New research from the Maritime History Archive

Jul 26th, 2019

Department of History

Forum Q & A
New research from the Maritime History Archive

The importance of the nineteenth-century maritime archives held on Memorial’s campus has recently been recognized in a forum published in an eminent maritime history periodical.

The May issue of the International Journal of Maritime History (Volume 31, 2) carries three articles by emerging scholars closely associated with Memorial. Cynthia Power considers the workplace skills and education of Newfoundland merchant seafarers, while Matthew Ylitalo discusses the crews of Arctic whalers, and Meaghan Walker treats the material lives of British and imperial merchant seafarers using inventories compiled on their deaths aboard ship. Valerie Burton provides an introduction that both reviews and furthers the University’s contribution to maritime historiography and the teaching of maritime history. “Sourcing Maritime History over Four Decades: Crew Agreement Scholarship at Memorial University of Newfoundland” is available together with the three articles through the QEII catalogue.

“In the Archives”, the event celebrating the acquisition by Memorial of the crew agreement collection in the 1970s, is shown here. The published forum started life at this event.