Graduate Internship Program 2025

Engineering Co-operative Education Office (ECEO) and Engineering Graduate Office (EGO) offer the Graduate Internship Program (GIP) to provide graduate students in the participating professional programs an opportunity to gain valuable work experience through an full-time, paid internship of eight months with a single employer. Admission to it is limited, competitive, selective and not mandatory. All details pertaining to the GIP for any future cohort(s) are subject to annual review, and ECEO and EGO maintain the rights of any changes to it in accordance with regulations.

This Q&A is for the 2025 Graduate Internship Program (GIP).

1) Is this a co-op program?

  • Not to be confused with the mandatory co-op education program undertaken by undergraduate Engineering students at Memorial, this Graduate Internship Program (GIP) is optional and offers limited, competitive, and selective admissions to eligible graduate students who are nominated to it.

2) Which academic programs are participating in the GIP and who are eligible for it?

  • Master of Applied Science (MASc) in the following areas:
    1. Oil and Gas Engineering;
    2. Environmental Systems Engineering and Management;
    3. Safety and Risk Engineering Management;
    4. Energy Systems Engineering; and
    5. Computer Engineering
  • Full-time students in one of the degree programs above who have made the following academic progress by the end of Winter 2024 semester are eligible:
    1. Completion of at least five program courses for students who started their program in Fall 2023; or
    2. Completion of at least three program courses if they started their program in Winter 2024.
  • Twenty-five eligible students (five from each participating program) will be nominated and invited for opt-in to the 2025 cohort. They will have to submit the opt-in request form to proceed.

3) When does the 2025 Graduate Internship Program (GIP) start and how long is it for?

  • It will begin in Spring 2024 semester to prepare students who have opted in for an eight-month full time internship that lasts through Winter 2025 and Spring 2025.

4) Can you increase the number of students invited to opt-in to more than twenty-five?

  • The GIP is subject to yearly review before we introduce it more widely.

5) I am a thesis-based (MEng/PhD) Engineering student. Can I participate?

  • No. You are in a research-intensive program; you should focus on conducting and completing research funded by your supervisor(s).

6) I am currently studying in a professional engineering program. Why is it not listed as one of the participating programs above?

  • The GIP is not a faculty-wide program. Each academic program makes its own decision to offer what they deem the best program experience to its students. Only the five academic programs listed above are currently participating in GIP.

7) I am a graduate student in one of the participating programs. Do I have to apply to be considered for the GIP? How can I express interest in it?

  • You do not have to apply or express interest. The EGO will invite top five eligible students from each participating programs for opt-in to the 2025 cohort of GIP.

8) What is the criteria used for a student to be nominated and invited for an opt-in to the GIP?

  • The primary criteria is academic performance. Five eligible students with the highest cumulative average by the end of Winter 2024 semester will be invited by the EGO to opt-in to the GIP.  If there are two students with the same cumulative average, the student who completed more program courses will be selected between them. The decision of the nominations is final.

9) When can I expect to find out if I am invited to opt-in?

  • You will be notified by the EGO via email by the first two weeks of classes in Spring 2024 semester at the latest. You do not have to send follow-up emails.

 10) I am invited to opt-in. What can I expect if I submit the opt-in request form?


Main activities

Spring 2024

Pre-screening; professional development and other internship preparations; work permit application

Fall 2024

Job competition – interviews with employers

Winter 2025 & Spring 2025

Full time internship

Fall 2025

Last program course; program completion by the end of it 

 11) Am I guaranteed an internship if I am opting into the GIP?

  • You have to first pass the pre-screening set by the ECEO then secure an internship placement through the job competition hosted by the ECEO (with help and guidance from EGO and ECEO). Internship placement is not guaranteed as a significant part of the employer selection process depends on relevant experience and the quality of the application (including resume, cover letter and an interview).

12) What if I am opting into the GIP but I do not pass the pre-screening or secure an internship placement?

  • You will continue with taking and completing your program courses related to your degree as normal.

13) Will there be an additional fee to participate in the GIP?

  • Yes, students are expected to pay for the additional fee associated with participating in the GIP.

14) How much would a student be paid for an internship?

15) Will I receive credit hours for the internship?

  • No.

16) I am invited to opt in but I have other questions to ask but these questions are not covered in this Q&A.

  • EGO and ECEO will meet with you and provide guidelines to help prepare you for the Graduate Internship Program (GIP).

17) I have some questions and/or feedback. Who can I contact?