Courses and Programs:

How do I register for courses?
Go to our Registration page where you will be directed to the apply online. 

What courses should I register for?
Registration information for our programs is posted on our website prior to the start of the registration period each semester. Registration Information  for each program is listed on the menu on the left. Choose your program and open the Registration Information page.

What textbooks are required for my courses?
Textbooks can be ordered through the Memorial University Bookstore. To view textbook order information for the winter 2020-2021 semester, click here.

I want to register in the online section instead of the on campus one, but it’s full. Who can I contact?
If there is not enough space in your preferred section, you should continue to check Self-Service in case a space opens up. If a waitlist is available, we recommend that you put yourself on the waitlist.

When I try to register online I receive an error. What can I do now?
The course may be reserved for students in a particular program or cohort. For assistance with registration issues, please contact the Office of Academic Programs and provide them with your student number and the applicable course(s) as well as the error you are receiving.

I have a course that I need for my degree, but the section is full. What can I do now?
If a waitlist is available you should make sure you put yourself on the waitlist. If the waitlist is closed or full, you should continue to check Self-Service in case a space becomes available as students frequently drop and switch courses leading up to the start of classes. For more information please contact the Office of Academic Programs and provide them with your student number and the applicable course(s).

I have a course that I need for my degree, but I have another class during that time and cannot register for it- What can I do now?
For assistance with program planning and registration, please contact the Office of Academic Programs and provide them with your student number and the applicable course(s).

I have one course left in my degree, but it isn’t offered this year. What do I do?
For assistance with program planning, please contact the Office of Academic Programs.

Who can I talk to so that I know that I have all the courses that I need for Graduation?
The Academic Programs Office can provide you with an unofficial audit to outline the courses you have remaining in your program. To request an unofficial audit, please contact the Office of Academic Programs and provide them with your student number. If an official audit is required for a third party (eg. funding agency), one can be requested through the Registrar’s Office.

Can I take an extra course this semester?
These requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Office of Academic Programs  and provide them with your student number, the course you are interested in completing, and the reason for your request.

How do I request a pre-requisite waiver?
These requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Office of Academic Programs and provide them with your student number, the course you are interested in completing, and the reason for your request.

Can I transfer credit from another institution to an Education program at Memorial?
Courses previously completed at another institution may be considered for transfer credit to be counted towards the Education program. Some programs may allow more transfer credit to be applied toward the degree than others. To request an advising session and discuss your options for transfer credit, please contact the Academic Programs Office at muneduc@mun.ca.

Can I waive the practicum (ED 3650) for the Bachelor of Special Education program?
Students admitted to the Bachelor of Special Education prior to Fall 2018 can apply for a waiver of the practicum course (ED3650) by contacting the Academic Programs Office (muneduc@mun.ca). If approved, students are required to complete a Special Education elective course in place of ED 3650. Students admitted Fall 2018 or later cannot apply for the waiver as this is now a requirement of the program.

Can I waive the practicum (ED 4735) for the Bachelor of Education (Post-Secondary) program?
A student who has at least one year of Post-Secondary or Adult instructional experience (documented) may apply for a waiver of ED 4735 by contacting the Academic Programs Office (muneduc@mun.ca). If approved, students are required to complete a post-secondary/adult education elective in place of ED 4735.

I require accommodation for exams. How do I arrange this?
Students requiring special accommodation are asked to communicate firstly with the Glenn Roy Blundon Centre (www.mun.ca/blundon) at the earliest opportunity. University policies and procedures pertaining to accommodations for students with disabilities can be found here.

Am I doing the correct courses for my program?
Registration information for each program can be found on our website each semester here. If you would like to arrange an advising session please contact the Academic Programs Office at muneduc@mun.ca and provide them with your student number.

Can I switch my focus area/teachable area?
Yes, it may be possible to change your focus area/teachable area depending on how far along in the program you are. For advice regarding this, please contact the Office of Academic Programs and provide them with your student number.

I am considering applying for a master’s degree after I graduate. What courses can I do now that are pre-requisites?
Some pre-requisite courses may be available to you during your Bachelor’s degree depending on your program of study. For advice on how to plan your program to include these courses, please contact the Office of Academic Programs and provide them with your student number.

I’m considering applying for special education after I graduate. What courses can I do now?
Some pre-requisite courses and special education courses may be available to you during your Bachelor’s degree depending on your program of study. For advice on how to plan your program to include these courses, please contact the Office of Academic Programs and provide them with your student number.

Deferrals, absence, or illness

I missed a test/exam due to illness or other cause. How do I request a deferred exam?
For online exams: Please visit https://citl.mun.ca/learning/s_support/exams.php
For midterm exams on campus: Contact your instructor, including any supporting documentation.
For final exams on campus: Complete the application for deferred exam form and submit it to the Office of Academic Programs within one week of the original date of the exam.

I have a medical issue and I can’t complete my classes this semester. What can I do?
Please contact the Office of Academic Programs to discuss your situation and your options with an advisor.
You may be able to request a deferred exam. See above.

Can I take a semester off?
Some programs require students to be full-time and complete their program in order as a cohort. Other programs such as the Post-Secondary and Special Education programs can be completed part-time. If you are currently enrolled in a full-time program but require a leave of absence, please contact the Office of Academic Programs to discuss your options.

I am going to miss some classes. Who should I contact?
You are advised to first contact your instructors to inform them of any class time that you are expecting to miss. You may wish to contact the Office of Academic Programs as well if you expect to miss more than a couple of classes.

Something has come up and I don’t think I can continue the program at this time. What do I do?
You can withdraw from the program at any time by emailing the Office of Academic Programs. Please note that if a student withdraws from the program and they wish to continue in the program at a later date, they will be required to reapply to the program in competition with other applicants. In some cases, a leave of absence or other accommodation may be made. If you wish to discuss your options, please contact the Office of Academic Programs.

Extra-curricular Activities and scholarships

How can I get involved in clubs, societies and committees in the faculty?

Visit our Faculty of Education Student Societies page. Education Societies are student run and organized. We encourage students to work together to form their societies. Information about other groups may be circulated over email at the beginning of the academic year.

The Faculty of Education looks for student representatives on a number of committees. If you are interested in sitting on a committee, please contact the Office of Academic Programs to express your interest.  

Where can I find Scholarships that are available for Education students?
You can find that information on our Education Scholarships page.

Where can I find volunteer/leadership opportunities on/off campus that may or may not be associated with the faculty?

Work and volunteer opportunities are frequently circulated through student listservs (email) while you are completing your program. We also circulate much of this information through social media. Keep checking your email and social media accounts for different opportunities.

If you are looking for something specific, our staff may be able to assist. You can contact the Office of Academic Programs if you have any questions.