Salim Ahmed

Salim Ahmed 2025

B.Sc., M.Sc. (BUET), PhD (Alberta), P.Eng.

  • Assistant Professor
Contact Information

Ph: 709-864-7652
Em: sahmed[at]
Office: IIC3026

  • Energy
  • Process System
  • Safety and Risk
  • Simulation
Research Interests

Safety and Risk Engineering, Process Systems, Process Control, Modelling and Simulation, System Identification

Personal Profile

I joined Memorial University of Newfoundland in February 2012 as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. Having my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), I further continued my graduate study in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering at University of Alberta and earned my Ph.D. degree in Process Control.

Prior to joining Memorial University I worked as a postdoctral fellow at University of Alberta from 2006 to 2008 and as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Qatar University, Doha, Qatar from 2008 to 2012. I also served as a lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at BUET from 1997 to 2000.

My current reserach focus is on the design of early warning systems for process industries. Supported by an IgniteR&D grant from Research and Development Corporation of Newfoundland and labrador (RDC), the alarm system design project aims at developing a risk-based alarm system. My Ph.D. research focused on system identification; more specifically on identification of continuous-time models from sampled data. I continue to work on this topic. Other research topic of my interest includes model validation and valve stiction. For details about reserach interest please visit the reaserch interest page. A list of publications can be found here.

I teach both undergraduate and graduate courses in Process Engineering and in Oil and Gas Engineering Program.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Ahmed, S. (2013). Continuous-time identification using sinusoidal input – An integral equation approach. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (Under Review).

Hashemi, J., Ahmed S. and Khan, F. (2013). Loss Functions and Their Applications in Process Safety Assessment. Process Safety Progress (Under Review).

Khan, F., Ahmed, S., Yang, M., Hashemi, J., Caines, S. and Oldford, D. (2013). Safety Challenges in Harsh Environments: Lessons Learned. Process Safety Progress (Under Review).

Hashemi, J., Ahmed, S. and Khan, F. (2013). Risk-based operational performance analysis using a loss function. Chemical engineering Science (Under Review).

Ahmed, S. and Imtiaz, S. (2013). Identification of MIMO continuous-time models using simultaneous step inputs. Control Engineering Practice (Under Review).

Ahmed, S., Huang, B. and Shah, S.L. (2012). A new approach for identification from sinusoidal response. Under Review.

Chang, Y., Khan, F. and Ahmed, S. (2011). A risk-based approach to design warning system for process facilities. Process Safety & Environmental Protection, 89(5), pp. 310-316.

Ahmed, S., Huang, B. and Shah, S.L.(2009). Validation of continuous-time models with delay. Chemical Engineering Science, 64(3), pp. 443-454.

Ahmed, S., Huang B. and Shah S.L. (2008). Identification from step response with transient initial conditions. Journal of Process Control, 18(2), pp.121-130. (# 4 most downloaded paper during Jan-Mar, 2008)

Ahmed, S., Huang B. and Shah S. L. (2007). Novel identification method from step response. Control Engineering Practice, 15(5), pp. 545-556. (# 1 most downloaded paper in CEP during Jan-Mar, 2007).

Ahmed, S., Huang, B. and Shah, S.L. (2006). Parameter and delay estimation of continuous-time models using a linear filter. Journal of Process Control, 16(4), pp. 323-331. (# 9 most downloaded paper in Journal of Process Control during Jan-Mar, 2006)


Book Chapters

Ahmed, S., Huang, B. and Shah, S.L. (2008). Process parameter and delay estimation from non-uniformly sampled data. In: Identification of continuous-time models from sampled data. Garnier, H. and Wang, L. (Eds.),Springer-Verlag, London.

Ahmed, S., Shah, S.L. and Huang, B. (2009). Maintenance issues in oil and gas processes: Detection of valve stiction. In: Advances in Gas Processing – Proc. 1st annual gas processing symp., Qatar, Alfadala, H., Reklaitis, G. and Halwagi, M. (Eds.), Elsevier.

Ahmed, S. (2010). Recent Developments in Identification from Step Response. In: Advances in Gas Processing – Proc. 2nd annual gas processing symp., Qatar. Benyahia, F. and Eljack, F. (Eds.), Elsevier.


Refereed Conferences

Dalapatu, P., Ahmed, S. and Khan, F. (2013). Optimal alarm allocation for an event-based alarm system, DYCOPS 2013, Mumbai, India Dec 18-20 (Accepted).

Ahmed, S. et al. (2013). StepID-a GUI for step response identification, ICMIC 2013, Sept 4-5, Cairo, Egypt.

Ahmed, S., Cox, C. and Imtiaz, S. (2013). Identification of integrating processes with time delay, DYCOPS 2013, Mumbai, India Dec 18-20 (Accepted).

Ahmed, S., Gabbar, H., Chang, Y. and Khan, F. (2011). Alarm design: A systems approach. Proc. 4th ADCHEM, Hangzhou, P.R. China May 23-26, pp. 42-47.

Ahmed, S. (2010). Linear Approximation of sinusoidal signals for process identification. Proc. 11th ICARCV. Singapore, Dec 5-8, pp. 2253-2258.

Ahmed, S. (2010). Process identification using non-ideal step inputs. Proc. 9th DYCOPS, Leuven, Belgium, July 5-7, pp. 353-358.

Ahmed, S., Huang, B. and Shah, S.L. (2009). Identification from step response in the presence of deterministic disturbance. Proc. 15th IFAC SYSID, Saint-Malo, France, pp. 396-401.

Ahmed, S., Huang, B. and Shah, S.L. (2009). Process identification from sinusoidal test data by estimating step response. Proc. 15th IFAC SYSID, Saint-Malo, France, pp. 886-891.

Ahmed, S., Huang, B. and Shah, S.L. (2006). Parameter and delay estimation of continuous-time models from irregularly sampled output. Proc. ADCHEM 2006, Gramado, Brazil, pp. 85-90.


Selected Non-Refereed Contributions


Ahmed, S., Imtiaz, S., James, L. and Spracklin-Reid, D. (2013). Designing laboratory procedures to enhance graduate attributes. CEEA 2013, June 17-20, Montreal, QC.


Khan, F., Hashemi, J. and Ahmed S. (2013). Loss Functions and Their Applications in Process Safety Assessment. 1st CCPS Asia-Pacific Conference on Process safety, September 4-5, Qingdao, China

Watan Z., Qaffaf, S., Mustafa, N., Ahmed, S. (2010). StepID – A Matlab toobox for identification from step response. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum 2010, Doha, Qatar (Awarded the best student research award in the Energy and Environment category).