Why Choose a French Focus

Degree Programs Offered
The following degree programs are offered with a French focus option:
1. Bachelor of Education (Primary/Elementary) as a Second Degree
2. Bachelor of Education (Intermediate/Secondary)
French Education
If you are contemplating becoming a teacher, then consider teaching French as a Second Language (FSL). The number of FSL programs in Canada has grown considerably over the last five years, and the demand for FSL teachers continues to increase every year.
Our program will prepare you to teach the various French programs that are offered across Canada: Primary and Elementary Core French, Primary and Elementary French Immersion, Intensive (Core) French, Intermediate and Senior High Core French, and Intermediate and Senior High French Immersion.
Our professors and instructors are committed to providing students with the highest level of professional preparation. With a research emphasis placing them at the forefront of knowledge about teaching and learning, faculty facilitate and enhance the integration of theory and practice in educational settings through both teaching and internship delivery.
In our Education programs, students will complete at least one course focusing on the teaching of French. In such courses, students will study the theories and concepts that underlie second language learning.
They will study curriculum materials currently prescribed for schools and recommended teaching strategies. Evaluation and assessment are two further topics which are treated in the methods courses.
To become a French teacher, a strong background in French is required, that which is obtained through the study of French at the university level and time spent studying in a French milieu.
The faculty offers you:
- an introduction to the profession of teaching in a series of educational experiences with exceptional faculty,
- site visits to local schools,
- a full semester teaching internship in a school setting with dedicated teachers, (French Immersion placements are available for those with a strong background in French.)
- an opportunity in the final semester of study to reflect on and analyze teaching, consider the integration of theory and practice in teaching and learning and prepare to enter their chosen profession of teaching.
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