Dr. Brian Gettler to speak on Money and First Nations in Ontario and Quebec
Jan 12th, 2015
Dr. Brian Gettler to speak on Money and First Nations in Ontario and Quebec
Dr. Gettler is a postodoctoral fellow in the Laboratoire d'histoire et de patromonie de Montréal at UQAM. The title of his talk is "Political and Socioeconomic Dimensions of Aboriginal Money-Use in Quebec and Ontario, 1820-1950". Dr. Gettler's talk will focus on money's influence on the political and socioeconomic experience of Quebec and Ontario First Nations during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In particular, it will discuss money as a symbol around which discourses of appropriate behaviour were articulated, a concrete tool in the governance of peoples and lands, and a means through which Aboriginal peoples effectively advanced their own material interests.All are welcome so please join us!!