Graduate student wins A.G. Hatcher Scholarship

Oct 16th, 2015

History Department

Philip Reid
Graduate student wins A.G. Hatcher Scholarship

Doctoral student Phillip Reid has won one of three annual A.G. Hatcher Memorial Scholarships awarded by the School of Graduate Studies "solely on the basis of exceptional academic merit." Reid's thesis project, "Merchant Ship Technology and the Development of the British Atlantic Empire," explores the topic from the perspectives of Atlantic history, the history of technology, the history of the ship, material culture studies, and nautical archaeology. Project supervisor is Neil Kennedy, and Dan Walker of the Department of Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering is technical adviser. The Hatcher Scholarship carries a cash award of $15,000, and is named in honor of Albert George Hatcher, President of Memorial College/Memorial University from 1933 to 1952.

Earlier this year, Reid was awarded Scholarship in the Arts funding for summer research travel in the northeastern U.S., a short-term fellowship at the Peabody-Essex Museum Phillips Library in Massachusetts, and the Clark G. Reynolds Student Paper Prize at the annual conference of the North American Society for Oceanic History in Monterey, California.