Laboratory Safety for Students

Science 1807 and 1808

Do I have to do SC 1807 or SC1808?

All students taking a course involving lab work and/or where they may handle or be exposed to hazardous materials must complete mandatory laboratory safety and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) training prior to entering labs. Courses requiring this training will have SC 1807 and SC 1808 listed as prerequisites. 

This mandatory training is acquired by successfully completing two free, online courses, SC 1807 - Safety in Science Lab (Lab Safety) and SC 1808 - WHMIS.

SC 1807 and SC 1808 are offered online through Brightspace and should take no longer than two hours to complete. Students taking courses requiring these prerequisites must first register for all their courses, including SC 1807 and SC 1808 through Memorial Self-Service.

After registering it will take up to six hours to gain access to the Science 1807 and 1808 courses. Students can then access them online through Brightspace using their login ID.

The courses each consist of a series of presentations followed by a quiz. In order to successfully complete the courses, a mark of at least 80 per cent must be achieved on the quizzes. Students who do not successfully complete SC 1807 and SC 1808 by the end of the add period in a semester will be de-registered from all of their science lab courses requiring it. SC 1807 and SC 1808 only need to be completed once during undergraduate studies.

 Winter 2024:

  • Students can register through self-serve using SC 1807 - Safety in Science Lab CRN 20617 and SC 1808 - WHMIS CRN 20616 

  • The courses will be available for registration for the Fall 2023 semester, and are available online for completion through the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) and should be completed by January 19, 2024. Students can log into Brightspace with their login ID to access the course(s). 

  • To be considered successfully completed, a minimum grade of 80 per cent is required for each course. 

Do I have to do SC 1807 or SC 1808?

If you intend to take a laboratory course for the first time that requires you to work with, or in close proximity to, hazardous materials you must complete SC 1807 and SC 1808.

If you completed SC 1807 for the fall 2018 semester (completed after Aug. 10, 2018), no additional WHMIS training is required at this time. Your academic transcript will be changed to reflect the completion of both SC 1807 - Safety in Science Lab and SC 1808 - WHMIS.

If you completed SC 1807 prior to the fall 2018 semester (completed prior to Aug. 10, 2018), you will maintain credit for SC 1807 - Safety in Science Lab, however, you must complete SC 1808 to ensure you have received the new WHMIS training.

If you previously completed Safety 1000 and did not ever complete SC 1807, you must complete SC 1807 and SC 1808 to ensure you have received all laboratory safety requirements, including the new WHMIS training.

If you register for a course that requires SC 1807 and SC 1808, you will be notified on self-serve if you do not have one or both of the prerequisite courses (SC 1807 and/or SC 1808).

Questions about laboratory safety and the SC 1807 and SC 1808 courses can be directed to