Call for papers on enhanced navigation for Journal of Ocean Technology

Mar 22nd, 2017

By Moira Baird

Call for papers on enhanced navigation for Journal of Ocean Technology

The Journal of Ocean Technology (JOT) production team invites the submission of technical papers that describe cutting-edge research related to enhanced navigation for its fall 2017 issue.

Papers should present the results of new (not previously published) research in ocean technology, science or engineering, and be no more than 7,500 words in length. Student papers are welcome.

Topics might include navigation in hazardous waters, electronic navigational charts, pilot service, remote monitoring and assistance, route planning, sea traffic coordination and optimization, maritime domain awareness, safety management, maritime telematics, incident response and similar topics.

Papers are subject to a rigorous peer-review process and must be submitted no later than May 26, 2017. All peer-reviewed papers in the JOT are open access.

For more information or to submit papers, please e-mail Additional information is also available on the JOT website