Approvals and Signatures - Grants and Contracts


All grant applications, contracts, agreements, and co-applications must be submitted for approval electronically via Memorial’s Researcher Portal ROMEO.

Submitting your complete application on ROMEO facilitates approval from:

 (1) Department – confirms faculty research time, space, and departmental resources.

(2) Faculty of Science (FoS) – provides feedback on applications and applicable policies/clauses; confirms time, space, and resources at the faculty level; submits applications for institutional approval.

(3) Research Initiatives and Services (RIS) – Institutional signing authority.

Once institutional approval is received, RIS will either: send the full application directly to the sponsor (ex. NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR, CFI, Mitacs), or send approval to the applicant and advise them to submit their application to the sponsor via email or sponsor portal as applicable.

Note: In the case of the NSERC Discovery Grant, NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant, CIHR Project Grant and SSHRC Insight Grant, final submission will be completed in the appropriate portal by the FoS. These grants still require ROMEO submission to facilitate departmental approval, as well as for institutional records and account opening requests.

Due Dates

It is the responsibility of the applicant to know institutional due dates relative to external (sponsor) deadlines.  If you come across a research funding opportunity for which there are no FoS/RIS deadlines, please reach out to your Grants Facilitation Officer (GFO) as early as possible to determine reasonable internal deadlines.

FoS Deadlines

Due dates in the FoS Dean’s Office are a minimum of three business days (often 4-7) relative to RIS deadlines. FoS deadlines are shared with departments via the weekly “Science Scoop.

RIS Deadlines

All RIS deadlines are a minimum of three business days prior to the sponsor due date, and may be longer for specific applications during busier than usual times or for complex applications.

Memorial University’s database on research funding and RIS deadlines can be accessed here.

Applications are received by RIS following FoS approval on the Researcher Portal.


Dr. Lynn Frizzell, Grants Facilitation Officer, C-2061B, 864-4458
Dr. Jenn Major, Grants Facilitation Officer, C-2061A, 864-2269
Dr. Phillip MacCallum, Grants Facilitation Officer, C-2047, 864-8440