The Internet has become a very useful resource for learners and teachers, especially those who are learning or teaching French. At your fingertips, you and/or your students could take a virtual tour of Le Louvre or view Paris, the City of Lights, via a live web cam. Online multilingual dictionaries which give you the sound files to assist in the pronunciation of words and sentences are very common and useful. Live newscasts, podcasts, blogues, wikis, etc. give students and teachers unlimited opportunities to communicate in French.
Here you will find a collection of websites that are pertinent to learners and teachers of French as a second language. If you know of any other sites which you use and you find worthwhile in your working with the French language or in your teaching of the French language, please forward them to
Association Communautaire Francophone de Saint-Jean
The Association communautaire francophone de St-Jean (ACFSJ) is a not-for-profit corporation whose mission is to "inspire and support the development and action of the francophone community in St. John’s by means of the Centre scolaire et communautaire des Grands-Vents." The ACFSJ organizes a broad range of activities for the local francophone community and for the general public. Do you like to sing? Come join the French choir: La Rose des Vents. which meets on Monday evenings for rehearsal and sings at various times during the year, including the Festival du Vent, the Association’s Christmas Dinner, Literary Readings, the Provincial Francophone Day and the June Concert.
Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers
The Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT) was established in 1970 and has evolved from a small organization of volunteers dedicated to supporting second language teachers into a multi-level organization. These second languages encompass both official and international languages.
Association canadienne des professeurs d'immersion
L'Association canadienne des professeurs d'immersion (ACPI) est une association professionnelle à but non lucratif qui, par la formation continue, la recherche, l'intervention et la communication, soutient la pratique pédagogique des enseignantes et des enseignants, fait la promotion de l'immersion en français et contribue au développement de la pédagogie en immersion dans le but de favoriser la dualité linguistique et de former des citoyens bilingues dans les deux langues officielles au Canada.
Canadian Parents for French (National)
Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is the national network of volunteers which values French as an integral part of Canada and which is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French-second-language learning opportunities for young Canadians.
Canadian Parents for French (Provincial)
Each province has its own Branch of Canadian Parents for French and a provinvial office with an executive director. The Newfoundland and Labrador Branch has several Chapters throughout the province and at all levels support of and advocacy for French Programs in the K-12 school system are goals of this organization.
Fédération internationale des professeurs de français
Partenaire des ministères français, canadiens, québécois, et belge, la FIPF a le statut d'OING et contribue par ses actions à la diffusion du français et des cultures francophones, elle rassemble plus de 70 000 enseignants, regroupés dans 165 associations, dont quelques fédérations nationales.
French for the Future- Le français pour l'avenir
French for the Future is a not-for-profit student-centered educational program which encourages and promotes bilingualism in Canada by highlighting its positive social and career benefits and by forging linguistic and cultural links among students of secondary school age who are enrolled in French-first and second language courses.
CIEP is a national state organization known in France and internationally for its skills in assessment, training and evaluation, and for its ideas in the field of international cooperation in education. There are many great French assessment resources found on this site.
The Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada (SEVEC) offers a variety of educational programs for groups: cultural and bilingual exchanges through SEVEC Youth Exchanges Canada, a reciprocal homestay exchange program for groups of 10-30 youth aged 11-18, and cultural and educational group tours to selected destinations across Canada through Rendez-vous Canada Educational Programs.
Young Canada Works is a Canadian Heritage program that offers summer work exchanges in another province for high school and post-secondary students.
House of Commons Page Program is a program for bilingual senior high school students with an overall average of 80% who are interested in Canadian politics. Students accepted into the program will spend part of their time studying at a university in the nation’s capital while having part-time duties in the House of Commons. More information is available here. Other employment opportunities on Parliament Hill can be found here.
Each year, the Senate of Canada offers a page program where 15 university students from across Canada are selected to participate. The Senate Pages are responsible for a wide variety of activities associated with the legislative process. Moreover, they are given a direct opportunity to further their knowledge of parliamentary affairs by exposure to the rich tradition of Canada’s Parliamentary system and the Senate of Canada.
Sites to help improve your French language skills
Bon Patron
BonPatron » est un correcteur de grammaire qui trouve des fautes d'orthographe et de grammaire en français.
French Steps for Beginners
French Steps will introduce you to simple, spoken French language. The language you'll learn will help you to find your way, order meals, introduce yourself, etc and to understand predictable things that people will say to you.
Talk French
A lively introduction to the language in ten short parts. Watch and listen to the clips and have a look at the key language and transcripts if needed
Ma France
24 units with video, key phrases and games. Refresh your language and keep it up-to-date.
Apprendre le français avec Lexique FLE
Ce site propose aux étudiants des cours pour apprendre et étudier le français.
Fouineux est un site québécois qui rassemble pas mal de ressources: outils de recherche, dictionnaires français, recherche de numéros de téléphone, dépannage linguistique, recherche d'images, synonymes, recherche de vidéos, répertoires d'urgence, conjugaison, recherche de musique, outils de traduction, recherche de recettes, répertoires urbain, encyclopédies, annonces classées, cartes géographiques et des outils anglophones......sur une seule page!!!!
Programs in France
English Assistant Program in France
Are you interested in working in France as an English Language Assistant? Applications are being received for September 2014 until March 1, 2013. This would be an excellent opportunity to impro your French while living and working in France.
D'autres sites intéressants
Journées Orientation & Carrière en français
C'est sous le thème « le français, un tremplin pour l'avenir » que se tiendront les Journées Orientation & Carrière en français dans la province de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador à partir du 1er février 2012. Quelque dix secteurs économiques d'employeurs à la recherche de personnel bilingue, des entrepreneurs, des fonctionnaires des gouvernements provincial et fédéral, des représentants des institutions postsecondaires, des spécialistes en orientation et carriérologie y tiendront des kiosques d'information. Plus de 600 élèves des écoles francophones et d'immersion pourront visiter les divers kiosques et s'informer auprès des spécialistes des opportunités de carrières et de création d'entreprises dans la province pour les personnes bilingues, des bourses offertes pour la poursuite d'études postsecondaires en français et des offres de services des institutions francophones au Canada. Cette initiative se déroulera au Centre scolaire et communautaire des Grands-Vents et au sein du Marine Institute.
?couter et parler avant de lire et d'?crire - une présentation par Kayla Sheppard
Kayla est enseignante à Carbonear Academy où elle enseigne en huitième année en immersion tardive. Elle a fait un atelier aec les étudiants dans la Faculté d'Éducation au mois d'octobre. Voici sa présentation Power Point qu'elle a partagée avc nous.