The Islamic State and the Middle East

Apr 21st, 2015

John Sandlos

Credit: Digital Globe, ASOR SHI

Looting at Mari, Syria
The Islamic State and the Middle East

An International Panel of Experts will discuss the Islamic State and the Middle East at Rocket Bakery on Apr. 26th and on Memorial Campus Apr. 27th. All are wecome to these events! Travel funds for visiting scholars were generously provided through the Scholarhip in the Arts program at Memorial University. 

Details for the Rocket Bakery are as follows:

Title: The Islamic State and the Middle East

Sunday April 26, 2015 3-5, 272 Water Street

All are welcome

An international panel of experts will discuss ISIS:


  • Dr. Lorne Dawson (University of Waterloo: ISIS and the Radicalization of Young Canadians
  • Dr. Amir Harrak (University of Toronto): The Islamic State: The Greatest Threat to World Heritage Dr. Mostafa Minawi (Cornell University): ISIS as a Historical Phenomenon
  • Susan Penacho (ASOR): ISIS and Cultural Heritage in Syria and Iraq


There is also an event the next day at Memorial University's St. John's Campus:

Title: The Islamic State and the Middle East: The Abuse of History and Religion

Arts and Administration 1043, Monday April 27 2015, 9-3:30 pm 


  • Dr. Mostafa Minawi (Cornell University): ISIS as a Historical Phenomenon
  • Susan Penacho (ASOR): ISIS and Cultural Heritage: The ASOR Syrian Heritage Initiative's Mission to Document and Preserve Syria and Iraq's Cultural Heritage
  • Dr. Amir Harrak (University of Toronto): The End of Christianity in Mosul:Causes and Significance
  • Dr. Lorne Dawson (University of Waterloo: The Social Ecology of Homegrown Terrorist Radicalization