Engineering and Applied Science Advisory Council


To advise, guide and facilitate the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Memorial University; to excel and lead in educating engineers, researching, developing and disseminating existing and new engineering know-how; and to enable the Faculty to achieve recognition as an Aengine@ in the economies of Newfoundland and Labrador, and Canada.



1. The Memorial University of Newfoundland Engineering and Applied Science Council is constituted by the University President for the purpose of advising the Faculty Council. It is intended that the Advisory Council provide an independent voice on the direction of Faculty.


2. The Council shall consist of members appointed by the President as follows:

a) At least twelve (12) industry1 and private sector representatives on the basis of four-year staggered terms as recommended by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science2.

b) Two (2) recent graduates3, one male and one female, on the basis of four-year staggered terms as recommended by members of EASAC4.

c) Ten (13) members ex-officio:

Past Chair of the Council (1)
Vice-President (Academic) (1)
Dean of the Faculty (1)
Associate Deans of the Faculty (2)
Discipline Chairs (4)
Program Manager B Engineering Cooperative Education (1)
President of C-CORE
Director General of IMD
President and CEO of Genesis

3. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council shall each be appointed for a three-year term by the President of Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Executive Committee

4. The Advisory Council may establish an Executive Committee with membership to consist of the Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Past Chair, the Dean and an Associate Dean. The Chair of the Advisory Council shall be Chair of the Executive Committee.

5. The Advisory Council may delegate its responsibilities to the Executive Committee but any recommendations made by the latter shall be subject to ratification by the Council.

Duties and Responsibilities

6. The Council shall meet at least once annually at the call of the Chair to consider matters brought before it by the Dean or other members of the Council.

7. The Council shall be concerned with any matters related to the interface of the Faculty with the industrial community and the private sector, including but not limited to:

a) review of plans for new developments;
b) exchange of scientific and engineering information;
c) professional development of faculty members;
d) professional development programs for industry;
e) research and development activity;
f) cooperative engineering education;
g) participation of practicing engineers as teachers in University programs;
h) transfer of research outcomes to industry (including product development and commercialization);
i) evaluation of program content as it relates to the future demands of the profession;
j) educational and market research related to recruitment and retention of undergraduate and graduate students and to evaluation of programs by former students;
k) funding plans for excellence;
l) employment opportunities for engineering graduates.


8. The Dean shall present to the Advisory Council a written annual report highlighting the accomplishments of the Faculty, and plans for future development.

9. The Chair of the Council shall present to the Dean a written annual report of the activities and recommendations of the Council. A copy of the report will be sent to the President and the Faculty Council of Engineering and Applied Science.


10. The membership and duties and responsibilities of the Advisory Council shall be reviewed by the Council at regular intervals.

1 Industry includes government departments and agencies, and professional engineering organizations as well as private industry.
2 It is understood that the Dean will consult with members of the Faculty and members of the Advisory
3 Within the last 10 years at the time initially appointed.
4 Engineering and Applied Science Advisory Council.