Picture Us: A Research at Memorial Event

In recognition of Memorial’s centennial celebration, this unique initiative by the Office of the Vice-President (Research) showcases Memorial’s diverse research activities through a series of art exhibits featuring up to 100 researchers and their impactful work.

Picture Us: A Research at Memorial event, will consist of up to 10 exhibits with each exhibit featuring up to 10 researchers. Each exhibit will run for a month. Exhibits will be held between March 2025-April 2026.

Memorial researchers

Featured researchers included in the exhibits will be updated at the beginning of each participating month with small gallery openings as new researchers are featured. Gallery openings will include food, beverages and music.

As each exhibit is revealed, check out Memorial’s researchers and their transformative work to truly see how far we have come as a research institution. It will also reveal just how impactful research at Memorial is and how it’s helping shape the future of our province with impacts across Canada and around the world.

Memorial is home to world-renowned researchers who are enthusiastic about their research and the impact of their work can be felt in every corner of our province, across our country and around the world.

Check out the information on this page to share in celebrating and illuminating the innovative research happening at Memorial.

Picture Us is one of Memorial’s 100th Anniversary funded projects. The Office of the Vice-President (Research) is grateful for the support of this important initiative.

Event details and how to submit your photos will be available here soon.