New Course - HIST 3131 (Black History in Canada)
Canada is often depicted as a beacon of freedom for Black people, the end of the Underground Railroad for escaped African American slaves and a nation that largely avoided the extreme racism associated with segregation in the southern United States. But how much of this history is actually true? Dr. John Sandlos is excited to offer his new course HIST 3131, Black History in Canada. His students will have opportunity to learn about the history of anti-Black racism in Canada and the many contributions of African Canadian artists, scholars, business owners, and activists by engaging with various written materials, films, podcasts and discussions. He writes, “I hope the course can be a space where student may uncover hidden histories of African Canadians through their own research, and also learn about the roots of anti-Black racism and the resilience of Black communities in Canada.” The course is offered in Slot 5 (MWF 12:00-12:50).