League of Extraordinary Researchers lauded

Memorial University has distinguished itself again this year with compelling and creative marketing and communications work. The university was recognized recently with several awards bestowed by an international association of educational institutions, including one for the League of Extraordinary Researchers.
The awards were given by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) in its 2013 CASE District I Awards program. CASE is the Washington, D.C.-based organization that represents communications, alumni, fundraising and marketing professionals working at universities and colleges globally. CASE’s District I includes institutions and professionals in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and the New England states in the U.S.
In the Special-Purpose Publications – Multi-Page category, Memorial’s The League of Extraordinary Researchers: Research Strategy Framework earned a silver award. A collaboration of the Office of the Vice-President (Research) and the Division of Marketing and Communications, the framework was creatively presented as a graphic novel, complete with a number of Memorial researchers transformed into illustrated characters. The Research Strategy Framework sets the vision, mission and guiding principles for research at Memorial and identifies the goals and objectives necessary to achieve success. Explore it at www.mun.ca/research/framework.
The university recieved two other silver awards: in the Annual Reports category, for Great Minds Think Differently: President’s Highlights 2011 (www.mun.ca/2011report), and in the Fundraising Materials category for Dare To: The Campaign for Memorial University (www.dareto.ca).
“This recognition from our peers in the pursuit of advancement excellence is most welcome,” said Victoria Collins, executive director, Division of Marketing and Communications at Memorial. “In addition to our materials looking compelling and innovative, the entry process required us to demonstrate the impact and effectiveness of the materials in achieving the overall objectives of the projects they support.”
She added: “The dynamic and varied collaborations we at the Division of Marketing and Communications enjoy with our internal clients continue to inspire us to reinvent how we tell Memorial’s story to the university community and to the world beyond.”
“These results from Memorial’s most recent marketing and communications initiatives are not surprising,” said Dr. Gary Kachanoski, president and vice-chancellor of Memorial University. “Considering the high calibre of creativity and skills possessed by staff members of the Division of Marketing and Communications, the Office of Alumni Affairs and Development and the Office of the Vice-President (Research), these awards confirm to the rest of the world what we at this university already know: Memorial is distinguishing itself as an institution of ingenuity and excellence.”