Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literature and Cultures)

Program Information

The Faculty of Education and the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) offer a joint degree entitled, Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literature and Cultures). The program is designed for teachers of French and French immersion who wish to learn more about Francophone literature and culture to enhance their practice and improve their French language skills.

Students in the Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literature and Cultures) program take half of their courses with the Faculty of Education and half with the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures. The program can be completed by part-time studies, and most of the courses are available by distance education.

The program offers two program options:

  • Project Route
  • Comprehensive Course Route

Application Deadline

Application for the Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literatures and Cultures) program are currently paused. Admission for fall semester will take place every other year (even years), with a deadline of February 1. Please refer to application submission deadlines.

Admission/Application Information

Please visit the links provided in the table below to learn more about the Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literatures and Cultures) admission/application process. 

Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literatures and Cultures)
School of Graduate Studies Regulations
Master of Arts and Education Qualifications for Admission


  • Applicants would normally have a Bachelor of Education degree with a focus area in French, or a Bachelor of Arts degree in French and a Bachelor of Education degree.
  • Applicants must have two years of experience in the teaching of French and a 70% average in the last 30 courses attempted.
  • Applicants must have a level of French proficiency satisfactory to the Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literatures and Cultures) Admissions Committee. As part of the application process, prospective students will provide a sample of writing in French. If the Committee elects to hold interviews, the interviews will be conducted in French.

Program of Study

Please visit the link provided in the table below to learn more about the Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literatures and Cultures) program of study.

Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literatures and Cultures)
Program of Study

Program Cost

Please refer to Graduate Tuition and Fees for general information and the School of Graduate Studies Minimum Expense form for detailed tuition, special fee, and other program cost information. 


Students are required to apply online to have information formally assessed. Applications and official supporting documents are to be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies by the application deadline. Complete detailed application packages are expected by the deadline date. Applications may be submitted online by following the process outlined at School of Graduate Studies-Application Package