Leonard Lye
Leonard Lye

B.Sc. (Hons.) (Bolton Inst.), PhD (Manitoba), FCSCE, FEC, P.Eng.
- Professor
Contact Information
Ph: 709-864-8933Em: llye[at]mun.ca
Office: EN4036B
- Environmental Engineering
- Simulation
- Water Resources
Research Interests
Design and analysis of experiments; environmental statistics; statistical hydrology; product design; engineering education.Personal Profile
I have been with Memorial University since graduating from the University of Manitoba with my PhD in Civil Engineering in 1988. My research interests are in statistical hydrology, environmental statistics, design of experiments, and water resources engineering. Besides academic interests, I was the founder of the local chapter of two national charities. The first is the Tetra Society of North America, an innovative charity dedicated to helping people with disability achieve fuller and more independent lives by building and designing assistive devices that are not available in the market place. I have been the chapter coordinator since 1996 and have personally designed and built several innovative devices. The second charity is the Taoist Tai Chi Society which I founded together with my wife, Brenda. It is a charity dedicated to the health improvement aspect of Tai Chi Chuan.
I am also president of Com-Adv Devices Inc., a company I formed with former student Chris Butt. We are the inventors of the FootworkerTM line of products for improving footwork and fitness for squash and badminton players. The FootworkerTM-Pro, an innovative training device for squash has been endorsed by a former world champion, top players, and conditioning experts. It is used in over 20 countries. I am also the inventor of the DOE-GolferTM, an innovative and fun toy for teaching design of experiment principles. This toy is now used by numerous major corporations around the world. I also developed three (DOE-SIM Pro, DOE-SIM 2, and Golfer) iphone/ipad apps for teaching design of experiment principles.
I have been involved with the Shad Valley program at MUN since 2003 and the MUN's Program Director since 2007. I have served on the Board of Directors since 2008.
PEGNL Teaching Award 2001
President's Award for Distinguished Teaching 2003
Government of Alberta's Bronze Teamwork Award 2012
Glenn Roy Blundon Award 2013
Recreation NL Bridging the Gap Award 2014
PEGNL Award for Community Service 2014
Tetra Society Lifetime Achievement Award 2014
President's Award for Exceptional Community Service 2014
CSCE Service Award 2014
Research Highlights
Yang, M., F. Khan, D. Oldford, L. M. Lye, and H. Sulistiyono (2015): Risk-based Winterization on a North Atlantic-based Ferry Design. Journal of Ship Production and Design, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp 1-11.
Asapo, E., C. Coles, and L. M. Lye (2015): Modeling the Sorption of Ni2+ and Co2+ on Saprist Peat using Response Surface Methodology, Journal of Waste Management, to appear.
Agboma, C. O. and L. M. Lye (2014): Hydrologic Memory Patterns Assessment over a Drought-Prone Canadian Prairies Catchment. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering.
Kazemi, K, B. Zhang, L. M. Lye, and W. Lin (2014): Performance of locally available bulking agents in Newfoundland and Labrador during small-scale municipal solid waste composting. Environmental Systems Research Vol. 3(1), 1-10.
Sayeed, T. M., L. M. Lye, and H. Peng (2014): Response Surface Models for Analyzing Hull Motions in a Vertical Plane, Proceedings – 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, San Francisco, California.
Rai, R., Upadhyay, A., Ojha, C. and Lye, L. M. (2013): Statistical Analysis of Hydro-Climatic Variables. Chapter 14, Climate Change Modeling, Mitigation, and Adaptation, ASCE Press, 387-418.
Yang, M., F. I. Khan, L. M. Lye, H. Sulistiyono, J. Dolny, and D. Oldford (2013): Risk Based Winterization for Vessels Operations in Arctic Environments, Journal of Ship Production and Design, 29(4), 199-210.
Yang, M., F. I. Khan, L. M. Lye (2012): Precursor-based Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Rare Event Frequency Estimation: The Case of BP’s Deepwater Horizon Accident, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 91(5), 333-342.
T. Rahman, N. Krouglicof, and L. M. Lye (2012): Kinematic Synthesis of Non-Spherical Orientation Manipulators: Maximization of Dexterous Regular Workspace by Multiple Response Optimization, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 134, July.
H. Wu, L. M. Lye, and B. Chen (2012): A DOE aided sensitivity analysis and parameterization for hydrological modelling, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 39, 1-13.
R. Harvey, L. M. Lye, and A. A. Khan (2011): A Review of Recent Advances in the Statistical Analysis of Real Time Water Quality Data Collected in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol. 36(4), 1-13.
R. Harvey, L. M. Lye, A. A. Khan, and R. Patterson (2011): The Influence of Water Air Temperature on Water Temperature and the Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen in Newfoundland Rivers, Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol 36 (2), 171-192.
M. Islam and L. M. Lye (2009): Combined Use of Dimensional Analysis and Modern Statistical Design of Experiments in Hydrodynamics Experiments. Ocean Engineering, 36(3), 237-247, March.
Khan, A. A, L. M. Lye, and T. Husain (2008): Latin Hypercube Sampling for Uncertainty Analysis in Multiphase Modelling. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 7: 617-626.
Taluker, M. K. and L. M. Lye (2008): Probabilistic Analysis of Laterally Loaded Pile-Soil System Using Monte Carlo Simulations, Proceedings of the 8th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand.
Lim, Y. H. and L. M. Lye (2004): Wavelet Analysis of Tide-Affected Low Streamflows, Journal of Data Science, Vol 2. No. 2, pp 149-164.
Saihul Anwar and L. M. Lye (2003): Flood Forecasting on the Cimanuk River, West Jawa, Using a Transfer Hydrograph Approach, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 1-16.
Lim, Y. H. and L. M. Lye (2003): Regional Flood Estimation at Ungauged Basins in Sarawak, Malaysia, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 48(1), February, pp 79-94.
Mukhtasor, L. M. Lye, and J. J. Sharp (2002): Methods of Compliance Evaluation for Ocean Outfall Design and Analysis, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp 536-546.
Mukhtasor, T. Husain, L.M.Lye, and J. J. Sharp (2002): Human Health Risk-Based Design of Ocean Outfalls, Journal of Water, Maritime and Energy, Institution of Civil Engineers (London), March, Issue 1, pp 29-39
Mukhtasor, L. M. Lye, and J. J. Sharp (2002): A New Approach to Modelling Initial Dilution of a Buoyancy-Dominated Jet in Moving Water. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 1: 101-111.
Mukhtasor, J.J. Sharp, and L.M.Lye (1999): Uncertainty Analysis of Ocean Outfalls, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 26, pp 434-444.
Trimper, P.G., N. Standen, L.M.Lye, D. Lemon, and T. Chubbs (1998): Effects of Low-Level Jet Aircraft Noise on the Behaviour of Nesting Osprey. Journal of Applied Ecology, 35, pp 122-130.
L. M. Lye and Y. Lin (1994): Long-Term Dependence in Annual Peak Flows of Canadian Rivers, Journal of Hydrology 160, pp 89-103.
Y. Lin and L. M. Lye (1994): Modelling Long-Term Dependence Based on Cumulative Departures of Annual Flow Series. Journal of Hydrology 160, pp 104-115.
Wu, Boxian and L.M.Lye (1994): Identification of Temporal Scaling Behaviour of Floods: A Study of Fractals. Fractals, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp 283-286.
L.M.Lye and J.J. Sharp (1994): Hydrotechnical Studies of Peter’s River. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 21, pp 131-140.
L.M.Lye, K.P. Hapuararchchi, and S. Ryan (1993): Bayes Estimation of the Extreme Value Reliability Function. IEEE Transaction on Reliability, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp 641-644.
L.M.Lye (1993): A Technique for Selecting the Box-Cox Transformation in Flood Frequency Analysis. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, October, 20, pp 760-766.
Blair, A., L.M.Lye, and W. Campbell (1993): Forecasting Construction Cost Escalation. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, August, 20, pp. 602-612.
Moore, E., J.J. Sharp, and L.M.Lye (1991): Problems of Handling Messy Field Data for Engineering Decision-Making, Mathematical Scientist, Vol. 16, pp 1-14.
L.M.Lye (1990): Bayes Estimate of the Probability of Exceedance of Annual Floods, Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, Vol. 4, pp 55-64.
Awumah, K., C. Booy, and L.M.Lye (1990): Accumulated Basin Storage as an Indicator of Agricultural Drought Conditions. Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol 15, No 2, pp 105-124.
Booy, C. and L.M.Lye (1989): A New Look at Flood Risk Determination. Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp 933-943.
L.M.Lye, S.K. Sinha, and C. Booy (1988): Bayesian Analysis of T-Year Events for Flood Data Fitted by a Three-Parameter Lognormal Distribution. Civil Engineering Systems, Vol. 5, pp 81-86.
Booy, C. and L.M.Lye (1986): Accumulated Basin Storage as a Factor in the Correlation Structure of Annual Peak Flows on the Red River. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 13, pp 365-374.