Safety and Risk Engineering


Program overview

Safety and risk concerns are of paramount importance in a wide variety of complex engineering activities such as offshore operations, petroleum refining and mineral processing.

Today, there is a wide range of techniques available to assess safety, risk and reliability, both in relation to design as well as day-to-day operations.

The use of these techniques is now an integral part of safety-related regulations of hazardous facilities and operations.

Memorial University's MASc. and graduate diploma programs in safety and risk engineering are designed to give a thorough understanding of these techniques and their application to a variety of real-world problems.

The discipline is the only one of its kind in Canada.

It aims to provide students with a good grounding in safety and risk engineering in both a qualitative and quantitative manner, and to develop the skills to apply this understanding.

The programs will also introduce students to recent developments in analytical techniques, such as computer modelling of risk, reliability and safety problems, dynamic risk analysis, etc.

The programs are intended for, though not limited to, working professionals to advance their understanding and skill related to safety and risk engineering.

The knowledge acquired through the programs will enhance the skills of engineers in the process industries, oil and gas service and operating companies, mineral processing, engineering consultants and government services.

The programs build around the knowledge and understanding of accident modelling, process and offshore safety issues.

Engineering and human factors associated with the safety and risk assessment will also be covered.

The following topics will be covered in detail in different courses of the programs:

  • Accident modelling
  • Process safety
  • Electrostatic hazards and their prevention
  • Safety instrumented system
  • Offshore safety
  • Fire and explosion engineering
  • Emergency situation assessment and management
  • Human factor assessment
  • Reliability assessment
  • Structural safety and integrity assessment
  • Quantitative risk assessment and management
  • Probabilistic risk modeling and its application in safety and structure design
  • Environment risk assessment
  • Risk-based asset integrity assessment and management
  • Risk-based safety measure design
  • Program requirements

The program can be completed on a full- or part-time basis.

There is no funding support for the programs.

The total credit requirement to complete this course-based program is 30 credit hours and will be taken from the following three groups.

Safety and Risk Engineering Project (six credit hours)
ENGI 915A Safety and Risk Engineering Project Course (zero credit hour)
ENGI 915B Safety and Risk Engineering Project Course (six credit hours)

Five core courses (three credit hours each)
ENGI 9115 Safety and Risk Engineering
ENGI 9116 Reliability Engineering
ENGI 9121 Advanced Safety and Risk Engineering
ENGI 9411 Probabilistic Methods in Engineering
ENGI 9330 Abnormal Situation Management, Fault Detection and Analysis

Please note: Students are recommended to complete ENGI 9115 with a passing grade of 65% prior to registering for ENGI 9330.

Three elective courses from the following list (three credit hours each)
ENGI 9516 Similitude, Modelling and Experimental Data Analysis
ENGI 9609 Environmental Risk Assessment
ENGI 9622 Environmental Statistics
ENGI 9899 Special Topics – Corrosion Principles, Prevention and Control
ENGI 9625 Offshore Environmental Operations
ENGI 9340 Material Degradation and Asset Management
ENGI 9977 Computational Fluid Mechanics

Students who take more than the required number of core or elective courses of this program will be charged tuition fee as per university policy for each additional course completed.

Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission, the minimum requirements will normally be a second-class engineering degree from a university of recognized standing.

Intake: Fall & Winter each year.

Information regarding the application process and procedure can be found here.

For Program-Related Inquiries:    

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 Administrative Issues: