
Dr. Pamela Osmond-Johnson
Dr. Pamela Osmond-Johnson
Dean & Professor | B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., Memorial; Ph.D., O.I.S.E.

Research Interests: Discourse analysis, Sociology, Socialization, Pedagogy, Teacher professionalism, Teachers and teachers’ organizations.

T: (709) 864-8588 | E: educdean@mun.ca | O: ED2010 |

Dr. Rhonda Joy
Dr. Rhonda Joy
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Research & Associate Professor | B.Sc., M.Ed., Memorial; Ed.D., O.I.S.E/Toronto; RPsych

Research Interests:
 Second language learning (French immersions and Intensive French), Career development (career integrated learning), Perceptions of and knowledge about concussions, Counseling
T: (709) 864-6250 | E: rjoy@mun.ca | O: ED2007D |

Dr. David Gill
Dr. David Gill
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs (Acting) & Associate Professor | D.B.A., Canadian University College; B.Ed., Dip. (Tech. Ed.), Grad. Dip. (I.T.), M.Ed., Memorial; Ed.D., Calgary

Research Interests:
 David’s research focuses on factors that help or hinder the teaching of technology education in the Newfoundland context, makerspaces and their potential impact on the design of K-12 learning environments, digital game-based learning, technology enhanced learning environments, expertise, and the development of technical skills and pedagogical content knowledge. || Background

T: 709-864-6250 | E: dgill@mun.ca | O: ED2007B |

Dr. Leslie Redmond
Dr. Leslie Redmond
Associate Dean, Nunavut Arctic College (NAC) Partnerships & Associate Professor | B.A. (Hons), Memorial; M.A., Nantes; Ph.D., Université du Québec à Montréal/Université Bordeaux-Montaigne

Research Interests:
 My current research focuses on the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in reading across the lifespan. Specifically, I am interested in the role of morphological and syntactic awareness in first and second language reading. My work pays particular attention to the measurement of these constructs and how we can understand these complex relationships using statistical modelling. My work also looks at the development and evaluation of evidence-based component skills reading training programs. I teach and supervise in the fields of second language learning and reading development at both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

T: 709-864-7630 | E: leslie.redmond@mun.ca | O: ED3035 |

Dr. Kirk Anderson
Dr. Kirk Anderson
Professor | Research Chair for School Effectiveness & School Improvement, University of the Arctic | B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., Memorial; Ph.D., Toronto

Research Interests:
 His primary university research areas are school leadership and school effectiveness. He has also conducted significant research into success in Indigenous (Aboriginal) education and has worked on various international projects. He currently serves on a number of national and international research groups. His most current work is research into Canadian Perspectives for Teacher Development in the North (An Inuit and Sami centric view). || Background

T: (709) 864-7609 | E: kirk.anderson@mun.ca | O: ED4026 |

Dr. Christine Arnold (on leave)
Dr. Christine Arnold (on leave)
Associate Professor | B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Brock University; Ph.D., University of Toronto/OISE

Research Interests:
 Student development and success in post-secondary education; student mobility and credit transfer systems; access and attainment of underrepresented student populations; quality assurance and learning outcomes; organizational structures and leadership in student affairs/services; and the role of qualifications and community college/vocational education.

T: (709) 864-8559 | E: christinearnold@mun.ca | O: ED5032 |

Dr. Saiqa Azam
Dr. Saiqa Azam
Associate Professor | B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Ed., Punjab; B.Ed., Allama Iqbal Open; M.Ed., Monash, Australia; Certificate in Measurement & Evaluation, Australia; Ph.D., Calgary

Research Interests:
 Science education, teachers thinking/cognition/learning, pedagogical content knowledge, professional knowledge of practice, pre-service teacher education, qualitative research, narrative inquiry, action research/self study, mixed methods research.

T: (709) 864-3413 | E: sazam@mun.ca | O: ED3064 |

Dr. Cecile Badenhorst
Dr. Cecile Badenhorst
Professor | B.A. (Hons), Witwatersrand, South Africa; M.A., UBC; Ph.D., Queen's

Research Interests:
 Academic writing, academic literacies, graduate research writing, academic writing genres, Faculty writing and productivity, post-secondary learning, adult learning, internationalization and international students.

T: (709) 864-7654 | E: cbadenhorst@mun.ca | O: ED5034 |

Dr. David Buley
Dr. David Buley
Associate Professor | B.A., University of King’s College; M.Ed., St. Mary’s University; M.Mus., Westminster Choir College; M.Phil, Ph.D., Drew University; ARCCO (Chm), Royal Canadian College of Organists; Certified Dalcroze Instructor, DEIEB (Dalcroze U.K.)

Research Interests:
 Dalcroze Eurhythmics; music and movement; music and the environment; Indigenous ways of knowing; music, spirit and health.

T: 709-864-7559 | E: dbuley@mun.ca | O: ED3015 |

Dr. Jan Buley
Dr. Jan Buley
Associate Professor | B.A., Guelph; B.Ed., Nipissing; M.A/M.Ed., Mount St. Vincent; M.A., Columbia; Ph.D., New York

Research Interests:
 Imagination in teaching and learning, Literacies, place-based learning, Indigenous ways of knowing, play-based learning, experiential learning, Foxfire approach for teachers, global teaching opportunities, social and ecological justice, power of storytelling as a teaching medium, process drama education.

T: (709) 864-8605 | E: jbuley@mun.ca | O: ED3044 |

Dr. Anne Burke  (on leave)
Dr. Anne Burke (on leave)
Professor | B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Memorial; Ph.D., O.I.S.E, Toronto

Research Interests:
 Areas of research: Children's Voice and Agency, Social inclusion, Arts Education, Digital learning and agency, Play- based pedagogies, STEAM, Children's  environmental and climate change education ,  Informal learning environments for social justice  such as Museums, Art Galleries, Science Centres, outdoor schools and Libraries for community engagement, public engagement, multiliteracies pedagogies, multimodality and children's literature , co- participatory research design and  methods, action research , classroom based research. || Background

Ms. Courtney Crocker
Ms. Courtney Crocker
Education Librarian
T: 709-864-2188 | E: courtney.crocker@mun.ca | O: ED2030 |

Dr. Jerome Delaney
Dr. Jerome Delaney
Professor | B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed. Memorial; Ph.D., Alberta

Research Interests:
 Educational policy; educational law; school personnel issues; school improvement; school-based management; teacher and administrator recruitment; effective teaching, and rural island schools.

T: 709-864-2071 | E: jdelaney@mun.ca | O: ED4022 |

* Dr. Gerald Galway (on leave)
* Dr. Gerald Galway (on leave)
Professor | B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Sc. (Med.), Memorial; Ph.D., South Australia

Research Interests:
Evidence-based policy / decision making, educational governance, planning and demography, public sector accountability and educational reform || Background

T: 709-864-2522 | E: ggalway@mun.ca | O: ED5024 |

Dr. Morgan Gardner
Dr. Morgan Gardner
Associate Professor | B.A. (Hons.), Western Ontario; M.A., Ph.D., Toronto

Research Interests:
 Participatory action research, student voice, engagement, activism and authorship in education, youth deemed "at-risk" in school, social justice and democracy in education and educational change, educational alternatives strengths-based approaches in education, community voice and involvement in education postmodern approaches to schoolcounselling, and expressive arts pedagogies in teaching and learning.

T: 709-864-7614 | E: mgardner@mun.ca | O: ED3059 |

* Dr. Karen Goodnough (on leave)
* Dr. Karen Goodnough (on leave)
Professor | B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., Memorial; Ph.D., Toronto/O.I.S.E.

Learning and Teaching/Research Interests:
 Action research, inclusive science education, pre-service teacher education, problem-based learning, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, teacher knowledge, and teacher professional learning.

T: 709-864-3032 | E: kareng@mun.ca | O: ED5020B |

Dr. Greg Harris
Dr. Greg Harris
Professor | B.A. (Hons), Saint Mary's; M.Sc., Calgary; Ph.D., Alberta; R.Psych

Research Interests:
 Focus on prevention of HIV, understanding and preventing risk behaviour, therapeutic applications of positive psychology (e.g., hope, empowerment), as well as practice, conceptualization, and training considerations associated with counselling, especially in K-12 school contexts. || Background
T: 709-864-6925 | E: gharris@mun.ca | O: ED5035 |

Dr. Jackie Hesson
Dr. Jackie Hesson
Associate Professor | B.A.(Hons.), M.Sc., Memorial; Ph.D., Victoria

Research Interests:
 ADHD in children and adults; substance use in ADHD; positive mental health; and the role of social support and negative social interactions in the psychological well-being of individuals with chronic health conditions.

T: 709-864-4874 | E: jhesson@mun.ca | O: ED3007B |

Dr. John Hoben
Dr. John Hoben
Associate Professor | B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D., Memorial; L.L.B., Western Ontario; called to the Bar of Ontario in 2002; called to the Bar of Newfoundland and Labrador in 2004

Research Interests:
 Teaching and learning; democratic education; post-secondary legal policy and governance; poetic inquiry.

T: 709-864-4460 | E: jlhoben@mun.ca | O: ED3061 |

Dr. Noel Hurley
Dr. Noel Hurley
Professor | B.A, B.Ed., M.Phil., Memorial; Ph.D., Ottawa

Research Interests:
International comparative education; School effectiveness; Transitioning experiences of international students to Canada; Educational leadership; Educational finance; Educational policy.

T: 709-864-3319 | E: nhurley@mun.ca | O: ED3038 |

Dr. Scott Johnston
Dr. Scott Johnston
Professor | Joint Appointment with Department of Philosophy | B.Sc., St. Francis; M.A., Ph.D., Illinois.

Research Interests:
 Philosophy of education; history of educational ideas; pogressivism; American educational thought || Background

T: 709-864-6924 | E: sjohnston12@mun.ca | O: ED5002 |

Dr. Darron Kelly
Dr. Darron Kelly
Associate Professor | B.A. Mount Allison; B.Ed., M.Ed., Queen's; Ph.D., Memorial

Research Interests:
 applications of critical social theory in educational administration (including communicative rationality, transformative leadership, and moral policymaking) and explores the educational value of place-conscious pedagogy (including teacher identity, school-community partnerships, and transformative student agency). || Background

T: (709) 864-8624 | E: p45dik@mun.ca | O: ED3041 |

Dr. Dale Kirby
Dr. Dale Kirby
Professor | B.Sc., M.Ed., Memorial; Ph.D., Toronto/O.I.S.E.

Research Interests: History of higher education, systems of post-secondary education; quality & evaluation in post-secondary education; educational finance & economics; institutional governance; post-secondary student success & persistence; college/post-secondary choice; student financial assistance; inter-sectoral collaboration; apprenticeship and skilled trades training. || Background

T: 709-864-3186 | E: dkirby@mun.ca | O: ED3065 |

Dr. Margo Kondratieva
Dr. Margo Kondratieva
Associate Professor | Joint appointment with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics | M.Sc., Moscow Inst. of Electronics & Math; Ph.D., Tomsk State

Research Interests:
 psychology of learning and teaching mathematics (rigor and intuition, mathematical paradoxes); history of mathematics with implications for teaching; implicit learning of philosophical ideas within mathematical curriculum (notion of infinity, identity, symmetry, similarity, continuity, etc).

T: 709-864-4541 | E: mkondra@mun.ca | O: ED4025 |

* Dr. Leah Lewis
* Dr. Leah Lewis
Associate Professor | Pg.Dip., Hertfordshire; M.Ed., Memorial; Ph.D., Concordia

Research Interests:
cultural diversity education, LGBTQ affirmative scholarship, qualitative health education using arts-based inquiry. || Background 

T: 709-864-7617 | E: leah.lewis@mun.ca | O: ED3040 |

Dr. Xuemei Li
Dr. Xuemei Li
Professor | M.A., Carleton; Ph.D., Queen's

Research Interests:
 Second/additional language education, identity issues in second/additional language contexts, ESL academic writing and bilteracy, ESL/EFL curriculum and teaching methodology, ESL support in schools and communities, and comparative cultural and language studies. || Background

Dr. Kimberly Maich
Dr. Kimberly Maich
Professor | B.A., Guelph, B.C.Ed., Redeemer; P.D.P, P.B.D., Simon Fraser; M.Ed., M. Ed., Memorial; M.ADS., Ph.D., Brock; PsyD, California Southern

Research Interests: 
My primary interests lie in disabilities and special education, with a focus on autism spectrum disorders in inclusive school environments. I also research, present and publish in the areas of emotional/behavioural disorders, problem behaviour, applied behaviour analysis, assistive technology, inclusive school leadership and the early years. || Background

T: 709-864-4793 | E: kmaich@mun.ca | O: ED3042 |

Dr. Bruce Mann
Dr. Bruce Mann
Professor | B.A.(Hons), Grad.Dip., M.A., Concordia; Ph.D., Toronto; LL.M., Edinburgh

Research Interests:
 Instructional design with an avatar, non-player character or pedagogical agent; intellectual property law in distance education; technology law in virtual worlds and social networking websites.

T: 709-864-3416 | E: bmann@mun.ca | O: ED5023 |

Dr. Heather McLeod
Dr. Heather McLeod
Professor | B.A., T.Cert.(Ed.), British Columbia; M.A., Simon Fraser; Ph.D., Victoria. President's Award for Outstanding Teaching (Faculty) 2018

Research Interests:
 Education through the arts; art and social justice; issues of culture and history; narrative approaches to learning, teaching and research; critical pedagogy; feminist analysis; pre-service teacher-education - identity construction; multi-genre scholarship. || Background

T: 709-864-3775 | E: hmcleod@mun.ca | O: ED4027 |

Dr. Alireza Moghaddam
Dr. Alireza Moghaddam
Associate Professor | B.Ed., Payame Noor; M.Ed., Allameh Tabatabaee; Ph.D., Western Ontario

Research Interests:
 Instructional technology, technology applications, teacher education, teachers collaboration, mathematics education and lesson study.

T: 709-864-6225 | E: amoghaddam@mun.ca | O: ED4029 |

Dr. Connie Morrison
Dr. Connie Morrison
Assistant Professor | B.A. (Hons), B.Ed., New Brunswick; M.Ed., Ph.D., Memorial
T: 709-864-7634 | E: conniem@mun.ca | O: ED3062 |

Dr. Dennis Mulcahy
Dr. Dennis Mulcahy
Professor | B.A., B.Ed., Memorial; M.Ed., O.I.S.E.; Ph.D., Toronto

Research Interests:
 Rural education; small schools; school closure and consolidation; multi-grade and multi-age classrooms; community resistance to school closure; importance of a school to a rural community; curriculum studies and integration; distance education: virtual schooling and E- Learning. || Background

T: 709-864-7917 | E: dmulcahy@mun.ca | O: ED3037 |

Dr. Walter Okshevsky
Dr. Walter Okshevsky
Professor | Cross-appointment with Department of Philosophy | B.A., Concordia; M.A., York; Ph.D., Toronto/O.I.S.E..

Research Interests:
 Critical thinking and rationality, the nature of moral and ethical argument, philosophical aspects of policy studies and schooling, moral education, the theory and practice of liberal education, hermeneutics and critical theory in education.

T: 709-864-7613 | E: wokshevs@mun.ca | O: ED3060 |

Dr. Sharon Penney
Dr. Sharon Penney
Associate Professor | B.S.W., Memorial; M.Ed., New Brunswick; Ph.D., Alberta
T: 709-864-7556 | E: scpenney@mun.ca | O: ED5031 |

Dr. Sarah Pickett
Dr. Sarah Pickett
Associate Professor | B.A., National University; M.A., Psy.D., Philips Graduate Institute

Research Interests:
 Diversity and social justice (focus on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression); postmodern- post structural- narrative therapy- specifically with eating problems. || Background

T: 709-864-4380 | E: spickett@mun.ca | O: ED3012 |

Dr. Tim Seifert
Dr. Tim Seifert
Professor | B.Sc., Waterloo; B.Ed., M.Ed., Windsor; Ph.D., Simon Fraser

Research Interests: 
Learning strategies; strategy instruction; motivation.

T: 709-864-8648 | E: tseifert@mun.ca | O: ED5022 |

Dr. Jeanne Sinclair
Dr. Jeanne Sinclair
Assistant Professor | B.A., New York; M.A., Texas at San Antonio; Ph.D., Toronto

Research Interests:
 language and literacy development, literacy instruction and intervention, culturally responsive teaching, language assessment validation, connections between oral language and literacy, literacy education and assessment policy.

T: 709-864-3506 | E: jeannes@mun.ca | O: ED3039 |

Dr. Mary Stordy
Dr. Mary Stordy
Associate Professor | B.A., B.Ed., UPEI; M.Ed., Memorial; Ph.D., Calgary

Research Interests:
 Mathematics education; ontology of elementary mathematics educators; ecological nature of mathematics; interpretive research - particularly hermeneutics and phenomenology; teacher education; the convergence of pedagogy, hermeneutics and ecology; inquiry-based teaching and learning.

T: 709-864-7611 | E: mstordy@mun.ca | O: ED5026 |

Dr. Hidayet Tok
Dr. Hidayet Tok
Assistant Professor | BA, Çukurova University; MA, Ph. D., İnönü University; Postdoctoral Study, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Research Interests: School practice, mentoring, teaching and learning, curriculum instruction and English as a foreign language. 

T: (709)864-7612 | E: htok@mun.ca | O: ED 5000 |

Dr. Beth Tuinstra
Dr. Beth Tuinstra
Assistant Professor | B.Mus., B.Ed., University of British Columbia; M.A., University of Victoria; Ph.D., Western Ontario

Research Interests: 
Music education; decolonizing and Indigenizing music education; culturally responsive music education; culturally sustaining pedagogies; equity, diversity, and inclusion; social justice; reflective/reflexive practices; curriculum studies; teacher education practices.

T: 709-864-8437 | E: etuinstra@mun.ca | O: ED3013 |

Dr. Dorothy Vaandering
Dr. Dorothy Vaandering
Professor | B.A.(Ed.), Iowa; M.Ed., Ph.D., Western Ontario

Research Interests:
 Restorative justice in education; development and sustainability of relational school and classroom cultures; peacebuilding and conflict resolution; dialogic education; engaged and critical pedagogies; social justice; global citizenship education; teacher identity and integrity; narrative inquiry; critical theory. || Background

T: 709-864-3266 | E: dvaandering@mun.ca | O: ED5025 |

Ms. Kathy Walsh
Ms. Kathy Walsh
Assistant Professor | B. Ed., McGill, Graduate Certificate, Ethnomathematics,University of Hawai’i at Mãnoa, M.Ed., UBC

Research Interests: Decolonizing education in the K–12 system by developing and implementing curriculum projects that braid Indigenous knowledge with Western curricula, fostering culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies.

T: 709-864-3700 | E: k.m.walsh@mun.ca | O: ED3066 |

Dr. Gabrielle Young
Dr. Gabrielle Young
Associate Professor | B.A., B.Ed., Brock; M.Ed., Ph.D., Western Ontario

Research Interests:
 Use of assistive technology by students with special learning needs, learners' self-beliefs and the self-esteem of individuals with learning disabilities, use of universal design for learning and differentiated instruction to support the inclusion of students with exceptionalities in the general education classroom.

T: 709-864-4413 | E: gabrielle.young@mun.ca | O: ED5030 |