Student Societies

Click here for a full list of Memorial University Clubs and Societies.

Education Society

The Education Society Room is located in E-3011a and is open to all Education Students.

The telephone number is 864-3319.

Faculty of Education Gender and Sexuality Alliance

The Faculty of Education has a Gender and Sexuality Alliance! A Gender and Sexuality Alliance, or GSA (sometimes called Gay-Straight Alliance) is a student-run group of people, regardless of gender and sexual identities or expressions, that come together for a decided-upon purpose. Typically, the group decides whether they would like their GSA to be more social, support-oriented, or activist; however, it is not limited to this, and these are not exclusive of each other. It really depends on the group and the purpose can shift over time as people come and go.

The goal of GSAs are to increase awareness of discrimination against marginalized gender and sexual identities, offer a safe and supportive space, promote acceptance and respect, and positively impact academic performance and relationships.

The Faculty of Education recognizes the needs of a diverse student population within our province, as well as within education as a discipline. To this end, we want to promote LGBTQ+ acceptance through our very own Gender and Sexuality Alliance. It is our hope that student teachers will be able to learn valuable skills that they can take fourth into their classrooms to help and support LGBTQ+ students and start their very own GSAs at their respective schools.

Join us!

If you want to know more, stay connected, or join our faculty’s GSA, you can do so by contacting us through one of the methods below:


Faculty Adviser:

Sarah Pickett, M.A. Psy.D., R. Psych
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education
Memorial University Newfoundland
Office: ED-3012<
Tel: (709) 864-4380


Looking for more information, or want resources to start your own GSA? Check out these links:

Resource List - St. John’s Pride!resources/c16tr

List of GSAs in Newfoundland and Labrador - Add your own!

My GSA - Egale Canada

Gay-Straight Alliances - Institute for Sexual Minority Studies and Services (iSMSS)

GSA Network - USA

Register your GSA - GLSEN

Pride Education Network -