Indigenous Research at Memorial
Please be advised that Memorial's Board of Regents approved revisions to the Research Impacting Indigenous Groups Policy on March 6, 2025. Please check back to this webpage for updates, resources and information.
Whether Indigenous research is conducted by settler researchers or by Indigenous researchers, it is a focal point for expression, concern, attention and most importantly, action, for truth and reconciliation. Memorial recognizes the critical role of educators, researchers, and university administrators in the work of truth, reconciliation and a renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples, including with our own Indigenous faculty, staff and students. We recognize that research processes and results bear significantly on the lives of Indigenous students, families, communities and governments.
The resources on this webpage focus on research with, by and for Indigenous peoples that emphasizes engagement based on understanding and respect. At the same time, we work to move beyond individual respect and understanding towards structural, ideological, institutional, and methodological change. We take our lead from Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami’s National Inuit Strategy on Research, University Canada’s Twelve Principles for Indigenous Education (of which Memorial is a signatory), the Ethical Principles for the Conduct of Research in the North, Memorial’s own Office of Indigenous Affairs’ Strategic Framework for Indigenization and other Indigenous-led directives to guide us through these changes.
- Memorial's policy on Research Impacting Indigenous Groups
- NEW: Memorial University Policy Statement on Research Involving Indigenous Groups
- For researchers: Doing Indigenous research in a good way
- Research FAQs for Indigenous groups, governments and Nations
- Indigenous Research FAQs for student researchers
- Indigenous Research FAQs for RIS and grant facilitators
- Indigenous Group Contacts
- Doing Research Together: Rights of Research Participants brochure
Please note: the above are living documents and will be updated periodically.