Kevin Pope
B.Eng., M.A.Sc., PhD (Ontario Tech), P.Eng.
- Professor
Contact Information
Ph: 709-864-2239
Office: ER4020
- Energy
- Thermo-fluids
Research Interests
Sustainable Energy Systems, Wind Energy, Clean Hydrogen Production, Ocean Energy.
Personal Profile
I am a Professor of Mechanical Engineering committed to enhancing sustainable energy systems through research and teaching.
Since joining Memorial University in 2013, I have conducted fundamental and applied research on sustainable energy systems including wind power, ocean energy, hydrogen production, waste heat recovery, and process integration, among others.
I have enjoyed teaching a variety of energy-related courses at undergraduate and graduate levels and had the privilege to lead the development of the Masters of Applied Science in Energy Systems Engineering program.
Before joining Memorial, I researched the transient behaviour of wind turbines at the Thermofluids and Microfluidics Laboratory as well as clean hydrogen production at the Clean Energy Research Laboratory at Ontario Tech.
I am a member of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. I've also received the I. W. Smith Award for outstanding achievement in creative mechanical engineering from the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering.