semester and subject. 

Railroad Tourists: Railroad Films and Preserving Open Landscapes

Dominique Brégent-Heald was recently interviewed by the California State Railroad Museum on the history of early film, tourism, and railroads. You can listen here.


History grad student wins national award

PhD candidate Allison Bennett has won the Canadian Federation of University Women’s 2022-23 Linda Souter Humanities Award her research on the implications of sexual encounters between British and Australian servicemen with civilian women during WWI. Read the story in the Gazette.

Fall Welcome Session for New Students

On Sept. 6, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is hosting a welcome event to help new students get started on the right track. At this interactive event, you'll hear from the Dean and Associate Dean of Curriculum and Programs, learn more about areas of study in HSS, and meet other HSS students! Register now:


New Certificate in the History & Philosophy of Science & Technology

A unique offering in Atlantic Canada, the new certificate program will challenge students to think critically and analytically about the consequences of past, present and future technological innovations on human existence, and the world we inhabit. It will also augment a student’s understanding of engineering and the natural sciences by raising their awareness of the development of those sciences, and the social issues associated with them. Read the Gazette story about this certificate program.


HSS Commons Student Space Cozier Than Ever

When we think of university campuses, we picture lecture halls and labs. But what about a space for that time between classes? It is equally essential to have a comfortable space to study or kick back and relax between lectures. The newly refurbished Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Commons, in SN-1107, offers HSS students such a space. Check out this Gazette article on why interim Dean, Dr. Craig, wanted to rejuvenate this space for students. 


Gradcolades 2022

In the last academic year, graduate students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University won more than 40 awards, 40 grants, and 140 fellowships & scholarships. Additionally, they produced more than 40 publications and creative endeavours. Watch the video celebration of all this success.

Missing a colleague and scholar

It is with immense sadness that the Department of History learned of the passing away of Professor Edita Bosák, historian of Slovakia, Central Europe, and the Habsburg Empire. Not only through her publications, but also through her teaching, as a rare North American expert, Edita Bosák contributed to restoring the Slovaks and Roma to a fairer place in European history. In addition to her popular courses on the Holocaust and on the history of Germany, thanks to her expertise, Memorial University students, and the graduate and honours students she supervised, were among the rare North Americans able to study the history of modern Central Europe and even the centuries-long history of the Roma.



New Course - HIST 3131 (Black History in Canada)

New Course - HIST 3131 - Black History in Canada

Offered in Fall 2021 - MWF 12:00 - 12:50


The Northern Review

Sally Western, a former MA student in our department under the supervision of John Sandlos has recently published "Arsenic Lost Years:  Pollution Control at Giant Mine from 1978 to 1999" in "The Northern Review."


Ewart A. Pratt Post-Doctoral Fellowship in NL military, naval, and maritime history

The Department of History is delighted to announce the new Ewart A. Pratt Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Newfoundland and Labrador military, naval, and maritime history.


Honouring a legacy

Donation to support N.L. military, naval, and maritime history research



New book: Sharing Spaces

A collection of essays in honour of Sherry Olson has been published, edited by by Robert Sweeny.


Remote health care

Dr. Madeline Mant, Banting Postodoctoral Fellow in Memorial's Department of Archaeology, explains what historical letters reveal about rural medicine in early twentieth-century Newfoundland and Labrador.

History and inequality

Professor Emeritus Robert Sweeny, specialist of the history of inequalities, publishes an article on the distribution of wealth in Canadian society.


Congratulations to Dr. Michael Westcott

We are pleased to announce that Michael Westcott successfully defended his PhD thesis, “Transforming the Liberal State: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity on the Newfoundland Home Front, 1914-1918,” on 21 May 2020.

Thoughts on the pandemic from a MUN History alumna

Christine De Brabandere, Assistant Curator at Moutain Galleries, Banff, who wrote her MA essay on burial practices during the Black Death in England, reflects on historical similarities in human reactions to pandemics. 


Justin Fantauzzo's book published and long-listed for prize!

Assistant Professor Justin Fantauzzo's new book, The Other Wars, was recently published by Cambridge University Press. His book examines the experience and memory of British and Dominion soldiers who fought in the Middle East and Macedonia during the First World War. The book was recently long-listed for the British Army Military Book of the Year award.

Unprecedented news

For the first time in the history of our department, one of our graduate students was named Archive Visitor of the Month at Stockholm's Municipal Archive.

Read the interview with Stewart Lawrence about his research.

New research on the healthcare of seafarers

Madeleine Mant, bioarchaeologist and currently research associate at the University of Toronto, has published the results of her research - conducted as a Banting postodoctoral fellow in Memorial's Department of Archaeology - on the admission records of St. John's General Hospital in the late nineteenth century.


Night at the Archives

The History Society organizes a tour of the QEII Archives and Special Collections on Friday 13 March, 5 pm.

A medievalist is researcher of the month

Learn who this person is.

Mining and industry - lecture postponed

"Lawless Coal Miners" and the Making of an Industrial Order

a guest lecture by Don Nerbas from McGill University:

postponed to a later date, more informatuon to follow.

Historical rights

"Born to Buck: Animal Representations and Animal Rights Activism in the Calgary Stampede"

A special lecture by Norman Potter, doctoral candidate in history, on 12 March


Meet and Greet

The Department's Winter Meet and Greet takes place on Thursday 5 March!

Join us for an invasion of free pizza!

History Day call for contributions

Contributions are invited for History Day, an event organized by the Department of History and the History Society.

Oil and fish

Thursday, February 27, 2020

"Oil, Fish and Norway's Coastal Communities: A Social Democratic Compromise?" A lecture by Marie Smith-Solbakken and Hans-Jørgen Wallin Weihe, 1:00 p.m. HH1013

War of words

"The Grammarians’ War: Pedagogical or Literary Debate in Early Tudor England?"

by Dr. Ágnes Juhász-Ormsby (Department of English)

Tuesday 3 March 4 pm Nexus Centre

Greenland and the Canadian North

Guest lecture by Peder Roberts, from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on Monday 24 February, 12-1 pm, Nexus Centre.

Information session for the Honours program

An information session for the History Honours program will take place on Thursday 27 February at noon.

Helen Rozwadowski: Ocean Histories

Henrietta Harvey Public Lecture: Writing Ocean Histories

Wednesday, Feb. 12, 7-9 p.m. Signal Hill Campus, 100 Signal Rd., room B2007

The meanings of disasters

Marie Smith-Solbakken, Professor of History, University of Stavanger and Hans-Jørgen Wallin Weihe, Professor of Social Work, Lillehammer University College, Norway

"40 Years On: The Norwegian response to the Alexander L. Kielland Oil Platform disaster."


Henrietta Harvey lecture and panels

A series of interdisciplinary panels on ocean histories will take place at the occasion of the visit of the 2020 Henrietta Harvey lecturer, Dr. Helen Rozwadowski.

Lecture by Lisa Todd on German Southwest Africa

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Department of History and the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Speaker: Lisa Todd (Department of History, University of New Brunswick)

Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Location: Nexus Centre, SN 4022


Lecture on Byzantine gender history

As part of the Medieval and Early Modern Studies lectures series, Sydney Burton will talk on "Queering the Byzantine" on Tuesday 4 February, 4 pm, in the Nexus Centre. 

Please note the revised date.

Ship as Environmental Alibi returns

Tuesday, January 14, 2020: two presentations continuing the MHA/MSRU series "the Ship as Environmental Alibi" by Aldo Chircop and Sean Cadigan. 

Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Location: Maritime History Archive HH1013



And the winners are...

... the best students in History.

Learn who they are.

Survey on HIST 4821

Attention former and current students who have completed HIST 4821 (Great Books) since 2012! We need your opinion! 



More MHA lectures

The "Ship as Alibi" lecture series at the Maritime History Archive continues!

"Playing Shipwreck"

Jamie Skidmore (Department of English) and

"Islanding an Oil Rig: Where is Hibernia?"

Fiona Polak (Department of English)
Thursday, 21 November 1-2 p.m. Maritime History Archive (HH1013)

Graduate program information session

Department of History Graduate Studies Information Session

Thursday 28 NOvember 1 pm A-4004

History Speaker Series: Jeff Webb

Jeff Webb will present his new research project:

"The Black Exhibition: Fighting for Control of the MUN Art Gallery"

Thursday 14 November 2019, 1-2 pm, A-4004

Public lecture by Dr. Michael Kirkpatrick

"Modernity interrupted: motion and stasis during the Guatemalan fin-de-siècle"

The Ship Pub, Tuesday 5 November, 8:30 pm


More in the Maritime History Archive series!

"The Ecology of Ancient Seafaring"

by Milo Nikolic (Department of Classics)


"The Sailing Ship as Early Modern Technology: Understanding the Maritime Environment in its Own Time"

by Phillip Reid (Independent Scholar, Wilmington, North Carolina)

Thursday, 7 November 1-2 p.m. HH1013

In the series The Ship as Environmental Alibi: Presentations in the Maritime History Archive


History Writing Clinic

History graduate students offer help for history essays

Drop-in biweekly Thursdays 12-2 pm A-4004

Starting Thursday 31 October

Michael Kirkpatrick conducting research in Guatemala City

Memorial historian explores unpublished sources at the National Library and General Archives.

Talking about resettlement

Historian Jeff Webb interviewed in the Telegram.


"Ship as Alibi" lecture series

"Full Steam Ahead: Sail, the Environment and Globalization in Shipping's Industrial Age"

Valerie Burton (Department of History) assisted by David Bradley (Archivist MHA)

Thursday, 10 October 1-2 p.m. Maritime History Archive (HH1013)

Meet and Greet!

Once again, the History Department welcomes students and faculty to its annual fall Meet and Greet gathering.

Free pizza and juice will be served to those in attendance.

Thursday 3 October 12:00 in the Seminar Room (A-4004).


Book sale

The MUN History Society will be hosting their annual Book Sale from 9:00-5:00 today and tomorrow (23-24 Sept.) in the UC Loft.

The books sold will be from the collections of Dr. Fisher and Dr. Youé.

All by donation, with plenty of bake goods to be bought as well.

Everyone welcome!

Celebrating 50 years of MUN History Society


20 September 2019, 5-8 pm

2001 UC


Conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association at Memorial

The annual conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association will take place on the St. John's campus on 18-19 October. The program is now available and registration is open.

Talk by John Sandlos in Biology

John Sandlos will be giving a talk in the Biology seminar series on Friday 20 September.



Maritime history lecture

"The Age of Sail: An Environmental Alibi"

Lecture by Prof. Claire Campbell (Bucknell University)

Friday 6 September, Henrietta Harvey 1013, 2:30-3:30 p.m.




New research from the Maritime History Archive

The importance of the nineteenth-century maritime archives held on Memorial’s campus has recently been recognized in a forum published in an eminent maritime history periodical.


The Department of History is proud to congratulate Dr. Robert Sweeny for the obtention of the title of Professor Emeritus.


Gender identity in the Viking age

Read the article by Elsa Simms, MA candidate in History.


New book on the Grenfell Medical Mission

A collection of essays by eleven authors co-edited by Jennifer J. Connor, The Grenfell Medical Mission and American Support in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1890s-1940s, has recently been published by McGill-Queen's University Press. The book explores the American personnel, supplies, and money that sustained the organization that became the International Grenfell Association.

Researching and teaching history with films

Dr. Dominique Brégent-Heald has been using innovative methodologies in her research throughout her career. An expert in film history, she shares her experience teaching with films as primary sources and fostering skills of critical thinking by "reading" films. 

Historic collections in MUN Libraries

Read the CBC story with Special Collections Librarian Patrick Warner about medieval and early modern books and documents and other rare items available to students and researchers.


MUN History graduate to do PhD at UNB

Kate McGregor, who graduated with a BA Honours degree in History and German at Memorial in 2017, has been accepted in the doctoral program at the University of New Brunswick.

Jeff Webb's film in the newspaper

An article was published in the Telegram about the documentary The Films of Fogo Island.

Women and politics in the Middle Ages and today

Read Mariah Cooper's article.

John Sandlos on curriculum reform in NL high schools

Watch the NTV story with John Sandlos sharing his views on the teaching of History in NL high schools.



The Films of Fogo Island Encore

To respond to insatiable demand, the documentary film produced and directed by Jeff Webb and Derek Norman will be screened again on Saturday 1:30 pm.

MA candidate awarded grant for research in Germany

Anna Grzybowski, MA candidate in History, has been awarded a competitive grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) to conduct research in Lübeck.

MUN History students at the March of Remembrance and Hope Canada

Hailey Burden and Rebecca Howie will travel to Germany and Poland to visit locations connected with the Holocaust and other genocides.


Congrats to Dr. Robinson

Curtis Robinson successfully defended his doctoral thesis on Monday 18 February.

New Direction

The Department of History has a new Head, Dr. Stephan Curtis.

CFP: Atlantic Mediaeval Association conference

Memorial University will host the conference of the Atlantic Mediaeval Association on 18-19 October 2019.

Paper proposals are accepted until 31 March.

Historic awards

The Department of History is very proud to celebrate the success of History students who recently won awards!



This is once again the opportunity to meet faculty members and students who share an interest in history. And to eat free pizza.

Join us on Thursday 7 February, 1 pm, in the History Department's seminar room.

Farewell to Marica Cassis

The Department of History says farewell to Marica Cassis and thanks her for her contributions to scholarship, her collegiality as faculty member, and her dedication to students during her years at Memorial.

Read more about her.




Remembering a colleague

The Department of History is terribly sad to announce that Dr. Christopher Youé has passed away.

Read more about him.

MUN students travel and study, eat and drink in Germany and Sweden

In May and June 2018, a group of MUN students took part in the study-abroad program “Food, Drink, and Cultural Exchange around the Baltic.”

Meet Justin Fantauzzo

Learn more about Dr. Justin Fantauzzo's research. 


Meet and Greet 2018

Students and faculty are invited to this fall's meet and greet this Thursday, 4 October, at 1 pm in the Seminar Room (A-4004). Free pizza will be served.


Patrick Mannion's First Book

Congratulations to Dr. Patrick Mannion on the publication of his first book, A Land of Dreams: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and the Irish in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Maine, 1880-1923.

Alumnus of the month - Jeremy Bonia (history)

Entrepreneur, restauranteur, sommelier and history BA Jeremy Bonia is our alumnus of the month for July. His advice for students who are unsure of what to study? "What are you interested in or love to do? Pick courses that follow that path. Do things that interest you and everything else will fall in place." 

Read more here.


Masters Student Participates in International Conference

Masters student, Sarah Hannon, participated in the Association of Caribbean Historians' 50th Annual Conference.


From the Archives: January's Maritime History Archive Symposium

A recap of January's Martitime History Archive Symposium.

In memoriam Lewis [Skip] Ross Fischer 1946-2018.

The History Department is sad to announce the death of Skip Fischer. 


In the Archives

Archives are special places, but what does a new generation of history scholars have to say about how their use contributes to an understanding of the past?

Burton Wins Award

Valerie Burton Wins the President's Award for Distinguished Teaching



Korneski Awarded Fellowship

Dr. Kurt Korneski has been named a fellow at the L.R. Wilson Institute for Canadian History at McMaster University.


Scholarship in the Arts Funding

Scholarship in the Arts funding for research and conference travel.


MA position in medieval history

Funded MA position in medieval history available


Food, Drink, and Cultural Exchange Around the Baltic Information Session

Information session for Food, Drink, and Cultural Exchange Around the Baltic  on Friday September 29.


Marica Cassis' New Publication

Dr. Marica Cassis has a new publication in 'The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia'.

John Sandlos's Book Wins Award

Mining history book wins Canadian Studies Network prize for Best Edited Collection.

Kurt Korneski Wins Teaching Award

Kurt Korneski has won the Memorial University of Newfoundland Students' Union Award for Excellence in Teaching and Outstanding Contribution to Student Life.


MUN PhD Student on CBC's Radar

History PhD candidate, Curtis Robinson, is one of ten MUN students featured on CBC's "PhDs on the Go". 

Intersession 2018 Food, Drink, and Cultural Exchange Around the Baltic

Information session on Intersession 2018 Food, Drink, and Cultural Exchange Around the Baltic. 


Phillip Reid, PhD Oral Examination

PhD candidate, Phillip Reid, will undergo his final oral examination on February 8 2017, at 1PM in IIC 2014, Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation.


Robert Sweeny's Latest Research on Montreal

Robert Sweeny blogs about his latest research on Montreal.



Understanding Change - Critical Perspectives on 'Why Did We Choose to Industrialize?'

On Thursday, Nov 24, 7-9 PM, PE 2001, join Robert Sweeny and other researchers from across FHSS for a lively debate on his award-winning book, 'Why Did We Choose to Industrialize? Montreal, 1819-1849.

MUN Ranks Seventh in Maclean's Rankings

Maclean's magazine has ranked MUN as the seventh best comprehensive university in Canada.

History and Pipeline Politics

Sean Kheraj, Department of History, York University, will be giving the next talk in the History Department's Speaker Series on Dene resistance to the Norman Wells pipeline in the NWT on Friday, November 4, A4004 from 1-2PM. 


Recovering the 1916 Easter Rising in Images and Stories

Twinsome Minds: Recovering the 1916 Easter Rising in Images and Stories, November 4, 7 PM, Innovation Hall (The Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation).

Prize for Newfoundland History

Applications for the Michael Harrington Research Prize in Newfoundland History are now being accepted.

Travel Funding Opportunity

Scholarship in the Arts funding available for archival and conference travel.

MA and PhD Opportunities

MA and PhD opportunities in the history of film and tourism in North America.


Middle East Film Series

The Department of History kicks off its new Middle East Film Series on Thursday September 29 at 7PM in A1046. Food will be provided by Sumac Middle Eastern Market and Eatery. 

Former MA Student Publishes in Newfoundland Quarterly

Former MA student, Jay McGrath, has recently published an article in Newfoundland Quarterly.


Patrick Mannion Moves to Boston College

Sessional Instructor Dr. Patrick Mannion will be starting a new SSHRC-funded project at Boston College this September. 

Kurt Korneski, Conflicted Colony

Kurt Korneski's new book, Conflicted Colony, published by McGill-Queen's University Press is out now. 


Who We Are, What We Do

Justin Fantauzzo and undergraduate B.A. student Sarah Hannon talk about the value of a History degree.

New article by Kurt Korneski

Kurt Korneski has a forthcoming article in the Journal of Social History on race, trade, and HBC in mid-nineteenth century Labrador. 

Urban History in Northern Europe Intersession Programme

The Department of History is offering an exciting programme in intersession 2017 devoted to urban history from the Viking Age to the late 20th century.

New Article on Giant Mine

History Professor John Sandlos and collaborator Arn Keeling (Geography) have published an article on arsenic pollution at Giant Mine.


New book on medieval charter formulae

An essay collection on the formulae of medieval charters in their cultural and social context has just been published by Böhlau.  The volume comprises contributions by historians from Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and France, and has been edited by Sébastien Rossignol (History, MUN) and Anna Adamska (University of Utrecht).



History of the Book Symposium

Memorial University is hosting the unique Newfoundland and Labrador Book History Symposium.

George M. Story Lecture 2016

Dr. James Carley to speak on the history of the Lambeth Palace Library


Graduate History Conference

Our annual graduate history conference on Friday April 8th promises an exciting lineup of talks and a keynote address by Jerry Banister. Click to see the schedule.

New Book Wins Major Prize

MUN Professor Robert Sweeny's new book has won the John A. Macdonald Prize for best book in Canadian History. 

New Book Shortlisted for Major Prize

MUN Professor Robert Sweeny's new book has been placed on the John A. Macdonald Prize shortlist for best book in Canadian History.

Christine Ekholst visits Seminar Series

Christine Ekholst from University of Guelph will give a talk on Medieval sexuality the at the Brown Bag seminar, Friday 11 March, 1 pm, A-4004, light refreshments to follow 



Distinquished Lecture on World War I

Dr. Michael Neiberg will deliver a lecture entitled 'The Road Over There: America and the Great War, 1914 to 1917' on March 3rd from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in PE 2001. 



Graduate Student Opportunity

Among the many opportunities for graduate studies in Memorial's History Department, Dr. Justin Fantauzzo is accepting applications to work on his project, Europe’s Fringe: Identity, Culture, and Borders in First World War Macedonia, 1914-18,

Michael Harrington Research Prize in Newfoundland History

Applications are due February 12th in the History Department for this $500 scholarship to support the study of Newfoundland history. 



Brown Bag Seminar Schedule

Check out the seminar series schedule for March! We have three exciting visiting speakers coming!


Special lecture on Renaissance poetry

Luke Roman: "Poetry and Place in Renaissance Florence and Naples"
Friday 20 November, 3 pm, A-1049

Study Abroad!

The Lower Saxony Institute for Historical Coastal Research offers an archaeological field work opportunity to students of the Departments of Archaeology, History and Classics at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Opportunities for Graduate Study

Among the many graduate study opportunities in the department, Dominique Brégent-Heald, is seeking one MA student and one PhD student to work on projects related to the history and film and/or tourism in North America.

History Department Meet and Greet

There will be a Departmental Meet and Greet for undergraduate students on Thursday, November 5 between 12:45 and 1:45 in our seminar room (Arts 4004). All are welcome!


Jeff Webb Speaks on Newfoundland Biography

Jeff Webb is speaking on a Newfoundland Historical Society Panel on biography: "Lives Lived: Person and Place in Newfoundland Biographical Writing”

Graduate student wins A.G. Hatcher Scholarship

Doctoral student Phillip Reid has won one of three annual A.G. Hatcher Memorial Scholarships.

Dr. Stuart Kirsch: Geography's visiting speaker

Dr. Kirsch will speak about the intersections of scholarship and activism this week as he visits Memorial as part of the Scholarship in the Arts speakers series.


Cynthia Power Wins Essay Prize for Titanic Work!

Cynthia Power has won the Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Essay Prize for the spring 2015 semester for her paper, “Condemnation, Corruption and Culpability: The Inquiries by the United States and Great Britain into the Sinking of the RMS Titanic.” This essay was written in the distance offering History 3806 (“Titanic Histories”)  for Dr. Valerie Burton.

Professor wins prestigious awards from Bibliographical Society of Canada

Dr. Jennifer Connor, professor of medical humanities in the discipline of psychiatry and cross-appointed to the history department, has been awarded the Marie Tremaine Medal and the Watters-Morley Prize for 2015 by the Bibliographical Society of Canada. 

Arts on Oceans History of the Sea

Historian Helen M. Rozwadowski will be presenting the Arts on Oceans Distinguished lecture "Third Discovery of the Sea?" on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 2001 Bruneau Innovation Theatre.  Her seminar will follow, on Thurs., Sept 10, 12 noon in SN 2000.



New Course in Medieval History

The History Department is offering a new course, The Uses of Writing in Medieval Europe, taught by Dr. Sebastien Rossignol

Scotiabank bursaries facilitate international study

Five Faculty of Arts graduate students have been awarded Scotiabank bursaries to fund their educational experience by travelling abroad to complete their research.


Student Spotlight: Chris Penney

Christopher Penney, (MA 2015) has published an article based on his MA Major Research Paper

Book Launch!

A Book Launch of Robert Sweeny’s Why Did We Choose to Industrialize? Montreal, 1818-1849 will take place on Tuesday, August 11th, 7:30 the Ship Pub.

Recording Film History

Historian Jeff web is working with fomer MUN Extension leaders such as George Lee to remember the Fogo Films.

Fran Warren Retires

A mid-day party was held to honour the many years of service from departmental administratior Fran Warren. 


Postdoc Anne Dance Attends Environmental History Summer School

History Department Postdoctoral Fellow Anne Dance joined a group of environmental historians gathered to explore the national capital region as part of the Canadian History and Environment Summer School (CHESS) sponsored by the Network in Canadian History and the Environment (NiCHE).

History Professors Edit Aspects

Two long-time members of the History Department are editing Aspects, the publication of the Newfoundland Historical Society



Historian Ruth Sandwell to give three Talks in St. John's!

Award-winning historian of education and the environment Dr. Ruth Sandwell, University of Toronto, will be in St. John's May 25-27 to give three presentations: one on youth voting in Newfoundland, a second on her work with The Franklin Mystery Project and a third on women and energy . Click the link for details!

Mining and the Social Economy in Northern Canada

History Professor John Sandlos publishes a co-authored book chapter in a new collection titled Northern Communities Working Together.


The Islamic State and the Middle East

An International Panel of Experts will discuss the Islamic State (ISIS) and the Middle East at Rocket Bakery on Apr. 26th and on Memorial Campus Apr. 27th. All are welcome!

All Aboard!

MUN History facutly member Dominque Bregent-Heald has published an essay on travel films and western railroads in a special issue of the American Review of Canadian Studies honouring John Herd Thompson.

Little Pieces of Home

PhD student Emma Lang's exhibit Home is here is now open at QEII Library. You can see people's "found objects" from home until April 17th



Dalhousie Professor to Deliver Keynote

Dalhousie Professor Justin Roberts will present a  keynote address titled, "Surrending Surinam" to the Graduate History Conference. 


History Hosts ArtsWorks Resume/Cover Letter Writing Worskhop

Wondering how to write a resume or cover letter? Need to update the one you have? Information and helpful hints to creating a great resume and cover letter.

Tell your Story!

History Ph.D student Emma Lang, in conjunction with the QE II Map Room is developing an exhibit of objects members of the MUN community brought from home. 

Pickersgill Fellowship

Applications for the J.W. Pickersgill Fellowship are due to the Dean of Arts February 15th.


ARTS on Oceans sets sail

The Faculty of Arts is launching ARTS on Oceans, a faculty-wide initiative looking at our understanding of oceans through the lens of the social sciences and humanities.

Pulp Friction Film Screening

Lakehead historian Ron Harpelle and Independent Filmmaker Kelly Saxberg will be screening their new film, Pulp Friction, simultaneously on the St. John's and Grenfell campuses.

Aboriginal Studies Seminar

Historian John Sandlos will present a talk on history, memory, traditional ecological knowledge, and the recent Giant Mine Remediation Environmental Assessment, Friday January 30th, 1-2:15, SN (4087).

M.A. Alumnus publishes in Inuit Studies

Former student Heather Green has published a paper based on her M.A. work in the journal Inuit Studies/Études Inuit

Dr. Jody Perrun to speak in the History Department

Dr. Jody Perrun, military historian, will speak in the Department of History on Thursday, January 15th, 12-1, Arts 1045. 

Dr. Brian Gettler to speak on Money and First Nations in Ontario and Quebec

Dr. Brian Gettler will speak in the department on Tuesday January 20th, 12-1, Arts 1045.

Apply for Graduate School!

We are now taking applications for the MA and Phd programs in history!!



Federal support for graduate scholarships

(July 3, 2013) The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) has awarded $572,500 in scholarships to 27 Memorial students.

The scholarships were awarded under the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships for master’s and doctoral students, and the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship program.

They are meant to help students develop research skills and to assist in the training of highly qualified personnel. They are awarded to students in the social sciences and humanities who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies.

Trevor Ford is a doctoral candidate in the Department of History studying the history of domestic intelligence and surveillance in Canada, before, during and after the First World War. 


MUSE editor-in-chief 2013 CBC Gzowski intern

After a few years fighting it, John Michael Bennett can't avoid his destiny any longer.

The recipient of the 2013 CBC Peter Gzowski internship, Mr. Bennett was thinking of applying to law school when then-undergraduate co-ordinator for political science, Dr. Alex Marland (now the Faculty of Arts’ associate dean of undergraduate studies), gently suggested that it might not be for him.


Cross-Campus Initiative and Conference Fund call for proposals now open

Applications are now being accepted for the Vice-Presidents’ Council Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund and Conference Fund.

The Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund is meant to encourage and build on existing strategic relationships between Memorial's campuses: the St. John's campus, the Marine Institute, Grenfell Campus, Harlow and the Labrador Institute. $50,000 will be allocated annually as one-time support for new initiatives that are clearly and demonstrably strategic for the units. 



Southwest Avalon Regional Workshop: The Opportunities and Challenges of Mega-Project Development

Join the Harris Centre in Placentia on June 6, 2013 to discuss development issues in the Placentia Area, Cape Shore and St. Mary's Bay North. Themes include addressing labour shortages, fostering industrial development and cooperation, and dealing with the social impacts of development. It will be held at the Placentia Bay Cultural Arts Centre from 10:00am-5:00pm, and will include a lunchtime Memorial Presents public forum from 12:30-2:30pm on the opportunities and challenges facing the Southwest Avalon. Lunch will be provided and registration is free.


How-to for avoiding plagiarism now available

A webpage designed to help Memorial students avoid the pitfalls of plagiarism is now available

The result of a Senate sub-committee on plagiarism under the auspices of the Senate Committee of Undergraduate Students (SCUGS), the content of the website was designed and approved by a pan-university committee consisting of Charlene Walsh (Marine Institute), Prof. Donna Walsh (Department of English), Amber Haighway (MUNSU), Lorna Adcock  (QEII Library), Dr. Alex Marland (Department of Political Science) and Ginny Ryan of the Faculty of Arts’ Writing Centre.


Honours Program

Students interested are invited to an information session on the History Honours program that will take place on Tuesday 11 February at 12:00 in the seminar room.

MEMS Symposium 2025

Undergraduate and graduate students will present their research in Medieval and Early Modern Studies at this event at the Nexus Centre on Thursday 13 February, starting at 1:00 p.m.

The symposium will conclude with two special lectures, starting at 5:00 p.m. – Edwin Bezzina (Grenfell Historical Studies): “The Experience of Religious Civil War in Loudun, France (1562-1598)” (virtual) and Chris Martin (Straumfjǫrð): “For Unsure Is the Knowing: Reconstructing Norse Combat.”



Please click on the link below to register:



Harlow Poster for History

Dominique Brégent-Heald's new book Northern Getaway: Film, Tourism, and the Canadian Vacation was recently published by McGill-Queen's University Press. Read

Cover of Dominique Brégent-Heald's new book

For more than a century, posters, adventisements, and brochures have characterized Canada as a desirable tourist destination offering spectacular scenery, wild animals, outdoor recreation, and state-of-the-art accommodations.  However, these explicitly commercial displays are not the only marketing tools at the country's disposal; beginning in the 1890s, film also played a role in selling Canada.

In Northern Getaway Dominique Brégent-Heald investigates the connections between film and tourism during the first half of the twentieth century, exploring the economic, pedagogical, geopolitical, and socio-cultural contexts and aspirations of tourism films.  From the first moving images of the 1890s through the end of the 1950s, a complex web of public and private stakeholders in Canadian tourism experimented, sometimes in collaboration with Hollywood, with a variety of film forms - 16 mm or 35 mm, feature or short films, fiction or nonfiction, professional or amateur filmmakers - to promote Canada.  Spectators, particularly Americans, saw Canada as a tourist destination on screens in motion picture theatres, schools, and fairgrounds.  Rooted in settler colonial representations that celebrate the nation's unspoiled but welcoming wilderness landscapes, these films also characterize Canada as a technologically and industrially advanced settler country.

Using evidence from a wide range of archival sources and drawing from current scholarship in film history and tourism studies, Northern Getaway demonstrates how Canada was an innovator in using film to shape and project a recognizable destination brand.  More information can be found at the McGill-Queen's University Press website: 

Congratulations! Sydney Mills

Sydney Mills, a recent graduate of the history department’s honours programme, has been accepted into the highly competitive Master of Museum Studies programme at the University of Toronto beginning in Fall 2024. Her honours thesis examines how textiles produced by primarily rural women in the late 19th to early 20th century contributed to a sense of Finnish nationalism. Her well-developed research and writing skills honed while as an honours student in our department, and her experience working at the Torbay History House and Museum will serve her well as she pursues her studies and career.

The department congratulates! Ms. Mills on her achievements........