Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a form of co-curricular academic support which focuses on high-risk courses. It is available to all students enrolled in selected courses. The sessions are facilitated by SI Leaders (trained undergraduate students who have successfully taken the course before). Supplemental Instruction consists of weekly peer-facilitated study sessions offered to help students understand the topics learned earlier in the lecture of the course, develop learning strategies, and prepare for exams. 

"Soon you will find yourself sitting down to an exam and turning around to find that the tutor is not sitting next to you and you cannot simply ask them for all the answers. That is what Supplemental Instruction is for, to shape your minds into critical thinkers, so that you can sit in an exam with confidence and can ask yourself the hard questions” (John Benjamin Anderson – Computer Engineering Class of 2019)

For more information, please contact: Adrian Dobre — Licensed SI Supervisor

Location: EN3000A
Phone: 709-864-4639
Email: adobre[at]