Dr. Walter Okshevsky

Research and Publications


Current work in progress (2021): On Kant’s Transcendental Theory of Moral Judgement and Moral Worth of Character, with Educational Implications*


Philosophy of Education 2006 . Contributing Editor. Edited by Daniel Vokey. Philosophy of Education Society Publishers (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 2007)

Philosophy of Education 2001. Contributing Editor. Edited by Suzanne Rice. Philosophy of Education Society Publishers (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 2002).

Philosophy of Education 1995. Contributing Editor. Edited by Alven Neiman. Philosophy of Education Society Publishers. (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 1996).


"Discourse, justification and education: Jurgen Habermas on moral epistemology and dialogical conditions of moral justification and rightness." Symposium on Discourse Ethics and the Educational Possibilities of the Public Sphere, Guest Editor Christopher Martin, *Educational Theory*, volume 66, issue 6, December 2016, pp. 691-718.

Invited Response: "Kantian Elements in Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments, Philosophy of Education 2008 edited by Dr. Ron Glass (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 2009) pp.104-106

Invited Response: "Immanuel Kant as Mediator between Objectivism and Contextualism in Critical Thinking? Juergen Habermas on Kant's 'Monologism'" Response to a paper by Dr. Christina Hendricks. Philosophy of Education 2006, edited by Daniel Vokey (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 2007) pp.303-305

Invited Paper: "Teaching philosophy for Pre-service and In-service Teachers" with a response to my and 3 other papers by Dr. William Hare, Interchange, vol.38/2, pp.99-118, 2007

"On the Epistemic Grounds of Moral Discourse and Moral Education: an Examination of Juergen Habermas's 'Discourse Ethics'" Philosophy of Education 2004, edited by Dr. Chris Higgins (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 2005) pp. 174-182

Invited Review: A critical review of A Companion to the Philosophy of Education (Blackwell Series in Philosophy), edited by Randall Curren (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2003). Theory and Research in Education, volume 2 (3), November, 2004, pp.355-362

Invited Response: "Reconstructing Two Paradoxes of Democratic Education". Response to a paper by Dr. John Covaleskie. Philosophy of Education 2003, edited by Dr. Kal Alston, (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 2004) pp. 338-340

Invited Response: "Martin Buber's 'Sacred' Way and Moral Education" Response to a paper by Professor Cherlyn Pijanowski. Philosophy of Education 2001, edited by Dr. Suzanne Rice (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 2002) pp 297-299

"Kant's Catechism for Moral Education: From Particularity Through Universality to Morality" Philosophy of Education 2000, edited by Dr. Lynda Stone, (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 2001) pp. 94-102. Re-printed in Prospero: A Journal of New Thinking in Philosophy for Education, vol.6, #1& 2, 2000, pp. 36-43

Invited Review: "Rethinking the Archetypal Conversation on Liberal Education: How Seriously? In What Directions? Who Does the Thinking?" Critical review of Beyond Liberal Education: Essays in Honour of Paul H. Hirst, edited by Robin Barrow and Patricia White (London & New York: Routledge, 1993) Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, vol. 13, #2, 2000, pp. 43-71.

Invited Response: "Understanding as Self-Understanding: Recovering the Question" Response to a paper by Professor Deborah Kerdemann. Philosophy of Education 1998, edited by Dr. Steven Tozer (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education 1999) pp. 280-283

Invited Critical Study: "Harvey Siegel's Transcendental Quest: An Examination of Rationality Redeemed? Further Dialogues on an Educational Ideal" by Professor Harvey Siegel (New York: Routledge, 1997) Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, Vol.11, Winter 1998, #2, pp. 13-25. Response by Professor Siegel following.

"Richard Rorty on the Power of Philosophical Reflection and the Pragmatist Conception of Critical Thinking" Philosophy of Education 1997, edited by Dr. Alven Neiman (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society 1998) pp.390-400

Review of The Generalizability of Critical Thinking: Multiple Perspectives on an Educational Ideal, edited by Professor Stephen Norris (NY: Teacher's College Press, 1992) Informal Logic, 15, #2, Spring 1993, pp.139-147.

"Wittgenstein on Agency and Ability: Consequences for Rationality and Criticalness" Philosophy of Education 1992, edited by H.A. Alexander. (Normal: Illinois, Philosophy of Education Society, 1993) pp.161-171

"Epistemological and Hermeneutic Conceptions of the Nature of Understanding: The Cases of Paul H. Hirst and Martin Heidegger" Educational Theory, Winter 1992, Vol. 42, #1, 1992, pp. 5-23.

"Rationality and Criticalness" Philosophy of Education 1991, edited by. M. Buchmann & R.E. Floden (Normal: Illinois, Philosophy of Education Society, 1992, pp. 280-293).

Review of "Clive Beck's Better Schools: A Values Perspective" (NY: The Falmer Press, 1990) Paideusis: The Canadian Journal of The Philosophy of Education, Vol. 4, Spring 1991, #2, pp.46 - 48.


Panel Participant: Paper entitled “Difference or Disagreement? Two Competing Epistemologies and Pedagogies of Moral Response for Public Schools of a Pluralist Democracy Presented at Symposium: Jurgen Habermas on the Grounds of a Discourse Theoretic Conception of Education for Moral Judgement and Deliberative Democracy: Criticisms and Replies.”

Presentation of paper at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, May 2017

Panel Participant: “What Should Liberal Democracies do with Illiberals? Some Habermasian Reflections.” Presentation of paper at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 2015

Panel Participant: “Critical Reception of Scott Johnston’s: a Study Kant’s Philosophy for Educators.” Presentation of paper at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), Brock University, Ste. Catharines Ontario, Canada, May 2014

Panel Participant: “Education in a Post-modern World: Reflections on Chris Martin’s Program for a Shared Public Understanding of Education.” Presentation of revised paper at the annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, University of Oxford, Oxford England. March 2014

Panel Participant: “Critical Reception of Chris Martin’s A Post-metaphysical Conception of Education.” Presentation of paper at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, June 2013

“Kantian Perspectives on Practical Discourse: Implications for Developing Teacher Dispositions.” Co-authored paper with Darron Kelly presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), Wilfred Laurier University/University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada, June 2012

Panel Participant: “Emergent Trends in Kant Scholarship and Implications for Moral Education.” Presentation of paper at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), University of New Brunswick / St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, May 2011

“Identifying Discursive Competences for Connected Understanding: Aristotelian Objections to Kantian Moral Theory and Jurgen Habermas’s Reply” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2010

“On Mutual Agreement and Normative Justification: Reflections on Habermas’s moral epistemology and its educational implications.” Revised version of paper by the same name presented at the Doctoral Seminar Series, Faculty of Education, January 15, 2009. Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, (CAFÉ/CSSE), University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, May 2009

“Jurgen Habermas’s ‘Discourse Morality” as a Paradigm for Moral and Political Education” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, (CAFÉ/CSSE), University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, May 2007

“Kantian Elements in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments.” Invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Cambridge, Mass., April 2008.

“From a Transcendental Point of View: Jurgen Habermas and Harvey Siegel on Justifying Multicultural and Moral Ideals” Presented at the annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, New College, Oxford, England, March 2007. Proceedings appear online at: www.philosophy-of-education.org

“Immanuel Kant as Mediator between Objectivism and Contextualism in Critical Thinking? Juergen Habermas on Kant’s ‘Monologism’” Invited response to a paper by Dr. Christina Hendricks. Annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society, Puerto Vaillarta, Mexico, April 2006.

“The Epistemic Presuppositions of Fostering Critical-Democratic Virtues” Invited response to a paper by Ann Yeong. Presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, May 2005.

“Teaching philosophy in education for pre-service and in-service teachers.” Invited paper for panel discussion on “Teaching Philosophy of Education: the Value of Questions” (Drs. Ann Chinnery, William Hare, Donald Kerr, Walter C. Okshevsky) at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, May 2005

“On the Epistemic Grounds of Moral Discourse and Moral Education: an Examination of Juergen Habermas’s ‘Discourse Ethics’” Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 2004.
This paper was also presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Toronto, Ontario, March 2004.

“Towards a Habermasian Conception of Rationality and Argumentation: Analysis and Implications for Moral Education.” Co-authored with Rodney Stringer. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 2003.

“Reconstructing Two Paradoxes of Democratic Education” Invited response to a paper by Professor John Covaleskie. Annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society, Miami Beach, Florida, March 2003.

“Reconstructing the Nature of the Moral: Jurgen Habermas’ Discourse Ethics, David Carr’s Virtue Ethics and Moral Education” Co-authored with Rodney Stringer. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFÉ/CSSE), University of Toronto/Ryerson College, Toronto, Canada, May 2002

“David Carr’s Virtue Ethics and Moral Education: Situating the Kantian Reply” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, New College, Oxford, England, April 2002. Paper appears in Proceedings of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference 2002, pp. 438-445

"Virtues and Moral Virtues: a Kantian Reply to Professor David Carr" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFE/CSSE), Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, May 2001.

"Martin Buber's 'Sacred’ Way and Moral Education" Invited response to a paper by Dr. Cherlyn Pijanowski. Annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society, Chicago, Illinois, March 2001.

"Kant's Catechism for Moral Education: From Particularity through Universality to Morality." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFE/CSSE), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, May 2000. Revised version of March 2000 paper below.

"On the Foundations and Practice of Moral Education: Virtue, Universalization and Morality from a Kantian Perspective" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, New College, Oxford, England, April 2000. Paper appears in Proceedings of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Annual Conference 2000, pp.273-284

"Kant's Catechism for Moral Education: From Particularity through Universality to Morality" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Toronto, Canada, March 2000.

“Aristotelian and Kantian Conceptions of Moral Education.” Invited paper presented at the Philosophy of Education Research Seminar Series, Spring Term 1999, Institute of Education, University of London, March 3, 1999. Invited by Dr. John White, Institute of Education, University of London. Revised version of February 12, 1999 paper below.

"The Soul Has its Own Vocation: Aristotelian and Kantian Conceptions of Moral Education." Invited paper presented to the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, Cambridge Branch, March 24, 1999. Invited by Dr. Terry McLaughlin, Chair, Department of Education, Cambridge University, England.

"Aristotelian and Kantian Conceptions of Moral Education." (Same as above) Invited paper presented to the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, Oxford Branch. Hilary Term meetings 1999. Invited by Mr. Richard Davies, Department of Educational Studies, University of Oxford, England, February 12, 1999.

"Virtue-Speak: How to Beg the Question in Moral Education and Get Away with it" Invited paper presented at The Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, Scottish Branch, University of Dundee, Scotland, February 20, 1999. Invited by Dr. David Carr, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

"Selfhood, Autonomy, and Moral Education." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFE/CSSE), Montreal, Quebec, May 1998.

"Richard Rorty on Taking Life Naughtily: Moral Objectivity, Moral Realism, and 'Suitable Moral Education' in a Liberal Democracy." Paper presented at a Workshop Session of the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, New College, Oxford, England, April 1998.

"Understanding as Self-Understanding." Paper presented in response to a paper by Professor Deborah Kerdemann. Annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Cambridge, Mass., March 1998.

"Richard Rorty on the Power of Philosophical Reflection and the Pragmatist Conception of Critical Thinking." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society, Vancouver, BC, April 1997. Responded to by Professor Jerrold R. Coombs.

"Liberal Education in a Postmodern Age." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFE/CSSE), Brock University, Ontario, Canada, June 1996.

"For the Sake of the Conversation: On the Marxist Critique of the Analytic Conception of Liberal Education." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFE/CSSE), University of Quebec at Montreal, June 1995.

"On Research Paradigms in Educational Administration: Response to Drs. D'Eon and Gunn." Invited response to paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CSSE), University of Quebec at Montreal, June 1995.

"Towards a Dialectic of Liberal and Liberational Conceptions of Education." Paper presented at The Eighth Biennial Conference of the Canadian History of Education Association, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's Newfoundland, October 1994.

"On the Epistemic and Moral Dimensions of Critical Thought." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society (CAFE/CSSE), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 1994.

"Critical Thinking and the Modes of the Generalizability Question." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for Foundations in Education (CSSE), Carleton University, June 1993.

"Moral Agency and Moral Education: A Praxeological Perspective." Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Conference of Atlantic Educators, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 1993.

"Socrates on Moral Virtue and the Craft-analogy: A Response to Professor F. Walker" Invited response presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for Foundations in Education (CSSE), University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, June 1992

"Wittgenstein on Agency and Ability: Consequences for Rationality and Criticalness" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for Foundations in Education (CSSE), University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, June 1992. Revised version of March 1992 paper below.

"Wittgenstein on Agency and Ability: Consequences for Rationality and Criticalness" Paper presented at the annual conference of the Philosophy of Education Society, Denver, March 1992. Responded to by Professor David C. McCarty.

“Rationality and Criticalness" Paper presented at the Annual Conference of The Philosophy of Education Society, Washington, March 1991. Responded to by Professor Audrey Thompson.

“Agency and Pragmatism in the Early Heidegger: A Response to Professor Henry Pietersma” Paper presented at the Annual Congress of The Canadian Philosophical Association, Queen’s University, 1991. Responded to by Professor Henry Pietersma.

"Rationality and Criticalness" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for Foundations in Education (CSSE), Queen's University, June 1991.

"Heidegger on the Primacy of Practical Understanding Over Theoretical Knowledge" Respondent: Professor Mildred Bakan, Department. of Philosophy, York University. Paper presented at the Annual Congress of The Canadian Philosophical Association, University of Manitoba, 1986.

"Heidegger and The Contemporary Hermeneutic Critique of Modern Epistemology" Respondent: Professor R. Shalom, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Guelph. Paper presented at the Annual Congress of The Canadian Philosophical Association, University of Montreal, 1985

"The Nature of Thinking: Epistemic Representation or Hermeneutic Understanding?” Paper presented at The Harvard Conference on Thinking, Harvard University, August 1984. Sponsored by the Harvard University Graduate School of Education.

"The Nature and Pedagogy of Dialectical Reasoning" Respondent: Professor David Carr, Department of Philosophy, University of Ottawa. Paper presented at The Conference on the Nature and Practice of Argument, York University, March 1981

*Note that papers reviewed and published in the annual collections entitled Philosophy of Education are also presented at the Society’s annual conference. Papers are not Proceedings.